Plane Universe

Chapter 1393: Ready to leave

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"Look, if at this time, the other party has not responded and his own power has been pulled, then his position is passive and unstable." With Cheng Buyun's soul transmission, Reis Jing also held one-handed weight. Hammer, walked a few steps toward the front staggering.

"And at this time, I don't need to say more about what I should do!" Cheng Buyun stood beside Lei Sijing and smiled.

The fool also knows that this is a good opportunity to attack. If you do n’t roll yourself, you can let the other party open. The trouble behind is not easy, and you will fall into your continuous attack.

"However, on the way you dragged me just now, in fact, I can resist, that strength is not strong." Reese Jing looked suspiciously. He obviously didn't trust the skills made by Cheng Buyun. doubt.

Romeo also nodded, but he thought about it, this traction is not just traction, there should be other skills included.

For example, if you resist while being dragged, Cheng Buyun should have other ways to deal with it.

Cheng Buyun's next explanation obviously solved the doubts in the hearts of the two.

"Very well, finally you are still awake." Cheng Buyun laughed: "Since it comes to resistance, Reis Jing, you continue to come with me once."

"Okay." Lei Jing nodded, wanting to see how Cheng Buyun did this time.

But the fact is so simple that they almost dared not write.

Lei Sijing reacted, the hammer shook, and finally the viscous force was shaken, but Cheng Buyun increased the strength of his hand and slammed up, the powerful explosive force Even Leising felt a trembling complexion, and the heavy hammer could not help being lifted up, causing her to reveal his empty door.

The entire chest was exposed in front of Cheng Buyun, unable to defend.

"All I did was actually very simple." Cheng Buyun continued to explain: "Everything is a side attack on the enemy. No matter how the opponent moves, you can always find a way to restrain the enemy."

"For example, Reis Jing holding a heavy hammer, how should he deal with the enemy?"

"In the same way, when the enemy's weapon is stuck and pulled by you, the other party will inevitably resist and secretly use force. Such a chance, you will not use it? Naturally, it is an explosion, afterburning the enemy's weapon, let The other person even flew with a weapon. "

"This is an application, and there are many techniques, and it is also where I will elaborate." Cheng Buyun Pei Pei talked, making the two suddenly bright.

The mind is also active.

The various skills explained by Cheng Buyun are really brilliant.

In particular, being counterattacked, in close combat, no matter how struggling Reis Jing can't escape a result, that is, he will reveal his flaws when he moves, and he will be caught by Cheng Buyun and attack the place where he must be saved. It is very sharp. !

While Cheng Buyun was instructing Reis and Romeo, there was still someone listening in the dark.

This person is the Bauhinia Lord. She was also attracted by Cheng Buyun's joyful skills. While listening carefully, she remembered it in her own mind and compared it in her own mind.

In fact, the **** Bauhinia did not know how many trillion years lived. Naturally, his skills are also very clever, but he is not as professional as Cheng Buyun.

For a long time, the strong man pursues the power of moves, and rarely pays attention to the study of skills.

And, who is Cheng Buyun?

The highest talent, the most powerful and the best development potential in the virtual universe company, the authority is comparable to the top universe venerable.

In the treasure trove of secrets, the countless precious secrets and the experience of his predecessors are open to him.

In terms of insight, the total of one hundred bauhinia gods is not as superb as him.

That is the countless wisdom of countless predecessors, countless generations of powerful people, and what is the main **** of the Bauhinia?

The two are not equal in terms of knowledge.

The gap is too big.


Since then, the regulars in the acceleration plane have added another Romeo, and even the woman Camia Ray has often come to watch and learn the melee skills taught by Cheng Buyun.

After a long period of study, Lei Sijing, the old boy, ran to his mother and changed a master artifact, replacing the javelin master artifact he used before with a long sword.

Then learn the concept of kendo with Cheng Buyun.

According to his words, the javelin is a hammer trade, which can kill the enemy, and it is completely bullying those who do not have the main artifact of defense.

In fact, most of the time, the role of this javelin master artifact is not great.

When you meet a stronger enemy, the javelin that flew out has nothing to gain.

Now it's quite different. With Cheng Buyun's instructions, a melee weapon has most of its functions.

According to Cheng Buyun, a strong melee master, his skills in melee are advancing by leaps and bounds. Compared with before, he does not know how many times he is higher.

Lei Sijing, his physical fitness is terrible, and his previous strength is relatively weak. That is because there are too many skill differences.

Feeling the change of his son, the **** Bauhinia was also happy. Cheng Buyun, the messenger he had recently sought back, was excellent.

Whether it is talent or strength, or all aspects of personality, it is impeccable!

The potential for cultivation is that a person's ability to build a car behind closed doors is limited, and with everyone confirming each other, Cheng Buyun's progress is also very fast.

For more than a hundred years outside, the space time of the acceleration plane is close to 100,000 years. The six types of mysteries of the earth system, except for the mystery of land travel, have all been merged, and land travel has been cultivated to close to the state of Dacheng. Not far from the realm of the higher god.

However, in order not to cause an imbalance in strength, he has always endured not to do so.

The more you practice, the harder it is.

There are so few strong contenders for a reason.

Even Cheng Buyun has such a strong increase in savvy. It takes so much time to comprehend on the second system rules, not to mention those mediocre geniuses.

Of course, the law of the soil system has advanced here. He has already thought about it and is ready to leave the Amethyst Mountains and find a time to go back to the Magnolia plane and lie down.

Here, you can come back at will in the future, and you are not in a hurry to practice.

On this day, Cheng Buyun and Lei Sijing once again played in the square.

In the recent period of time, Lei Sijing has made rapid progress. In close combat, Cheng Buyun can no longer crush the former as he started, and it takes some effort to achieve his goal.

"Haha, how about that, I said I would surprise you." Waving the sword, Leising saw Cheng Buyun unable to take advantage of himself, and he smiled with excitement and excitement.

Cheng Buyun also said with a smile: "Reis Jing, this period of time has improved rapidly, but you can not be complacent, in terms of, you are only a beginner."

The old boy, Reis Jing, used to bully people by his body, and his racial talents were too superb. Do n’t see that the Amethyst Beast family has no talents. In fact, this is wrong.

Their natural supernatural power is to strengthen the body speed and soul. In this respect, other gods and beasts are basically incomparable. It can be said that the defense is not much different from the Xuanwu family of the four gods and beasts.

"Hey, I know this, but bullying the unfriendly bird king **** before, that is basically enough." Lei Sijing looked a little excited.

He has an eagerness to wait to hang out.

He was ready, the plane war was coming, and when he went out to show his skills again, a brand new self would surely surprise the group of bastards!

He believed.

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