Plane Universe

Chapter 1545: Moses' envy

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This fierce battle lasted for almost two hours before it stopped.

The white shirt worn by Cheng Buyun had already been shattered by energy. At this time, the whole body was covered with a moon-white armor, dissatisfied with the previous chic.

And Mo Si is not too much, he is like Cheng Buyun, he has an ancient armor, as if it is not a full-body helmet, the black pants on the lower body have long become ragged, only the trousers are hanging around the waist, and a pair Big hairy legs are completely exposed.

The red hair on the fur legs is thick and looks like two burning flames.

"Haha, strong enough." Mo Si laughed happily, disregarding his appearance, and only looked at Cheng Buyun with a burst of praise and said: "I really have you, I don't think you are so strong, I even hit this point with me, hell, absolutely Have the strength of the top five. "

"Mo Si's command strength is not bad, it is worthy of being the strongest in purgatory, no wonder he can make many achievements." Cheng Buyun smiled, then slowly took out a suit from the space ring and put it on his body. Hide the covered armor.

Before being able to use the upper artifact to break through the skin of Mo Si's arm, causing him to bleed, it was also related to his failure to show the armor.

Usually, artifacts are hidden under the skin.

"By the way, I think your body is very arrogant, not worse than many top beasts, but you do n’t have any characteristics. Tell me, what race is it?" Mo Si laughed, feeling stepped forward. Yun talking is good, and I want to have some in-depth communication with the latter, and both sides become better friends.

"Human, normal human." Cheng Buyun smiled.

He will know that Mo Si will ask about this.

Because of the previous fight, he was too much stronger than the opponent, whether it was defense or strength, they were far from the opponent.

This is also the basis of his ability to compete with the median divine power and Moss before.

The body is strong and powerful, and it has a huge bonus for the display of strength.

And the tyrannical body is more than that, it can also bear more storage of divine power.


Mo Si exclaimed, looking at Cheng Buyun with an unbelievable look, his face changed continuously, but it soon sounded. Can humans have such physical qualities? He glanced at the latter, and finally snorted angrily, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, why lie to me so much!"

Will humans have such a physique?

What a joke!

Normal human beings, who always compete with people are always law and skill, and they will never compete with the enemy for physical strength with short strikes.

The human body is innately weak, let alone compare it with the mythical beast, even the weakest Warcraft, you tell me now, are you a normal human?

Even if you take out the brain in my head and look at it, I will not believe your nonsense!

Cheng Buyun saw Mo Si angry and couldn't help smiling.

He naturally understood the meaning of Mo Si.

To be honest, no matter what kind of universe, human beings are really weak, and they can only bully some small beasts without using tools and using their own power.

Once the beast is close to human size, almost 90% of humans will not be their opponents.

"Still laughing?"

Mo Si saw Cheng Buyun's faint smile, and even sighed in his heart, whispered: "I wanted to be a good friend with you, since you can't look at me anymore, that's all. Well! I also let him come over to Olivia, you will take it away later. "

"Master Mo Si, please stay still." Cheng Buyun quickly shouted.

Mo Si, a man who appears to be acting on the surface, looks sly and cunning. In fact, he treats his friends who are eye-catching but very honest. Hearing Cheng Buyun's answer just now, he naturally feels disappointed and discouraged, and feels that he is fed dog.

Needless to say that kind of loneliness.

"Huh, what else to say?"

Mo Si's expression turned coldly and said indifferently, "If it's okay, let's go away early. I have nothing to do with me."

"Don't worry, Commander Mo Si, in fact, what I said just now is true, I didn't lie to you." Cheng Buyun said seriously.

Still in this way, Mo Si frowned, and no longer wanted to talk more with Cheng Buyun.

If you feel it down, that is an insult to your IQ!

"Really, my name is Cheng Buyun." Cheng Buyun's face changed at this time, revealing his true face and telling his true life.

"It's you?"

Mo Si was immediately taken aback when he saw the change in Cheng Buyun.

He has seen Cheng Buyun's appearance. Some thirty years ago, some merchants brought Cheng Buyun's floating shadow to the side of Tear Luo Island.

Naturally, no matter how expensive the price is, there must be a collection on Tearlo Island.

After all, it was a shot of a suspected messenger of the main god. Others said that they are the messengers of the main god. As a large family in hell, these things must be collected to inform the disciples within the clan.

Seeing such a big man is not offending.

And to study it, to enhance insight, to watch the strong shot, sometimes it is also a powerful training experience.

Cheng Buyun didn't feel strange at all when Mo Si recognized herself.

Amethyst Fog Sea is very close to the Star Fog Sea. From there, it takes about sixty years to reach Tearlo Island.

"Yes, it's me, don't blame me for not showing my true face before!" Cheng Buyun smiled tribute.

Come to visit, but use fake face, bad temper, it is estimated that they will directly rush!

Cheng Buyun continued to explain. "I didn't lie to you before. I'm really a normal human, but I just happened to have a stronger chance and my body has evolved."

"Opportunity? Evolution?" Mo Si understood Cheng Buyun's meaning, and then he was shocked, his expression very envious.

What kind of opportunity is it that can make a human body evolve to such a degree!

Is the treasure left by the Lord God?

Or is it the blood of the Lord God?


Humans want to evolve, but they are really difficult.

Unless it is a hybrid of offspring.

For example, the combination of human beings and mythical beasts, the human infants born will naturally have the bloodline of the mythical beasts.

At the same time, it is also necessary for the mother to be a human, the combination of male humans and female gods and beasts, the offspring to be born can only be gods and beasts, not human form, but also need to become gods to change into humans.

Of course, there is another way to fuse sperm and blood. Ordinary humans can only fuse sperm and blood of stronger life if they want to evolve their bodies.

But there is a bad thing, it will cause genetic mutations, such as fingers become sharp, or become hairy, like a half-orc.

Only the sperm and blood of adult beasts are useful.

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