Plane Universe

Chapter 2310: Optimize the ranks of members of the Space-Time Palace

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The difficulty is not too big.

Cheng Buyun's mouth twitched and smiled. The genes of life of thousands of ethnic groups are not a matter of concern. There are many types in the treasure house.

Moreover, there are many strong human beings, just hang up a task on your own, and surely attract countless strong men to work for themselves, to seize thousands of genes back for themselves.

Regardless of the strong or the weak, ordinary people or immortality, even at the level of the universe venerable, all of them are human, and it is okay to grab or exchange.

All he has to do is contribute some points.

Were he short of wealth and contribution?

No shortage!

"No hurry, take your time." Cheng Buyunqiang endured the restlessness in his heart, and his strong will made him suppress the impulse well.

again and again.

Did not go to trouble time and space to explain to myself.

With his own ability, he stripped away the contents of the first divine realm of the Chaos Devouring the Secret Code, and the mysterious veil also unlocked him layer by layer.

Relying on his own ability to understand the content makes him have a great sense of accomplishment.


The Palace of Time and Space.

King Shuying was sitting in the hall, closing her eyes and raising her mind, but she kept thinking about the content in her mind.

Here, she has been thinking for a long time, and the several plans she came up with are not very satisfactory.

Although Her Highness spoke lightly, she did not dare to neglect at all.

It has to do with your own status and ability in the heart of His Royal Highness, as well as his own future. No matter how careful he is.

Of course, if you do n’t do well, your Highness might not blame herself, but she ca n’t be fooled because of her tolerance and value.

That is a blasphemy against His Highness' trust!

"Otherwise, go and discuss with Master Xiaohong?" Shuying Wang secretly said in his heart, such a big event, even if the method is really good, it must be handed over to Xiaohong.

However, in this way, it was definitely not possible to talk to Master Xiaohong, and you should give the latter a few plans that you have made. If you are not satisfied, discuss again.

Just do it!

Think of here.

Shuying Wang smiled and suddenly bounced, quickly dialed the number to Xiaohong.

However, within a few seconds, Xiao Hong ’s virtual figure appeared in the hall.

King Shuying quickly respected the salute, "Master Xiaohong."

"What's wrong?" Xiaohong's small face tightened, and she asked, looking at Shuying Wang with majesty.

Seeing the image of Xiao Honghou, the powerful momentum spreading out all over the body, and the divine law of fluctuating body, Shuying Wang was shocked suddenly, did Xiaohong's adult break through, and even quickly asked for verification Master, are you an immortal god? "


Xiaohong nodded slightly and said with a faint smile: "Occasionally I realize it! Okay, tell me the right thing."

"Congratulations to Master Xiaohong."

King Shuying said with a lot of joy, and he quickly expressed his tasks ordered by His Highness, and then took out some of the plans he wanted to give Xiaohong a glance, and asked the latter to see if they were suitable.

If it is not appropriate, think again.

Xiao Hong later browsed through several solutions that Shu Ying Wang had come up with. They were all very good. Many of them were experienced methods, but they were only suitable for the general universe.

However, it is not suitable for this organizational force of your own. You do not need to be harsh on your own, so-called to serve people with morality!

"Very good, but a little bit harsher." Xiaohong raised her eyes and looked at Shuying Wang. Based on her plan, she refined it, and then said, "Now you can follow this new method."

Shuying Wang took a look and even smiled.

I only thought about how to decide who is qualified to practice the secret code of artistic conception, but I never thought about the difficulty of the weak.

If you follow your own plan, there will not be too many people who are qualified to practice the secret code of artistic conception.

Well now, as long as Xiaohong ’s master optimizes this plan, as long as he works hard enough, as long as he is not lazy within the power, everyone has a chance, and it is a kind of great opportunity.

Even an ordinary immortal deity, with enough perseverance and perseverance, will be able to obtain the qualifications for the cultivation of artistic conception secrets for up to a thousand years.


Soon, the email to start the internal meeting was sent to every powerful player in the space-time palace.

As long as you receive the email reminder, no matter what you are doing, you will immediately leave or solve the things around you, go to the safe area, and then quickly log in to the virtual universe and return to the Thunder Island Space Time Palace.

The broad hall.

One figure after another flashed out, and three or five gathered in groups to discuss.

"Hah, I haven't had a group meeting for a long time. I don't know what's going on this time." An alien strong man with sparse scales on his bare skin leaning on his back leaned excitedly and said loudly to the surroundings, looking happy.

"Yeah, big things happen, it means a lot of contribution value, and there is a lot of wealth income." A strong man is also excited and inexplicable.

Many strong aliens nodded again and again.

In an instant, the Hall of Time and Space Palace gathered more than a million strong men.

The race of the millionaires can be described as all-encompassing, with no fewer than hundreds of thousands of races, and the number of strong humans in it is less than 10%, only 70,000 to 80,000.

There are several groups of Ape-Man Carons, Golden Horns, Swans, Elves, Tigers, Cows, and even the rarest energy life.

The Golden Horn tribe is almost the largest, with 13 in number, followed by the Kabun Ape Clan, with nine, and the remaining ethnic groups are generally two or three, or one.

There are a lot of golden horns and ape races, everyone is jealous, but they didn't say much.

Everyone knows that Lord Alice and His Highness Luo Feng have spent a long time in this ethnic group.

As for the Kabun Ape Clan, everyone knows the relationship very well, so the true Yan Wang can't hold his face, otherwise how would the Kabun Ape Clan be so strong.

As long as you open your mouth, it will be easy for tens of thousands of strong geniuses of the Kabongs to come in.

It's just that Zhenyan Wang has a good face, and said in the temple within the clan: Don't bother him until you reach the level of the prince.

An immortal master, you are so sorry to let me open that mouth?

You shameless, I want it!

Therefore, although the number of ape people in the tribe of Zhenyan King is small, the quality is strong, and they are all immortal levels.

These nine apes have a very high status in the ethnic group.

Because he attached the thigh of His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun, in the ape clan, the Kabong clan has no ape man to dare to bully, and vaguely suppressed the other ape clan.

Suddenly, the figure of King Shuying appeared on the high platform of the hall, and the people who saw him shouted, "King King Shuying."

"Shu Ying Wang."

Others even stopped talking and all sat down on the floor.

"Everyone, this time I have everyone gather for the meeting, because my time and space palace will have a great change." King Shuying glanced at everyone and said suddenly, "Don't worry, it's a good thing, but it's Optimize the ranks within the forces. After all, our level is a bit chaotic and not obvious, so it ’s time to solve it. "

Generally speaking, there is no level of contribution under the respect of the Universe Venerable, whoever is strong must be respected by others, and resolved according to the title of strength.

Ordinary immortal gods listen to the immortal master, the immortal master listens to the immortal emperor, and the immortal emperor listens to the immortal emperor.

It doesn't matter what contributions others have made or what they have done.

It depends on whose fist is big.

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