Plane Universe

Chapter 535: Event ended

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Let Sovereign Fire Lord look down in front of so many immortal gods, without giving face, dry witch's face did not change color, nor anger.

He knows and knows his own things. He did not fall outdated hundreds of millions of years ago. He may be able to compete with the eclipse of fire, but today, all his treasures have been lost, and even Chongbao has few pieces of protection. There is no way to fight with Venerable Fire.

"I have to come." Qian Wu whispered, while converging the momentum of his body, he moved to Cheng Buyun in front of him. Instead of ignoring Huo His Holiness, he smiled to Cheng Buyun: "Little brother, okay Right? "

As soon as the little brother of Qian Wu came out, the whole starry sky immediately boiled. What did the Lord Wu Qi call him Bu Yun? Am I hearing again?

Little brother?

His Royal Highness Cheng Buyun, He De He Neng, let a Venerable who has a super position in the universe and stands at the top of the human race call him "Little Brother"!

"Brother Wu, hard work, for my business, you should be rushed from the secret realm, it really shouldn't be!" Cheng Buyun smiled and thanked.

I really am not listening.

The immortal gods present were stupid.

Some immortal gods were so shocked in their hearts that they could hardly sustain their figures, and their breath surged.

Luo Feng also grew his mouth. Although he did not recognize the image of the Lord of the Wu Kingdom, he was not deaf as he was just called. It is clear who the name of the Qiang Wu represents, and that is the strongest person in the Wuqi universe.

This was too shocking. Brother Yun was really powerful. Even the characters such as the Lord of the Kingdom were in love, and it seemed that the friendship was not shallow. This Lord Wu Wu personally came out to support Brother Yun. He can say that the friendship is shallow. ?

"Have seen His Holiness!"

All the men and women standing in the air in the xi, even the nightmare candlestick and the immortal gods behind him, bowed down and bowed respectfully.

Lord Gan Wu just responded lightly, then looked at Cheng Buyun with a smile

"It's nothing. I stay in the secret realm and it's okay. It's hard to get around. Although I don't have one in ten strengths, but protecting you comprehensively, it's not a problem." After worrying, his eyes turned to Venerable Fire Evil and smiled, "Erosion Fire, although my younger brother ’s request is a little bigger, is also being cleaned up. After all, today Dire Candlestick forced into the earth and was too Forcing Luo Feng to make everyone work, you see, even Zhenyan and Tong Nan rushed out of Chaos City for this matter, and my little brother must have spent a lot of energy in order to move the sages of your honorable people. Ten treasures, not many. "

"Qianwu, I don't talk nonsense with you. Ten treasures are not much to me." Venerable Fire Emperor shot two divine lights in his eyes, looking directly at the main word of the Qianwu Kingdom: "But it was a blackmail. , I ’m in a bad mood, and I advise you not to intervene in my affairs. It ’s enough to take care of your universe. "


This is the character of Venerable Fire.

"It turns out that you have the courage to rely on the witch to support you, do you have this courage?" The Venerable Fire Lord's eyes turned to Cheng Buyun again, and the overbearing atmosphere enveloped the starry sky, "I tell you, You are wrong, just witchcraft, not enough to make me bow my head. "

What a drop.

Is this a prelude to the fight?

The immortal gods around were startled, and the two great venerables went to war. These little arms and thin legs, as long as the breath of the two great venerables fell on them a little, they immediately fell.

"No, Brother Wu Wu came over, just fearing that I would lose money and protect me. As for the ten treasures, you give it or not, it's you." Cheng Buyun sneered: "You don't have to be so angry, I just said It ’s out of my condition, you can always take your men away with you. "

Ten pieces of treasure!

is it a lot?

Cheng Buyun didn't care at all.

Some immortal gods heard Cheng Buyun's words, but also a little relieved, as long as it is not open, everything is easy to say.


Venerable Fire Eclipse was also stumped by Cheng Buyun's somewhat rogue statement, let's go, there is a suspicion of bullying the small, give it, will you put your face on it later? It will surely become a stepping stone for Cheng Buyun and achieve his prestige, which is very difficult to handle.


"After all, you are a Venerable. I'm just a domain master. Can I still force you to fail?" Cheng Buyun shrugged his shoulders and chuckled lightly.

Luo Feng was almost laughed to death by Brother Buyun's rogue words. Didn't the face of Eclipse Fire Lord look dark?

Although Venerable Fire Shield's figure was hidden in the black flame, it could not be seen clearly, and it was extremely vague, but Luo Feng could still imagine that Venerable Fire Eclipse would not see where he was.

And Fire Sovereign also felt that Cheng Buyun was too decent, and he gave him a step to let him down, but he was so indifferent, so that he had a anger in his heart and nowhere to vent.

Just when Venerable Fire Defender didn't know how to deal with it, the starry sky shook again.

Rumble ~~~

This time, the army of immortal gods has been very calm, knowing that there must be a Venerable presence, coming to the earth here, as to what to do, I do n’t know.

There was a slight ripple in the starry sky, and a strong and coercive pressure suddenly came down, as if a dragon had descended into the world and countless ants. The pressure that made no one resisted instantly scattered the surrounding stars, and There is no difference in the power of Venerable Fire Evil.

However, the characters who played this time did not carry flames, but extremely cold breath. The cosmic energy in the void has been transformed into tiny ice debris particles, even the space turbulence in the stack of space debris. In this extreme freezing, it was also frozen into small pieces of ice, which made everyone very shocked.

