Plane Universe

Chapter 1065: Leisurely fascination

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At this time, Cheng Buyun's soul defense is probably the master of the mysterious **** domain of the mysterious mystery, which specializes in the two major principles of soul and fate.

It's really that his soul defense is a bit perverted.

The combination of the Soul Defense Mystery and the Artifacts allows them to be contained together. This is not just a question of one plus one, but the quantity has caused a qualitative change, and there is no fear of soul attacks.

Cheng Buyun, who had greatly increased his strength, was very pleased to return to the mud seal city. His figure landed, and the leaves and others waiting in the hall were immediately discovered.

"Uncle, you're back." Ye Ye ran out with a happy smile, followed by Xiong Er, Celsia, Yanyi and others, and even Lina and Rebecca were in everyone's heart. With a sigh of relief, his face was full of joy, his expression flying, and he smiled and looked at the figure of Wei An.

Today, everyone is worried for a whole day. In the dark forest, everyone understands less. Today, something like this suddenly appears, which makes them feel caught off guard.

When Cheng Buyun was taken away by the golden mouse, they were always worried, fearing that Cheng Buyun, the leader of the territory, would be in danger.

After all, if there is danger in becoming a god, I am afraid that the entire force will undergo repeated changes. The bright Holy See will definitely fight back, and there will be more deaths by then.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry." Cheng Buyun smiled and looked at the love eyes, everyone looked relieved, he saw clearly, these are the people he is close to, worried that he is not difficult to understand.

"Master, what is the matter with them looking for you?" Xiong Er asked with a stern expression.

Hearing Xiong Er's words, everyone also raised their ears and listened curiously.

Cheng Buyun looked at everyone's curious and inquisitive gaze, pondering for a moment, Xiong Er and Xiao Bai were qualified to know, and he also had an additional five places in his hand, and some of his close people were also eligible to know and choose As he said, Beirut would not care too much.

Having figured it out, he smiled after considering it: "Then I will talk about it."

Everyone's eyes lit up, their eyes stared at him, waiting.

When he slowly spoke out the graveyards of the gods, and the two devastating wars 10,000 years ago and 5,000 years ago, everyone fell into shock and their expressions were dull.

Everyone can't imagine it, but the reason for the original thing is so simple.

"Master, in the graveyards of the gods, is there really a divine artifact?" Xiong Er's eyes lit up. It is estimated that he was not only excited about the graveyards of the gods, but also yearned for it. Strong.

God Power!

The king of the Warcraft Mountains is that when Xiong Er has also become a **** realm, he is also qualified to be king. By then, a large group of younger brothers, how awesome!

"Of course there are, but I will not allow you to enter." Cheng Buyun said quietly, shaking his head: "Where is too dangerous, with your strength, it is difficult to survive in such a dangerous place."

"Why?" Xiong Er asked immediately, "Master, I'm very strong."

"Yeah, yeah, Master, let's go in and have fun, in case luck is good." Sercia is also anxious, everyone in the Sanctuary is eager, not only their two Warcrafts, and so on. The maids are also the same, except that they are not even in the sanctuary, and there is little chance of entering the cemetery of the gods.

But this can't stop their longing, just like the adults said, if you work hard, you will one day have the strength to go to the graveyard of the gods, as Xiaobai said, in case of luck!

"you guys?"

Cheng Buyun glanced at both of them, shaking his head and said: "Don't look at how your strength seems to be, how much does the rule mystery understand?"


Xiong Er was instantly dumb-fired, and when it came to the issue of the rule of mystery, he also had a hard time opening his mouth. This was close to ten years, so that he would not be strong, and the gravity space of the rule of mystery was at the entry stage.

The bear of the earth has a special bonus to comprehend the law of comprehension of gravity space, but even so, it will be a good entry for ten years, who makes him stupid.

It is not always possible to ask the owner, it is estimated that the entry is far away.

As for Celsia, the bright tiger, Xiong Er is much better. She has a smart head and the bright law is just a year old. She has barely started, and the results are still very ideal.

With Cheng Buyun as a master, the speed of light in the light system has become a god, and Celsia has been exposed to light, which has great benefits.

"Don't think that there is a little strength. In the Magnolia continent, stellar dominance, where the gods' cemetery, each enemy is much stronger than you. The higher the layer, the stronger the enemy's strength." Cheng Buyun learned: "You want I want to see, Farn, Driss, the ultimate strongmen in the sanctuary, are they powerful, have they become gods? "


Deris and their strongest sacred domains are certainly eligible to go to the graveyards of the gods, but once every thousand years, this has happened several times. Are they gods?

Everyone opened their eyes wide and was shocked!

"The cemetery of the gods is opened every millennium, and it is also the cemetery of the sacred domain powerhouses. Over the years, many of the sacred domain powerhouses have lost their lives, and even many of them are masters of the Schmidt level and have ambitions. It looks like it, but it also has the strength to support ambition, you know? "Cheng Buyun said without anger.

Xiong Er's eyes did not dare to be arrogant, he was still thinking just now, whether the master did not agree for a while, he used his tricks, but this time, he was afraid, too terrifying.

Schmidt is a master in the magnolia continent. Xiong Er thinks that he is not the opponent of the other party. Even if these characters break into it, they will lose their lives. After replacing him, Xiong Er will not die in minutes?

He still has a long good day before he takes this risk!

Xiong Er immediately retired and became well-behaved.

This look immediately caused the leaves to laugh,

"Practice well, and wait for your strength to come, I will naturally let you go in." Cheng Buyun waved, "Go, practice well."

On the spot, the two Warcrafts flew away like Meng Dahe.

"Uncle, is that the graveyard of the gods really so dangerous?" Ye Wan asked with a look.

"When did Uncle deceive you?" Cheng Buyun gazed quietly at the sky outside. The last floor of the gods' cemetery was only described in horror, and he didn't know what Beirut thought. Where is it, plus the descendants of natural reproduction every year, ordinary extreme sanctuary extreme, there is no hope to break through, and then get those gods.

"Uncle will not lie to me." Ye looked at Cheng Buyun's eyes full of admiration.

"Don't say this." Cheng Buyun smiled, looked at the little girl for a few moments, and said: "Your heritage is already strong enough. If you continue to practice, there will not be too much strength enhancement in purifying the Holy Light and fighting spirit. The breakthrough should be Break through. "

In fact, when he came out to see the leaves half a year ago, she had reached the limit, but he didn't talk about it, and there was nothing wrong with practicing the law slowly. After all, the trend of heaven and earth should be cultivated to completion.

The completeness of the heavens and earth can make the practitioners fit the universe better, and the future road will be smoother and more stable.

In fact, many Sanctuary powerhouses in the Magnolia Continent are a little bit out of order. After breaking through the Sanctuary, few people will concentrate on cultivating the tendency of heaven and earth, often based on the mystery of the law. The mystery of the cultivation law is to make the strength increase more rapidly, but invisible, it makes the foundation not too reliable, and stops at the level of the sanctuary limit.

"Uncle, I broke through in two days." Ye Zi nodded. Since Uncle said this, naturally he has his reason, and she also feels that in the past six months, the strength has been standing still.

And there is a feeling that if you purify the qi, it will definitely cause a quantitative change, and let the body break through directly, so she did not dare to purify the qi and only cultivate the world.

"Lina, Belica, what do you do not understand these days?" Cheng Buyun looked at the two sisters who hadn't spoken on one side.

"Please also ask the adults to teach." The two sisters were shocked, and quickly rejoiced to speak out the problems they encountered in cultivation. The people who had the honor to listen, such as Yiyi, also concentrated on calming down.

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