Plane Universe

Chapter 1154: What the hell?

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The crowd of powerful people around here began to have a little commotion, and all of them were staring at Cheng Buyun with angry faces, and the whole atmosphere was a little frozen.

The beautiful woman who persuaded Cheng Buyun before was also stunned. Feeling that Cheng Buyun did not know the good people, surrounded by so many powerful people, she would also recognize the treasures she had in hand to fight everyone. It's a little whimsical and too greedy, which is not a good thing.

Even if Cheng Buyun agreed to join her team at this time, she would not accept it. Such a greedy character would later harm the entire team.

Of course, this is just her wishful thinking. She wanted Cheng Buyun to join her team. How could it be possible that the latter did not have the ability to run alone? Why should they form a team and dilute their own interests?

Otherwise, when he is out of town, he will team up with O'Brien.

Know the roots and know the truth, better and safer than the field team outside!

"Come on, it's useless to say more." Cheng Buyun didn't care and said with a blank expression: "If you want a treasure, just come and grab it!"


Everyone already thinks Cheng Buyun is crazy, and is greedy to crazy for a treasure.

"Good boy, even if he speaks like this, whoever goes up to teach him to let him know how powerful." A middle-aged man raised his arms and shouted: "Dare to underestimate all of us, this is unbearable, the strong man learned this lesson . "

But there was no one in the audience, no one was a fool, it could be easily dispatched, and it was cheaper for others!

Seeing that no one came out, Cheng Buyun laughed directly, and a group of people from all over the world even dreamed of snatching the treasure he had in hand. This is really a big joke.

These teams have self-knowledge, the opponent can roam here alone, the strength is absolutely very strong, who is willing to be a leading bird?

The feminine young man frowned, and his heart must never go down like this. He needed to find a way for everyone to get started.

The crystal ball is a precious thing. Whether it is used by yourself or kept for sale, it is a fortune, so he quickly said: "Everyone shot together and first snatched the treasure. How can we discuss it slowly?"

The feminine ambition is not small. Once he has the power to dominate this group of strong men, a small force is formed here. I am afraid that in this trip to the graveyards of the gods, the gains will definitely not be small.

After a few seconds, the powerful players present nodded their heads and agreed. A crystal ball with a value of at least ten thousand bluestones, even if everyone on the spot divided it, it was also a great asset.

A thousand years of the next god, even if he is stronger, he can get 100 pieces of bluestone, it is already lucky.

And this crystal ball is worth at least 10,000 bluestones, and each person can be divided into at least 200 pieces. Who can ignore such a large amount of wealth?


At the next moment, everyone's breath soared, holding weapons to display their own rules of mystery, and rushed up quickly.

Finally started.

Cheng Buyun felt the binding power of the laws on his body. The decelerating power of the earth system, the winding power of the wind system, and the power of ice in the water system were all wrapped around his body, pulling his speed.

Not dare to be indifferent at the moment, the speed of light erupts, the white light flashes, and the body soars with great power, against the power of the law that enemies bind to their bodies.

Among the forces bound to him, two of them are the most powerful. They are the two limiting methods of the gravity space of the soil system and the wind space of the wind system, which makes his speed on the spot slow like a turtle.

More than two hundred meters away from the battlefield!

The three people who had left before were hiding in a ruin, gazing at everyone there. When they saw that they finally got into a fight, they were excited and their faces turned red.

"Fighted up at last." The long-haired young man laughed: "That guy is so fierce that he dares to fight against the siege of so many strong men."

"For us, the harder you play, the better. It's better to hit the last one. That's right." The middle-aged man's face has a strange light and is full of pleasure.

Before being threatened by Cheng Buyun, to tell the truth was also quite unpleasant in his mind. No one was threatened and ignored, and the stronger the stronger, the more he valued his face.

"It's still Mar's judgment, the guy looks very powerful." The short-haired youth also nodded.

On the battlefield!

Cheng Buyun looked at the strong men who rushed up with various weapons, a cold smile in his heart, the crystal ball he just got under his exertion, the blue light quickly flowed out of his body, and the power of the surrounding wind law A small invisible whirlwind formed and began to pull the bodies of those strong.

"No, the crystal ball that this guy got before, actually has the binding power of the mystery of the wind space."

Dozens of powerful people screamed, and their face has changed a little. The **** domain powerful people who do not have the binding type of mysterious arcane are always at a disadvantage for the mysterious space of gravity and wind.

"Kill him and take the crystal ball!"

Many people's faces changed, and their eyes flashed with greed.

"Huh ~"

Cheng Buyun's body shrouded in a light laughter, and suddenly light and shadow flickered. During the explosion of majesty, seven bodies rushed out of the mist of light and began to transform into a phantom, and began to move at high speed.

"What kind of fun is this?" The feminine youth was shocked on the spot.

"How could this be?" The old lady of Huafa was full of surprises on her old face. She looked at the phantom avatars that moved around the powerful people in a pair of eyes.

"What the **** is this?"

"How can it be!"

It is not that they have no knowledge, but that they simply cannot believe everything in front of them.

In their knowledge, only the wind avatar and windrun have such a moving speed, but that is already the realm of the neutral god, and even such a strong man does not have such a fast moving speed at all.

How could the strongest of the median **** be on the second floor of the cemetery of the gods?

Such a state is an invincible existence for the lower gods on the twelfth floor, and it would be a slaughter to strike them!

This is not allowed by the owner (lord god) who established the place of the graveyard of the gods.

Since it is not the median god, what is this?

When Cheng Buyun cast the phantom avatar, the power of the light and shadow effect law fluctuations and other outbreaks could not be faked, and everyone knew what kind of power it was.

The phantom avatar of the light department!

It's just that there is something called land travel in the light department?

Everyone is ignorant!

A few people moved a little slower, and was immediately seized by Cheng Buyun. The moving body paused slightly. The deity and six phantom incarnations slashed at these people with the Yingjing sword, and the blood and rain flew in an instant. All the gods in my mind were picked out and fell to the ground.

The screams of several people were dying, but they immediately awakened the somewhat stunned strong men. The feminine youth quickly shouted: "Don't mess, everyone rush back to back defense."

He is just the next **** realm, there is no such strength to transmit the soul of more than forty people, only the most primitive method can be used, shouting!

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