Plane Universe

Chapter 1074: Full harvest

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After a while, lei slowly recovered and carefully examined the secret room.

This is a ten-meter-square micro-space, shaped like a round-shaped sanctum, with bookshelves, chairs, futons, etc. for decoration, and the light film covering the star space protects everything inside from the outside world. The cracks in that space, the intrusion and destruction of turbulent energy.

Under careful sensing, he also felt that the time here is different from the outside flow velocity, and the ultra-high energy concentration in the micro-space, feeling the various elemental forces that surround his surroundings much higher than the outside. Don't let him feel shocked.

It's a bit dumbfounded.

This is more than a good place for cultivation. The holy places for cultivation are all too light. This is a cultivator's paradise. There is no place to change a lot of gold or any treasures.

Treasures can be obtained by their own ability in the future, it is external force, but their own strength is real.

"Scared?" Cheng Buyun smiled slightly.

"It's a bit, I can't imagine that there is such a place here." Looking at the surrounding area of ​​the body, Lin Lei's eyes may be hot or hot, and said a little weirdly: "This will not be built by Bu Yun brother?"

Cheng Buyun is a god-level powerhouse, and he has no way to guess how much power he has, so this is the question.

"I didn't think that there was such a treasure cultivation center in the northern middle of the chaotic domain. It was also my luck to find this place. I just wanted to expand the site before. I couldn't think of it ..." Cheng Buyun shook his head directly and then smiled awkwardly. Dao: "Now I have the ability to build such a small plane space. Is your kid deliberately taking me to open the brush? Careful if I beat you?"

It's not that he underestimates himself, it is true.

Speaking of which, Panlong ’s God Realm Powerhouse and the immortal gods that devour the starry sky each have their own strengths, one can create a continental material plane with its own power, and one can form the Kingdom of God.

The effect is actually the same, but in general, Panlong ’s God Realm is more advantageous and can open up the material continent without limitation, as long as the material continent under construction is attached to the material plane of its birth, only around that material plane Have enough space to do everything.

Of course, this strong man of God Territory who wants to build the mainland must also have a certain strength!

In contrast, the immortal deities that devour the starry sky, but the Kingdom of God is the only one that cannot be built more, and once the Kingdom of God is lost, it is not a matter of strength decline, it is immediate death. God Power has no such concerns, even if the built continent is destroyed, there will be no loss to himself.

However, the meaning of the Kingdom of God for immortal gods is different. In the Kingdom of God, as long as the energy is sufficient, the immortal gods can accelerate the Kingdom of God, and even form a large single-attribute law where the energy concentration is extremely high, which is similar to the miniature plane space. Wonderful.

Again, each has its own merits.

"Haha." Lei smiled with a cracked mouth.

In this miniature space, he also saw that something was coming. The door ... should be the connection point between this plane and the Magnolia Continental plane. It is estimated that it is the existence of this secret chamber that attracts a large number of elements to gather around it, which makes a huge elliptic vein of oval spherical centered on the door.

A super magic crystal stone vein that is tens of miles long and more than twenty miles wide. This is a giant giant crystal stone vein that has never been seen in the Magnolia continent. With general elemental focus, it is difficult to describe this level of magic crystal ore veins, and only this door exists. After a long time of absorption, it has such a scale.

Generally speaking, this super-magic crystal mine did not change overnight.

Even if the surrounding magic crystal digs out, as long as this door exists, after time passes, another batch of magic crystal will slowly form.

"Okay, don't laugh anymore. There are two layers in this miniature plane. Go to the layer below to experience the effect." Cheng Buyun laughed.

"Two floors?"

Lin Lei immediately smiled and said with delight: "I was still worried just now, whether we will interfere with each other when we practice together here. Now that is all right, there is no need to worry about these. It is a good place."

There are always two layers in the micro-space, one layer in the center and one layer below. There is no difference between the two layers. The only difference is that they do not interfere with each other.

Soon lei found the passage to the lower level, turned his head to grin, and waved his hand and jumped off.

Cheng Buyun came to the entrance of the tunnel and looked down through a layer of light film. Lei was already sitting on the stone bed, closed his eyes, and began to realize the mystery of the law, and shook his head with a smile. "This kid really has enough hard work . "

After thinking for a while, he walked out of the miniature secret room a few steps, and sent a message to him, telling her to come over at noon and call herself.

It is not a joke to practice without time.


In the manor, for a long time I didn't see Lin Lei's Delia, and even Cheng Buyun had disappeared. She immediately guessed that Lin Lei's coming this time was not easy.

With a bitter smile on his face, he had to be proud of his husband. With today's status and reputation, lei spelled it out a little bit.

And she also had a little worry in her heart. Lei's character has a kind of unwillingness to lose. The more dangerous the place, the more he wants to go to the graveyard of the gods ...

With a bitter smile on his face, he had to be proud of his husband. With today's status and reputation, lei spelled it out a little bit.

At noon, before lunch, Yan Yi came to the miniature chamber, bent over and owed his body to Cheng Buyun, who was practicing, but didn't speak, but just looked at the figure quietly, with an admiration hidden in his eyes .

When Yan Yi came, Cheng Buyun immediately stopped practicing and opened his eyes. He looked at Yan Yi and said, "It's okay, please go back first."

"Yes, sir." Yan Yi didn't say much, and turned away.

Watching Yan Yi's graceful figure leave the Chamber of Secrets, Cheng Buyun shook his head, stood up, and came to play the lower aisle, looking at lei who was still sitting in the stone bed and practicing, whispering: "lei, wake up Come."


Lin Lei, who was practicing, opened his eyes and immediately looked at the passageway. His eyes were amazed, and he asked with a puzzled expression: "What's wrong, Brother Yun? Is there anything?"

"Your boy, it's really time to practice, and it's almost noon. Let's go out for dinner first." Cheng Buyun teased and laughed.

"It's noon so soon?" Lei was a little speechless, and he felt that it had only passed for a while, but he hadn't imagined that time had passed for nearly four hours.

But this is a great place!

I am practicing here for a year, I am afraid I can withstand more than ten years of hard practice outside. Although the true effect of cultivation is unknown, the elemental force around the body, the energy of heaven and earth, the power of the obscure time fluctuations, and in a short time Inner enlightenment revealed the only way of the pulsation of the earth, and there was a voice in his brain constantly reminding him that the effect would only be stronger than what he said!

In just four hours, he had seen how the only way of the pulsation of the earth should go. The countless fluctuations in the number of directions that he had previously realized were actually wrong. The real pulsation of the earth ... The pulsation of the real emperor has only one layer.

As long as you understand it, then you are the God Realm Powerhouse.

Lin Lei was fierce in his heart, and he wished to sit down and practice again!

"It seems your harvest is very good." Cheng Buyun looked at lei's full of harvest eyes and said with a smile.

Lin Lei jumped up from the lower level and said with joy and excitement: "The big gain, in this miniature plane with extremely high elements of the law, just four hours of practice, I saw the only way of the pulsating earth. Thank you Brother Yun, let me come to this good place to practice. "

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