Plane Universe

Chapter 1348: Prelude

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Cheng Buyun didn't know anything about the conversation between the two mentors.

This day he was ready to start breaking through his realm. In the position of the lower god, he got stuck for a long time, and now most of the time has passed.

Don't make the time too tight, lest you get in a hurry, don't have the strength, and put yourself in danger.

"Student Cheng Buyun!"

But at this moment, a voice echoed gently in the room.

"Someone is looking for me." Cheng Buyun opened his eyes and looked displeased.

No one will be happy when someone is disturbed during cultivation. This is human nature!

"I don't know who came to find the master." The little girl stood up with her wrinkled nose, jumped and opened the gate under the signal of Cheng Buyun, and shouted out, "Why, why bother me?" Master practice. "

"It's us, your master is not there!" The guests outside did not mind the little girl's rudeness, but smiled gently.


The little girl saw the appearance of the guests outside the door and exclaimed immediately: "It's O'Neill and Tarut. Two masters. My master is inside."

Then she turned her head, but saw the master standing behind her, and quickly said: "Master, O'Neill and Tarut are two mentors."

In fact, without his shouting, Cheng Buyun, after the little girl opened the door, the consciousness had scanned the two mentors outside, quickly stood up, opened the door politely, and looked at the two mentors outside and said with a smile: "Mr. O'Neill Mr. Tarut, what kind of wind is blowing today, let the two come to visit, please come in and say. "

"Don't bother!" The two mentors nodded with a smile. After Cheng Buyun's gracious invitation, they entered the room. At first glance, they saw the empty hall that remained basically the same. The graciousness wrinkled directly and then slowly released.

So hard not to be greedy for enjoyment, they believe that Cheng Buyun is definitely not the kind of self-willed degenerate.

The three greeted a few words and took out a few tables and chairs at Cheng Buyun, and asked the two mentors to sit down. Then they smiled and asked, "The two mentors came to the door today, but what's the matter? "

With a slight smile, O'Neill didn't turn around and said: "It's nothing, but it's been so long. I care about your strength growth. Today I came to see you."

Cheng Buyun knew what was going on. For nearly 800 years, his strength remained at the level of the lower god. No wonder the two mentors were anxious, so he smiled and said, "Please rest assured that the two mentors will never be here for a moment. Slack, no laziness, hard work every day. "

"Reassure?" Tarut stared at him fiercely, and said with a low voice: "I said what the **** is going on with you? Are you ready to embarrass us both!"

Cheng Buyun looked at the two sincerely, "What's the answer?"

"What is the solution?" Tarut said: "You say you. Before you came here, you realized the gadget field in less than a thousand years, and you have cultivated several **** avatars, but now what? For more than a hundred years, even the median **** has not made a breakthrough. Isn't it to let the two of us be seen as a joke by others? You know how the other mentors laughed at us, saying that the resources we gave you were too good to make you fall. You said, did you feel like you didn't need to go out and fight after you came in, you are floating! "

O'Neill sat and smiled, without speaking, only watching Tarut's performance.


Cheng Buyun sighed secretly, looking at Tarut, he did n’t know where to start, and he did n’t want to explain too much, so he had to widen his mind: "Tutor Tarut, Tutor O’Neill, please rest assured. In fact, I have recently prepared Breakthrough. "

Sure enough, this kid is very ambitious in practice.

In fact, after coming in and seeing the illusion around, the two mentors already knew that Cheng Buyun was very hard in this aspect of cultivation, and his usual behavior was also in line with the core value of the main **** messenger reserve team.

Not the kind of people who want to enjoy.

Unlike some people who came in, the strength became stronger, and they fell into their own ways.

O'Neill smiled and reached out to stop Tarut, who wanted to continue speaking, and asked aloud, "So, how have you been cultivating recently, what is there, and is there anything you don't understand?"

"It's not, it's smooth." Cheng Buyun's face was calm, and was it difficult to practice? This is impossible.

But to be honest, as the cultivation progresses, it becomes more and more difficult.

The time required for an ordinary cultivator to reach the upper realm of God is calculated in tens of millions of years. This is still a cultivator with relatively good talent.

The cultivation of the law is not to eat and play games. There is only one way to become stronger. That is to be down-to-earth and accumulate day and night. No matter how strong your understanding is, you will not reach perfection in an instant, making you a superpower.

"That's good, work hard to practice, come to us if you don't understand." O'Neill smiled gently and looked at Cheng Buyun solemnly. "You know, it's not long since your assessment time, I don't want to At that time, you only got a qualified result. After all, for you, it is just qualified, which can't afford your strong talent, and it seems that we are incompetent. "

"O'Neill is indeed a qualified result, too easy and ordinary." Tarut also nodded fiercely. "You are the genius level recommended by our two joint names. There are many people watching here, especially if you are close to more than seven hundred. Years have not improved, they are already preparing to read jokes. "

It ’s certainly surprising to have a strong understanding, but it ’s a bit of a criticism that the talent is not high.

No matter how high the level is, the foundation is not strong. What use is this?

In case even the higher **** can't break through, the strongest is a Shura strongman. For five-star genius treatment, it is a loss-making transaction.

After all, once every 100 years, Cheng Buyun occupies nearly two trillion yuan, and a thousand years is two trillion yuan. With his strength, he can at least get a resource allocation of about three thousand years. Comparable to the Shura-class powerhouse.

It is estimated that the great Lord God will definitely turn his face under the crown, which will affect countless people.

The first is to manage the main **** messenger ‘Black Cloud’ here.

As great as the Lord God, he can't just take resources to be used as garbage. After all, all Lord Gods have a contract. The Lord God's power cannot be given casually, nor can he take it out for resources at will.

Therefore, many cultivation resources are obtained by taking risks.

Very precious.

The power of the main **** given to Cheng Buyun every hundred years is actually some very powerful Shura strongmen who personally extracted it from the black stone, and has nothing to do with the main god.

An agreement is an agreement, and no one **** will destroy the difficult situation.

"Relax, two mentors, I will never let you lose face." Cheng Buyun's confident assurance, especially, the millennium assessment period has almost come. I heard that when all the students participated in the assessment, the great Lord God also I will come to observe and select talents who have the potential to look at themselves and cultivate them personally.

Cheng Buyun also wanted to take this opportunity to get a master artifact of his own!

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