Plane Universe

Chapter 1424: Goodbye Beirut

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How long will it take?

Cheng Buyun, who understands the meaning of the other party, feels very unhappy.

This is the trouble for visiting people with high identities. The threshold is too high to enter.

"Why? Anything else?"

Seeing that Cheng Buyun hadn't left, each one was calm and indifferent.

Cheng Buyun may not be as simple as it looks on the surface, but they are not afraid at all.

Keeping the gate is their duty. Besides, the old man's stuff is more. Everyone who has seen the master of the house said that he is an old man. That old man is too cheap. Just come out and say that it is an old man, please see the master, the master is not too busy with the ground!

Cheng Buyun, who didn't want to show his identity, had to take out the black token given by the Bauhinia God again.

When the black token with the word Bauhinia on the front appeared, the eight blood peak troops guarding the gate of the main palace of the Youlan Mansion were immediately frightened with cold sweat and a huge change in expression.

"Respect Master."

Don't say anything, just kneel.

People who hold such tokens can't afford it. The other party killing them is as easy as killing a dog. No one will be held accountable afterwards, and they will even say that they killed well and kill well!

If it did n’t provoke the incomparably honorable emperor, can he kill you angrily?

It can be said that Cheng Buyun, who holds this Bauhinia token, is more noble in identity than their master, even if Beirut is the messenger of Lord Blood Peak, in terms of identity, the latter is better than the former. .

There are also two kinds of tokens for the main god. One is without the name and the stamp. The token with the name and the stamp obviously tells everyone that this person is the person who is the closest and most valued by the main god. Face time.

Of course, if you do n’t even have a token, you are the worst messenger, and you do n’t care.

This is about the identity on the bright side, don't compare Beirut's hidden avatar.

"Go to the report immediately, don't let me say it again." Cheng Buyun sighed indifferently.

The eight Blood Peak Army Ji Lingling shivered and immediately responded, even with a slight tone change in voice, which was frightening.

So terrible, what the hell!

Today is their unlucky day, when I met someone with such a distinguished identity.

They were almost scared to death.

In an instant, eight of them jumped from the ground, and a swarm of bees wanted to rush to the house, and they didn't want to stay in this place.

But someone had to stay behind, the two fastest runners had already entered, and the last six had no choice but to stop, and came back shaking with their heads down, one of them was fair enough, calm down and bowed incomparably, said: " Please, please do not blame, please come in. "

Cheng Buyun's face was a little milder, and the cold murderousness was put away, and he stepped into the mansion, but after crossing the threshold, he turned his head and said: "Remember, my identity information is not It ’s quasi-leaked, and if any of you leak it, you wo n’t want to know the consequences. ”

"Yes, Envoy, we will keep the secret and tell the other two." Combating Ah Lian promised.

They don't care what Cheng Buyun means, the most important thing is their own lives.

Cheng Buyun nodded, turned around, and led the way by the two Xuefengjun, and soon came to a magnificent, extremely luxurious hall.

At this time, there were already flying dogs and dogs in the castle.


The arrival of a ambassador, the entire city's main palace was in operation.

The big housekeeper of the city's main palace came first and gave Cheng Buyun a very respectful gift.

The maidservants were also carefully approaching, and secretly looked at the noble lord.


A figure appeared abruptly, except Cheng Buyun noticed the other party's trajectory, others only saw the coming person's appearance after the figure stopped, "Master Lord."

Everyone quickly saluted.

This sudden appearance is Beirut, with a thin face, and unique small eyes, long beard, black hair, black eyes, appearance and Cheng Buyun does not look much different, others judge, this Definitely the same race.

This only shows that Beirut's divine power is so restrained, and this convergence effort cannot be seen by people with low strength.

Even the statistically powerful are hard to identify.

Dark God avatar!

Cheng Buyun saw it, his soul was too pure, and his consciousness was far stronger than that of the strong man of the same rank. He immediately judged it. This is Beirut's dark **** avatar.

Basically, it can be sensed that Beirut's body is a avatar of the dark god. Except for the main god, the entire plane of the **** does not exceed fifty people.

The application of the power of the main god, the power is too strong.

"Master Beirut." Seeing the Lord came, Cheng Buyun quickly put down the tea cup and stood up, leaning slightly towards Beirut.

Seeing his respects, the servants in the hall had incredible eyes and felt a little unreal.

But he is an emperor, and his status is a little higher than that of his master, but he used the action of an adult to be courteous and scary.

"Haha, it really is you." Beirut laughed, looking very happy to see Cheng Buyun, patting his shoulder and said: "I just couldn't believe it when I received the report, I thought it was called Chengbu. People from the cloud come to visit me, who knows you really are. "

"Awesome, you have only left the Magnolia Continent for more than a thousand years. At that time, it was the realm of the next god's strength. I don't want to be the messenger of the main **** at this time. I can still hold the main **** token that carved the name of the main god. Awesome! "Beirut sighed in praise, his face full of praise.

This turned out to be the case. The honorary envoy and his own house owner are in the same hometown. It is estimated that they used to be taken care of by the house owner, so this kind of respect is used. It should be due to respect!

"Sir Beirut is well-respected, and I am lucky, and this is what the Bauhinia Lord values." Cheng Buyun said modestly.

After all, it is the Lord God's face to face, or a little humble.

"In terms of cultivation, there is no luck. As we as practitioners, perseverance, talent, luck, and opportunity are indispensable. Only perseverance has no talent, and achievements will be limited. And only perseverance and talent, without chance and luck, ultimately Although you can become a strong man, it is difficult to tell in terms of time. Perhaps you have not waited to become a strong man, and it has not been known to fall halfway. So luck, in my opinion, is also a natural talent. Mentioning this kind of shrimp, the man's unreasonable ridicule. "

"Teached." Cheng Buyun was still very humble, only Beirut shook his head.

This man is good, but his temperament is too easy-going, without the domineering spirit.

Domineering momentum?

Cheng Buyun naturally has it, and his mental state has reached his level. The use of momentum is natural and mellow. What sing is good, what is the momentum of an emperor!

"Okay, I won't mention these." Beirut smiled, curiosity suddenly came to mind, and looked very interested.

In the Magnolia plane, he already knew that Cheng Buyun would become a talent, but he did not expect to be such awesome. It was only for more than a thousand years, and he was immediately appreciated by the Bauhinia Lord God, and even the most noble token of the Lord God Messenger Down.

It's a pity.

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