At such a temperature, even if an immortal is in it, it will immediately be frozen into a statue, with no breath of life.

This blurry figure and Venerable Fire Eclipse are two extremes, one is a monstrous black flame, and the other is a cold glacier.

"Lan Yu."

As soon as this figure appeared, Venerable Fire Sovereign and the Lord of the Witch Lord spoke at the same time.

Cheng Buyun looked up, and at one glance, he saw the beautiful face of Lan Yuzun as if someone owed her countless trillion yuan. Under the reflection of the ice debris shimmering in the blue light, it was like the same cold. Ice God of War. Lan Yuzun's breath slightly converged, and the blue and white armor of her body suddenly hid, and her palace dress appeared. She saw her figure moved slightly, and she came to Cheng Buyun's side, and then looked directly into the distance Fire Defender in the black monstrous flame.

Lan Yuzun's attitude is very obvious, that is to support Cheng Buyun.

"Meet His Holiness."

The immortal gods present bowed and saluted once again. They had a deeper understanding of Cheng Buyun's talent and evil spirits, and they certainly were not like the ones shown on the surface. Did n’t you see that Lord Lan Yu came to defend him? This can still be fake, but only through the cosmic-grade primitive Tongtian Mountain's achievements, that cannot be respected by Lord Lan Yu so much.

Lan Yuyu's appearance, the eclipse fire frowned slightly.

To be true, on the status of power, whether it is Lan Yuzun or Venerable Witch, or fighting alone, is not his opponent. Even if the two join forces, he is not afraid.

After all, with the help of Treasure, the realm is the same, then it depends on whose Treasure is more, and can play several levels of Treasure, this is the most important.

Fire Sovereign can be nobody in the eyes of the universe, that is, he has a strong background and is related to Treasure.


The eclipse no longer speaks, and he put all his horses into the world ring in a wave, and then wanted to take his son back. However, some people did n’t think about letting him walk so smoothly. Venerable Lan Yu immediately said: "Erosion fire, you ca n’t go so easily this time, you have to give us a virtual thing about the nightmare candle breaking into the earth. Cosmos company explained. "

Lord Lan Yu's opinion is very clear.

After all, she is one of the members of the management of this virtual universe company. She is qualified to deal with the event that the Nightmare King forcibly broke into the earth. Speaking of momentum, it is not too big or not small, depending on whether anyone will pursue it.

Qian Wu stood aside, smiling and not interjecting, different powers, and naturally different power of words. Although the earth is the territory of the dry witch universe, he is also managed by him, but seriously speaking, the status of the earth is a little special, because her ownership is the residence star of the core member of the virtual universe company, and the ownership belongs to this core member. Seriously speaking, Qianwu Cosmos has no jurisdiction, not even the right to make recommendations.


Venerable Fire Evil angered and said indifferently: "I have punished my son, enough to explain to your virtual universe company, what do you want to do with your virtual reality?"

"The punishment of Night Candle was imprisoned in the Ninth Star Territory for 1,000 epochs. It is light. I think he must stay in the Ninth Star Prison for at least 10,000 epochs before he can wake up to what is wrong with him." : "The previous assassination occurred in Wulong Star Zone, and then I didn't reflect on the defensive loopholes in the place I managed. Instead, I detained and shut down the core members of my virtual universe company for no reason. Finally, he was taken by Cheng Buyun Oman, and he was grieving. In my heart, I broke into the earth again from the beginning this time. What is so-called is very clear to you and me. "

Venerable Lan Yu buckled the hat to the head of Dire Candle King.

The event of breaking into the earth has a deeper meaning. Venerable Lan Yu knows clearly, doing witch is clear, and Venerable Fire Defeat is even clearer.

Sovereign Lan Yu cannot naturally say that Sovereign Fire Sovereign has the intention of killing Bu Yun. After all, this matter is not easy to deal with, and Sovereign Sovereignty will buckle his son's head on the pretext that Dire Candle came to earth to buy Ownership of the earth.

But no one is a fool. It takes more than 30 people to come to the earth to buy the planet ’s ownership of the planet. Among them, there is one immortality of the invincible level, two immortality of the extreme level, and ten immortality of the peak level. Who do you fool? What?


Sovereign Fire Defender snorted coldly and said indifferently: "Whatever you say, anyway, I have punished my son. If you don't agree, you will sue me."

Immediately after the speech, Venerable Fire Eclipse disappeared, and took the men and women under his command, and took the Nightmare Candle King out of the starry sky near the earth.

"Sovereign Fire Sovereign, you haven't given me ten treasures, this thing is endless." Cheng Buyun roared, a huge roar echoed in the starry sky, and the slowly disappearing figure of Sovereign Fire Sovereign was finally distracted by Cheng Buyun There was a cold snort.

Venerable Fire Evil snorted, and Venerable Lan Yu and Qian Wu immediately shot to protect Cheng Buyun.

"Sure enough to be overbearing, and finally came to this hand before leaving." Cheng Buyun sneered. Venerable Fire did not kill him. He knew that. Venerable Fire only let him remember, don't offend at will. One Venerable.

"After all, it is Venerable Fire Evil. You, a little guy, embarrassed him like this, and did not immediately kill you on the spot. It is already a good temper." Venerable Lan Yu looked at Cheng Buyun slightly, and his face was rare. He smiled a little, "This Venerable Fire Defender has changed his temperament. How can he be so good-tempered this time, without any anger at all?"

Lord Gan Wu is also a little puzzled. With his knowledge of Venerable Fire, the other party is not such a good-tempered person.

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