Plane Universe

Chapter 1553: Persuasive

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This attack directly scared everyone, and the battle naturally stopped.

The Four Divine Beast family immediately took the opportunity to retreat.

"Who is it?" Patriarch Renales grumpy.

"it's me!"

Cheng Buyun landed, stood on both sides of the sword, and said lightly.

"It's you?"

The handsome man frowned, and he was most afraid of this man coming in.

"My honor, Lord." Gassson bowed slightly, his expression very pleased.

This one is finally back.

"Sovereign Lord." The four **** beast masters wrapped around the other three patriarchs, and Elder Gaia bowed.

Zun Shi?

Everyone in the eight major families paused immediately. The person who had just been attacked by the doppelganger would also grow out of the body and would not dare to plug in at will.

They didn't die, it was Cheng Buyun who left his hand.

"Cheng Buyun messenger, we both have no grudges, why do we attack our people?" The Barbary patriarch with the triangulated eyes and gloomy faces will try his best to suppress his anger and face Cheng Buyun Shen Sheng: Do n’t you look too much? "

"Why, you have an opinion!" Cheng Buyun glanced at him lightly, with a disdainful expression, which directly made the Patriarch Babari angry, "You ..."

The handsome man immediately pulled the Patriarch Barbary, and the latter turned to look around. When he saw the former shaking his head, he had to take a step back after resentment and silence.

The patriarchs of the remaining eight families did not speak.

Cheng Buyun's move just now was not simple. If he could not commit evil, they naturally did not want to commit evil.

"I don't know what's the matter with the messenger coming here?" The handsome man seriously looked at Cheng Buyun a few times, smiled and introduced himself: "My name is Edric."

Without reaching out to laugh at the face, Cheng Buyun also changed his smile and said: "Hello Edric, I came here today for the sake of both of you to be a peacemaker for you, to resolve your grudges, I do n’t know What did you mean? "

The Four Divine Beast family is excited here, which is undoubtedly the best news.

To be honest, they are also reluctant to fight like this endlessly. They refused to bow their heads before. It was a matter of face and family glory.

There was also a commotion in the eight major families, and everyone's face was unwilling.

"How did the messenger prepare to solve it for us?" The handsome man Edric changed a bit, and he still doesn't want to be in trouble with Cheng Buyun.

It was not that Cheng Buyun's strength was too great to scare him, but that it was not necessary.

"Ten thousand years, there are enough people in the family of the Four Divine Beasts to die, and your reputation has been hit to a very low level. In the entire hell, all the planes of the gods have suffered great reputation." Cheng Buyun said lightly: "It's not good for both of you to fight so endlessly. How about just stopping?"

The two sides just stop?

How can this be!

All the eight families glared at Cheng Buyun.


The Paolin patriarch screamed and turned red, looking at Cheng Buyun and shouting: "Are only the four **** beast families losing a lot? Our eight families are not losing so much? For ten thousand years, we totally wiped out two hundred and seven-star demons, Six-star demons and five-star demons are countless. Who have we told you? "

"Yes, today you are so light-hearted and let us retreat from now on, impossible!" Reinals made a selective voice.

"When the four main gods were still there, their family of four beasts owed us a blood debt. You will let us let go today with one sentence. It is too much to help." The head of the Nether Snake said hoarsely and said angrily: "I know that you are the Supreme Envoy, one of the noblest of the great Bauhinia Lord's envoys, and I deserve to sell your face. But ... today you are so light-hearted and let us let go, it is impossible. Our enmity with the Four Divine Beast family is already Go deep into the bone marrow. Not so resentful, will we not hesitate to kill the lives of the strong men in our clan, will we also destroy their four-beast family? "

Indeed, the Eight Great Family and the Four Divine Beast family are fighting against each other. Their strength is not dominant. Many battles are very difficult. Every time they kill a Four Divine Beast elder, they almost have to pay the lives of 1.5 elders.

At the same time, the power of the main **** stored in their family is not as much as that of the Four Divine Beast family.

After all, they are just ordinary ambassadors of the Lord God, and every million years they earn 10,000 drops of the Lord ’s power.

Cheng Buyun understands their resentment very well, but understanding does not agree, this is the **** problem.

"I don't know if Brother Yun can resolve the hatred between the two parties. Let the eight major families retreat from hell." Lin Lei heard that the eight major families were unwilling to listen to Cheng Buyun's opinion, and there was also great pressure in his heart.

"It's difficult, it's difficult!" Pross explained, shaking his head. "Although Cheng Buyun's status is noble, there are also seven main **** messengers on the side of the eight major families, and they are not afraid."

"Yeah, it's too difficult." Lei also shook his head, and babe went to the blue city, and he didn't know if he could invite lord beirut.

If these two pressure together, it is estimated that the eight major families will be more concerned about it, and withdraw from hell!

More than a month ago, Beibei had left the Tianji Mountain and asked his grandfather to come and help the family of the Four Divine Beasts.

On the side of the Four Divine Beast family, everyone looked at Cheng Buyun with the look of hope, hoping that he could solve this big trouble for the family.

During this time, they are almost driven crazy, and now there is only one wish to end all this as soon as possible.

Cheng Buyun smiled faintly. After the eight patriarchs finished speaking, he nodded and said, "I know this, but lei is my brother. Although he never asked me about it, but as his elder brother, naturally I can't let You deal with the Four Beasts family in this way, so today I put my words here, either you are willing to give up your hatred, where to go or where to go, or ... you are very clear, since you know my noble identity, naturally I know I can To what point. "

Speaking of which, he pushed one by one in his heart, a black token that exudes the power of the Lord God, with the word Bauhinia written on it.

"Bauhinia Lord God token!"

As soon as this token appeared, the faces of the four **** beast families were all excited.

The faces of the eight major families turned black, everyone stared at the token resentfully, staring at Cheng Buyun resentfully, suppressing their expressions one by one.

"Good guy, Cheng Buyun actually has such an identity. I always thought it was a hearsay." Pross looked very surprised, looking at Cheng Buyun with a black token and an envious expression.

This thing is a symbol of identity.

Only the messenger most valued by the Lord God can be given.

Pross is just an ordinary messenger of the main god, and naturally understands the doorway.

Cheng Buyun glanced at each other and said softly: "You should be clear about the power of this token. I don't want to go there. After all, it is not good for you and me!"

"you dare!"

Rainals shouted: "If you send the army of the Lord God to your heart, we must tell the Lord God we serve. There are seven Lord God Messengers on our side. We are not afraid of you!"

In fact, he shook his heart.

The other few patriarchs also looked awe-inspiring.

This Cheng Buyun is not easy to deal with and is in great trouble.

What they fear most is that Cheng Buyun took out such a thing.

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