Plane Universe

Chapter 1157: Come and talk?

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Cheng Buyun's expression slowly gathered all the wealth, he was not afraid of people robbing, who will rob and who is not yet known.

Lying on the ground with a dark black stone, he was successively collected by his divine power, a **** body was picked up by him with divine power, and then the space ring was rolled down.

In the end, the **** body was also received by him in the space ring. The pretty girl in the beautiful woman team was a little scared and said: "Will he want to eat people?"

"It's hard to say, if he is some kind of beast or Warcraft, he might eat it." The beautiful woman is also not sure what race the Cheng Buyun is, whether it is human or some kind of Warcraft.

"Sister Menglu, you said that this guy is a man in that city, why have I never heard that Ba Goda has such a strong man?" The young man frowned and thought, "This super-genius strong man , It should have been famous all the time. "

"It's hard to say, there are hundreds of cities in Bagoda, and how many geniuses are hidden in it. It's hard to count and detect." The beautiful woman shook her head, looked at the figure in white, and smiled bitterly: " Now, who knows how to hide it, who can know that even our Baiyun City cannot count all the people in the field. "

"It's true." The middle-aged woman in the team nodded and said: "After the development of the Baghdad plane over thousands of years, the population has soared, and the total number of humans and Warcraft has reached hundreds of billions. It is difficult Statistics. A lot of talented young people will emerge every year. "

Horror, the population of hundreds of billions is several times more than that of the Yulan mainland.

Moreover, the number of powerful men in the Baghdad Plane Prison is beyond comparison of the Magnolia Continent. Wherever there are levels of Shura and Command, there is no need to mention the star devil level, as much as a cow!

In the two invasion wars that year, the gods who came from the plane of the gods to the magnolia continent were counted in millions. That superman number of gods made the whole plane of the magnolia continent sullen, four of them. The continents are completely cracked and broken. If the Magnolia Continent does not have Beirut in town, it is estimated that this last continent will be broken.

Completely become a marine world!

Cheng Buyun, who collected the gods, didn't know that others were guessing his identity, and thought he was also a powerful **** realm from the Baghdad plane.

This misunderstanding is a bit big.

Seven of the **** domain powerhouses killed this time are god-level Warcraft corpses, the smallest of which are 30 meters long, much better than the human **** domain powerhouse.

Let Cheng Buyun rejoice.

The height of a human is generally two meters, the shorter is one meter seven, and the weight is only more than one hundred kilograms, which is completely incomparable to the weight of God of Warcraft.

Examination of the forty-three space rings collected through the review, the five extra rings are the space rings hidden in the muscles of the body under the digital position. As for why it is hidden, of course, when someone is robbing, if the other party cannot scan the hidden space ring, the natural loss will not be much.

This time the harvest is very good, the lower primary attack artifact 103 handles, the lower advanced attack artifact one, the lower defense artifact 26, and the lower soul artifact.

Soul defense artifacts are contributed by the feminine youth.

It can be seen that this guy's family should be very good, otherwise it is impossible to have a lower-level advanced attack artifact, a soul defense artifact, but now it is cheaper Cheng Buyun.

In addition, there are some other gains. The total amount of miscellaneous things is about 50,000 bluestones. The most contributor is undoubtedly the feminine young man. He contributed nearly 50,000 bluestones by himself.

His soul defense artifact is worth 30,000, two life beads, one of which is the lowest life bead in the lower gods, and the other is the higher life bead in the lower gods, worth 10,000 bluestones, It can recover about five times the magical power in an instant, a very good thing!

The actual bluestone harvest is relatively small, only a total of more than 300 pieces. The feminine young man and the mother-in-law of Longying, as well as other team leaders, do not even have a piece of bluestone in the space ring.

Moreover, Cheng Buyun had to erase the soul mark of the other person when checking the space rings of some people. This shows that these people are only **** avatars.

The deity has not fallen, and there is a possibility that it will rise again in the future!

The number of gods, together with the three gods acquired by Cheng Buyun in the last battle, are 98 in total, which is only a difference of two gods to reach 100.

It seems that these people have also killed a lot of the next powerful gods.

This is nothing more than murder.

It was just a battle of less than a few minutes. After Cheng Buyun's command, there would be nearly a hundred more sublime superpowers, Nima.

No wonder Cheng Buyun, after gathering all the babies, smiles, but this time he has gained a lot!

Cheng Buyun raised his head, looked at the four people thousands of kilometers away with a smile on his face, and said, "Why haven't you gone yet? Why ... I want to see you again to share?"

"No, no ..." The beautiful woman was startled, shouting her hands in panic, "We are not malicious, we just want to get to know you."

Just now, it was the see who had a share. The yelling strongman almost died, and even the body was taken away. She dare to see the share!

The big devil is terrifying, and their team can't afford such roles.


Cheng Buyun nodded and smiled, "So that's what it is! So ... please come and talk."

"Sister Menglu, wouldn't he want us to pass by, and then kill us?" The pretty girl asked timidly, and she seemed a little afraid of Cheng Buyun!

"It should not be, the other party is not that kind of murderous person." The beautiful woman shook her head slightly.

Not a killer?

Sister, this guy just killed a lot just now, okay, this is not called killing?

The three had doubts in their minds. Will the elder sister guess wrong this time?

"It's an easy thing to chase us with the other party's speed." The beauty of the woman has a little eyesight. Cheng Buyun's character is not a murderous person, as long as you don't mess with him, generally Will not shoot at will. And before the battle, the team that presented the treasure was a good example.

Cheng Buyun didn't kill the opponent. According to her knowledge, once Cheng Buyun had the idea of ​​killing the opponent, because the strength of the three-team team did not resist at all, she would not think that the team was better than Bai Gongzi and Long Ying. The team of mother-in-law and others is stronger.

"Miss Meier, don't worry, Meng Luo is still very accurate in seeing people. At least the other party has acted to let us go. Otherwise, even if we are there, the result will not be much better. The devil is too strong. , We have no way to resist. "The middle-aged woman with a full body also agreed with the beautiful woman.

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