Plane Universe

Chapter 1046: Final battle

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The army personally led by Michelle and Dian Yi cannot be contested by the quality of the defenders of Morse.

If there is only this new recruit of the Tulip Maid Guards, they can naturally fight and swallow the Tulip Maid Guards at a small cost, but with the assistance of more than 300,000 Baruch troops, they will die. It's ugly.

Therefore, unable to survive, he can only abandon the city and flee to preserve his strength and substitute for the follow-up.

Sitting firmly on the leaves of the Chinese army, she saw that the troops stopped slowly, and she looked a little surprised. Before she asked her questions, several soldiers immediately approached and asked, and came back soon to report: "His Royal Highness, the City of Mosley sent A red cardinal is approaching the striker, too far away, and I cannot know the specific reason for the time being. "

"Oh." Leaf waved her hand, and she didn't understand the march, but she knew that Michelle would handle it and ordered: "Except for the striker, the whole army stands by and waits for the striker's signal."

"It's so boring here, little cutie, let me go to kill the Bright Holy See, and then we go back to play." Xiong Eryi sat on the ground, grabbed his waist and proposed with a smile.

"No, the sanctuary level cannot intervene in the ordinary level of war, and we cannot violate the rules that have been set down." Ye Ye patted his shoulder and smiled: "Although this matter is not expressly stipulated, but you are also living in the human kingdom comply with."

"I really don't know why humans have such boring regulations. Like our World of Warcraft, whoever is strong, who will occupy the larger the territory, the more." Sercia disdain, for the rules of humanity, to be honest, she It's really boring.

This can't be done, it can't be done, sometimes we have to consider all aspects, that is Warcraft Runaway.

"The battle of the powerful in the sanctuary is too harmful to the civilians. Unrestricted fighting will destroy human civilization and return to the primitive era." Ye Zi explained softly.

The two Sacred World of Warcraft nodded, this is still relatively well understood.

A few minutes later, several heads of the Chinese army rushed over and told Ye Ye what had happened in the city of Moersley.


The leaves were a little surprised, their eyes turned around, and they said with a smile: "Have the people of the Bright Holy See abandoned the city and ran away?"

"Yes, I was scared away. By this time, their army had slowly withdrawn and retreated towards the gravel wasteland. It should be retreated to the city of Luoyun more than 230 miles away."

With a sigh, the leaves waved: "Don't worry about them since you're retreating, just take over Moersley City and wait for the order."

The recruits of the maid **** team are not sharpened, which is something that cannot be done.

It can only be said that his guard is too famous.

"Forget it, let them sharpen it later!" The leaf murmured.


On the day of March 3, the Baruch League side successively captured five cities on the side of the Light Holy See, killing more than one million enemies, but did not have much loss of their own, even the loss of 100,000 people, these ten Most of the tens of thousands of injuries are just injuries that do not die. Once the treatment is over, after two months of cultivation, you will be able to live a tiger.

The loss of the Bright Holy See was great. Five million soldiers were like chased dogs. They were chased and killed with no way in the sky and no way to go to the ground. They lost their helmets and abandoned their armor.

Since then, one side of the Baruch League has been on the offensive, and one city after another has fallen into the hands, making Hog and others in the king city laugh, the atmosphere of the entire territory is booming, and the people are happy from the heart!

The Baruch family treats civilians without saying that only civilians who have lived here know how good the Baruch family is in power. They do not need to worry about their wealth every day, nor do they need to offend the nobles for themselves. And you do n’t need to worry about the other party peeping at your family.

In the past, the aristocracy had fancy the forced action of beautiful women, which had never happened here.

Unless you volunteer!

There is nothing to worry about here, everything is under strict legal protection, and the people very much support the Baruch family.

After all, the law in the territory of the Baruch League is a copy of the law in the north-central part of the chaotic territory, and it is very strict in all aspects.

Even small crimes such as theft can be sentenced to several years in prison.


From the start of Baruch's quick counterattack, the site of the Bright Holy See was lost one after another. In three months, most of the territory was lost. On June 5, the troops of the Baruch Alliance surrounded the New Holy Capital.

In this big city that has not been expanded for several years, the Holy See, the holy capital of Yulan mainland, was once again sent under the city.

In the shrine of light, the high-level of the light church was sitting in bad colors, and no one said anything.

Hyjens's expression was distorted, and his face was grim.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down, regained his former temperament, and asked softly, "How many people are we still in?"

Alfonso's lips moved, but finally there was no help.

Gilmer stood up and reported in a low voice: "Our holy capital now has only half a million soldiers in its early stages, of which there are twelve million troop troop, three magician legions, and all others are ordinary legions.

More than three months ago, the Light Holy See army exceeded five million, and the ace army was as many as a hundred. However, three months later, the 100 ace troops lost only twelve, and the twelve cardinals were even more Lost seven, caught by the opponent, and died to death.

"You said, do we still have the strength to fight?" Hyjens didn't want to admit defeat on this. After so many years of operation, that means he can give up if he gives up?

Give up here, where can the bright Holy See go!

Everyone was speechless and defeated again and again. I have thought about any method. I have used it, including the ban on curse and other means, but each one can be resolved by the other party. What can they do?

The forbidden curse was the biggest threat to the war. Ten dozen nine-level magicians combined with the magician legion, once released the banned curse is a nightmare, but ...

The Baruch League restrained them by such means, exhausted all the banned spells released by the magicians, but was resolved by the other party's scroll. Is there anything more embarrassing in the world?

But without waiting for them to come up with a strategy, there were bursts of shouts outside!


"Brothers, the opponent's magic crystal cannon is turned into the recharging stage, charge me!"

The soldiers of the Baruch League rushed out of the protective film and slammed into the Holy City in all directions.

"What a rogue."

The sacred domain powerhouses who watched the war far away all smiled bitterly. The war hit this part, not because the light of the Holy See was too weak, but that the Baruch League cheated!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Tens of regiment commanders carried heavy weapons and launched fierce attacks on the heavy gates one after another.

The battle is even more fierce on the head of the Holy City. Ordinary warriors ca n’t even survive at this moment. More than hundreds of nine-level strongmen are fighting on the heads of the four sides of the city. Shocking!

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