Plane Universe

Chapter 2791: Hand fast, hand slow

In the treasure house in the inner city of Hongmeng City, a large number of alien universe masters looked at the many treasures, and they almost cried.

It's a pity that there is no money in his pockets, and even if you look through the boxes and close the cabinets and count them, even if you go bankrupt, you can't get your favorite treasure.

The treasures are rare in quantity, don't think that the master of the universe, there is no shortage of treasures in your body, just as scarce.

Especially high-level treasures, such as domains and souls, are extremely scarce, and most alien universe masters do not possess them. If you want to obtain these two types of treasures, you can only rely on yourself to fight for it.

It takes great luck and fortune.

"It's amazing, the highest level of the domain is the treasure."

The Lord of Flint's eyes lighted up, and he looked at a gray bowl covered by quicksand with great eagerness. The whole heart was attracted, and he wished he could immediately take this bowl as his own.

This is the treasure of the advanced top field, and it belongs to and very suitable for him to display, naturally very greedy.

But when I looked at the house rules, my whole person suddenly became bad.

520 treasure points, a few points more expensive than top weapons, so expensive, his round stone face immediately revealed the color of bitter and deep hatred.

It's just... thinking of the mighty power of the treasure of this field and the attributes suitable for him to play, he was a little reluctant to let go.

After gritted his teeth, it was changed.

It's rare to have such a treasure, and human beings are so generous, you should not miss it.


The lord of an alien universe just browsed this realm's treasure, and suddenly, the delicate screen in front of him disappeared. He didn't think it was an error in the virtual universe system, but understood that a strong person had replaced this treasure. Suddenly exclaimed: "The realm supreme treasure cloud soil bowl has disappeared and been replaced?"


"The Yuntu bowl was changed?"

"That's a treasure worth 520 points, who has such wealth?"

There was an uproar, some for those who admired and some for those who regretted.

For example, some strong people who hesitate to start too slowly due to price reasons even let out an unwilling growl.

The Lord of Flint was extremely fortunate in his heart, but fortunately, his will was strong enough, otherwise he would have missed the treasure of this domain.

520 Treasure Point is really very expensive, comparable to its power, but it's nothing.

Looking at the grateful expression and mocking corners of the Flint Lord's mouth, the Lord of Yanying didn't understand that, and even smiled and said through the voice: "Flint, did you replace the cloud bowl?"


The Lord of Flint nodded. The two have a better personal relationship. Naturally, there is no need to conceal it. Then he said: "I changed it. As you know, I am not very flexible. I usually lack such a treasure in the field. Since it is suitable. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s not to be missed, so I changed it when I was ruthless. enough, otherwise I really missed it.

In the past, the Alliance Treasury also had many high-level treasures, but...the attributes were not suitable for him to use. After all, he only studied in one aspect and didn't understand the other laws.


The lord of Yanying immediately laughed and congratulated, and said: "You have expensive benefits. Such a high-level and top domain treasure, and the attributes are combined with earth and air. For you, it is the most suitable. Later, and Fighting between different races, you can also suppress the opponent's speed by relying on the treasures of this field, and gain more upper hand. Very good results are undoubtedly good!"

After the conversation, he said with great distress: "It's a pity... the three best domain treasures, but they don't have the attributes of combining wind and air. What a pity!"

"You have a flexible body, and the general high-level treasures are enough. It is better to change to a treasure that can explode with higher speed. Just now... I saw a very good auxiliary treasure, the golden wing, and the level is also High top level, the value is not too expensive, but 200 treasure points, to you, should not be considered much.

The Lord of Flint smiled and reminded: "The most rare thing is that this auxiliary treasure is still a wing type, and it is a combination of wind and air attributes. I think it is very suitable for you."

"Well, I am also looking at this treasure, but... I also saw a top-level claw treasure. Because of wealth, I am in a dilemma. I don't know which one to change."

The Lord of Yanying said his own difficulties. The two treasures he saw were undoubtedly very suitable for him. That top claw treasure can greatly enhance his attack power.

But the gold flow wing mentioned by the Lord of Flint is undoubtedly very rare, because it can greatly increase his flight speed, and also greatly increase the explosion speed.

Very important!

The most powerful one is undoubtedly the right attribute!

Explosion speed is very important in fighting, especially during close combat, it can play a very important role, and in many cases it is more important than a powerful domain treasure.

"I lend you!"

The Lord of Flint said readily.

"How can this be done? You also lack the most precious points in exchange for treasures, how can you lend me." The Lord of Yanying shook his head quickly.

The Lord of Flint smiled and said, "I changed the bowl of cloud and soil, and I am not short of other treasures. You know, I am old, haha... Attacks and armors are all top levels. , Now there is another high-level top field treasure, and the rest are not bad, enough."

"Actually, you can also consider the treasure of shields. After all, your body skills are not flexible. It is still very necessary to create a shield secret method." The Lord of Yanying has a very old vision and even reminded.

"Why don't I think that, Chaos City Lord has mentioned this to me before, and I also remembered it in my heart, but..." The Flint Lord said that his face was already bitter. As a special life, he is very talented. High, as a metal ore life, the biggest weakness is that it is not strong enough.

It's just a general level, the kind that compares the superior and the inferior to the inferior, and is born at a disadvantage in the secret of creation.

So... many years have passed, and the shield secrets created are simply unsightly.

The kind that can't meet people.

The general level of the Master of the Universe's secret method, his level, can be embarrassed to show it, it is not being laughed to death by a foreign race.

He couldn't afford to lose this person, and wanted to discredit the Alliance.

As a good personal friend, the Lord of Yanying certainly understands the difficulties of the Lord of Flint, and he also looks helpless, and I can't help you.

How to help?

Realize him to understand the secret method of creating a shield?

He really doesn't have that kind of ability.

He is not good at it, and there is another point, only what he created is the most suitable for him to play.

Learning the secrets of others can only be temporary, not forever.

The concepts are different, even if it is created with help, even at the level of the Chaos City Lord and the founder of the Great Axe, it is useless.

"When my deity returns, I will contribute the unused treasures to the alliance, and I will return the treasures to you at that time." In the end, the Lord of Yanying borrowed 120 treasures from the Lord of Flint, so that he could help him with his favorite assistant, the Golden Flow Wing Get it in exchange.

And after he exchanged Jin Liuyi for his hand, in an instant, the lord of the alien universe next to him let out a sharp howl, almost to the point where the listener shed tears and smelled sadness.

All felt anger from this roar.

"Who? Who replaced my golden wings? Damn! Who the **** is it, come out!" I saw the lord of an alien universe staring at the surroundings with bitter teeth and roaring fiercely, like crazy.

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