Plane Universe

Chapter 2092: Joint home coercion

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Aokun sent people to the house this time, in fact, he had several deep meanings.

Regardless of the outcome, he is a vested interest.

Three endings.

First, Cheng Buyun was afraid of the storm outside without a background, and was then persuaded to join the Qinglong Empire to become a help under Aokun's leadership. A super chamber of commerce, no one would refuse.

Secondly, Cheng Buyun has a strong background, but not publicly visiting him makes him owe human feelings.

Third, Cheng Buyun did not speak without a background, and he was not willing to give up his own interests. He did not join the Qinglong Empire as his help, and he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. Any force that obtained all the benefits of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce will not be bypassed. The Qinglong Empire also has vested interests.

So, Aokun is very smart.

As for whether the Qinglong Empire will intervene in this turmoil, Cheng Buyun thinks no. Tian Xuanxing is the territory of the Qinglong Empire after all. The local-established chamber of commerce, the Qinglong Empire does not take shelter and does not say, but also reaches out for robbery.

Who dares to come to the Qinglong Empire to do business!

Under such circumstances, with Cheng Buyun's one-sided understanding of Aokun, he is very sure that the other party will strictly prevent anyone who belongs to the Qinglong Empire from participating.

They will only get out of the way and get their own benefits.

The weak meat and strong food in the universe are just like that.

On the surface, it sounds pretty good, and secretly bloody.

"Then Master, what should we do now?" Bai Suzhen lowered her eyebrows and looked down, without the pride before the emissaries of the Qinglong Empire.


Xiaohong sneered and said with contempt: "Only the **** outside is also worth our preparation?"

"Don't do much, just sit back and watch the situation, and still say that, whoever reaches for his hand will die." Cheng Buyun said casually: "Just do your own thing."

Bai Suzhen should be, and then left the backyard with salute and went back to the hall to take charge of the management affairs.

Cheng Buyun and others did not care about the upcoming storm, and even he was still planning according to this matter.

Undoubtedly, the upcoming storm is also an opportunity, let him use the opportunity to insert the power of the heavenly court, and see if the other party will not move.

It is undoubtedly best to do it.

Otherwise he has to challenge the rules.


The next day, the third low-level auction of the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce will be held soon.

The liveliness of the auction held this time is not comparable to the previous two, the number of guests is very large, and it is unimaginable.

As the sky just began to show white fish belly, countless people came over here, and these people have an interesting phenomenon, all are very low-level cultivators, standing far from the space-time chamber of commerce company.

Look hilarious!

As time went by, there were more and more people watching the bustle, and the shop owners on both sides of the broad street were also smiling, especially the shops selling snacks, but they were almost busy.

A small shop of less than ten square meters has nearly 20 people working, and the number of snacks that can be made is still in short supply.

Visible business prosperity.

The dense flow of people will consume more or less, with food as the most important.

The strong men who are qualified to participate in the auction are also slowly coming here. Most of the strong men who came at this time almost have the same phenomenon.

That is, the level is relatively low, most of them are fairy gods.

Occasionally, some of them are during the robbery period and the main level.

After all, the threshold to participate in the auction requires the consumption of 10,000 holy coins, and such participation qualifications have intercepted most of the practitioners.

Ten thousand holy coins is equivalent to 100 billion spirit stones, which is approximately equal to one trillion green dragon coins, and the ordinary ordinary life planet purchase ownership is only 30 to 20 million green dragon coins.

All the holy coins are a huge wealth of star ownership.

Equal to a medium empire.

For practitioners who are not strong in general, the progress of strength also requires the purchase of exercises, ideas, and techniques. Wealth cannot be fully spent on treasure resources.

The third auction held by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce is naturally a big event for Tianxuanxing, and it is almost becoming Tianxuanxing's business card.

The bustling powerhouses who are talking and laughing come soon, because the number is very large, soon the auction hall that can hold ten million people is full.

Those who are late will naturally be unable to participate any more, but Bai Suzhen has been prepared for a long time, and has issued a connection login code to all late guests.

In fact, it is equivalent to the URL!

Virtual auctions do not affect participation, and can still bid out.

This is also the time and space chamber of commerce company to prepare for subsequent higher-level auctions, after all, virtual auctions will be more convenient.

However, before the auction started, some guests visited again.

And dozens of forces came to visit together.

You don't need to ask to know this move.

A group of big brothers went to the door together, and naturally let countless people see the strange situation, secretly sighed, weak meat and strong food, many people have long understood this truth.

The treasures possessed by the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce are amazing, like a piece of meat with a strong **** smell, which makes countless predators unable to open their greedy mouths!

"Hello, Mr. Bai."

"Master Bai is not only beautiful and attractive, but also has extraordinary means. The Chamber of Commerce of Space and Time has been famous for the Qinglong Empire for a few months, and I am ashamed!"

A group of people smiled opposite each other, and before the face was torn, the words of compliment seemed to be free of money, and they opened their mouths.

"It's everyone who gives face." Bai Suzhen smiled politely, but he was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect this group of people to unite together, and knew what this group of people did at the time.

After a brief introduction, the man in a colorful robe said in a straight voice: "Master Bai, we have something to discuss today when we go to the door, why not find a clean spot?"

"I'm a bit hasty today. Please ask Mr. Bai not to mind." Although the other man was talking with a smile, he could vaguely see the flash of greed in his eyes.

"Since the guests have come to our door, our Space-Time Chamber of Commerce company naturally has no reason to refuse." Bai Suzhen is as steady as Taishan, saying very calmly, "You follow me."

The most luxurious parliament hall in the space-time chamber of commerce company was opened, and a crowd of mermaids were brought here.

Then, the bayonet turned red!

Gao took the first place. Bai Suzhen glanced at the hundreds of people sitting on both sides of the conference table, and then said lightly: "So, what do you want to discuss with my space-time chamber of commerce company today?"

"The white director is really refreshing enough." The Caipao man smiled, his expression suddenly became serious, staring at Bai Suzhen and said calmly: "Our purpose is very simple, that is, we hope to participate in the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce and become one of them. Qi Fa Cai is the result of a win-win situation. "

He is one of the representatives of the Jinshan Xianguo family. The purpose of this trip is to force the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce to surrender their own refining skills and the method of building the Xianjia, so that they can open the net and leave a space-time Chamber of Commerce. Health road.

"We also mean this. The space-time chamber of commerce has great potential. The momentum of development is not limited to the Qinglong Empire. It ’s not my boast. If we help, it will surely be able to spread out more quickly. It will cover the number of nearby Qinglong Empire within a few days. An immortal country. "One of the powerful representatives belonging to the Chaoge immortal country also stood up in line with the look of your time and space business association.

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