Plane Universe

Chapter 936: Transaction

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Alfonso was disappointed that Cheng Buyun could not serve the Bright Holy See!

As for Cheng Buyun's territorial forces, he was not too worried. It was not long before the mice in the dark forest came out.

Once those fierce and evil rats rush out, Cheng Buyun's territory will be destroyed!

He couldn't figure out how the other party could deal with the billions of mice without the help of other forces.

If he shot it in person, I am afraid that it will definitely die. The dark forest is very scary, and the World of Warcraft in the Holy Land is unknown!


With the passage of time, there is no shortage of food in the Chengbuyun territory, and the people ’s lives in the territory are very stable, as before.

Many nobles deeply doubted them, especially the nobles of the O'Brien Empire. They found the Dawson Chamber of Commerce with an angry look and questioned whether they were still supporting Cheng Buyun's territory in secret!

The Dawson Chamber of Commerce naturally shook his head and promised no. He repeatedly gave several examples of evidence and told them that the Dawson Chamber of Commerce had not done any food business recently.

Even so, the nobles looked suspiciously.

In the end, there is no way. Several major power restrictions are strictly investigated, even for the Yulan Empire. The interests of the noble class are the same. All merchants who buy food are strictly restricted one after another. It is necessary to indicate where the purchased food is delivered to and sold. For whom!

Even if it is so strict, there is no food crisis in Cheng Buyun's territory, which has left many nobles with no idea.

There are loopholes in such a rigorous review. The nobles were surprised. Someone reminded at a critical moment: "Will the other party use the space ring to deliver food?"

As soon as these words came out, the nobles' heads were opened, and an invisible king opened slowly ...

Soon, the members who bought food in the Yulan Empire were arrested one after another, and within a few days, Cheng Buyun's territory dispatched nearly a thousand people to buy food. All of them were captured in an edge city of the Yulan Empire, and then brought to the Imperial Capital.

The Dawson Chamber of Commerce who learned of the situation immediately communicated the situation.

The chaotic leader muddyed the city's main palace, and Monroe received information from the Dawson Chamber of Commerce. He frowned deeply and sighed: "These guys can't be underestimated. There are so many powerful people under their command that people who are being tracked cannot find , Was swept in one fell swoop. "

This matter is no longer he can solve.

He was naturally under the two in the mud-sealed city and above ten thousand people, but who knew him in places like the Yulan Empire?

It is estimated that reporting the name will make people laugh.

Of course, his own people need to be rescued, but how to rescue him is embarrassing. Where are the previewed emperors? In the past, many strong players used meat buns to beat dogs.

And the ten space rings are also a huge sum of money, which was temporarily lent by the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, and are now seized by the nobility. If they ca n’t get it back, they naturally need to pay a huge sum of money. The space ring is very precious in the Magnolia mainland. If you have money, you can buy it.

"I can't help it. Go and report to the adult to see if he can come forward and let the other person send the person and the space ring back." Meng Luo smiled bitterly and could only take someone to Xinyue Yazhu.

Adults come forward, there should be no problem!

Legend has it that the adult and the strong man of the Temple of Life have a friendship. It can be seen from the glory suit and the dragon blood horse. Without a certain status, it is impossible to get these things at all.

He hurried to Xinyue Yazhu and entered the manor. Monroe respectfully saluted Cheng Buyun. Finally, he politely shouted to the chubby girl: "My little princess, today I brought some new and interesting things, you see ,what is this!"

Monroe took out a delicate ... a blue and silver box one foot long and half a foot high, and then handed it to the little fat girl sitting next to him curiously looking with open eyes.

The little guy took it with curiosity and asked innocently: "Thank you Monroe Monroe, what is this?"

"This is the latest product that appears in the Magnolia Empire, the music box." Monroe bent down and explained with a smile: "Look, open the box first, look, this reveals a small person inside, this small person and the small person Pretty as a princess, dressed in princess clusters, with blue flower heads and long blond hair, isn't it pretty? "

"Then press it again and the villain will dance automatically." Monroe pointed.

Then a brisk violin music sounded in the hall. The brisk music was like a dancing elf, which made people feel a little bit happy.

"Thank you, I like this gift very much, thank you Uncle Monroe!" The chubby girl looked at the little man in the box that was slowly turning around, and she liked it so much that her eyes became crescent-shaped.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Buyun shook his head secretly, and every time the old man from Monroe came to bring some novelty things, and then made the little boy happy, he didn't even care about his children.

But beyond his joy, he saw an indelible sorrow in the other party's eyes. After listening to the music for a while, he patted the little guy and motioned to stop the music before asking: "Monroe, today What's the matter here? Say it! "

As soon as the culture came out, Monroe replied immediately and respectfully: "That's it, sir. Now that we have 11 territories, it's enough to set up a kingdom. I came here today, and everyone wants to ask adults idea."

Cheng Buyun heard that it was this matter, and he was thinking about it, but he felt in his heart that a kingdom is always a little bit meaningless, and now it is not the time to form a kingdom, there is not enough deterrent force, and the establishment of an empire is not I agree, not admit it, because there is no deterrent.

"Wait first, then look at it, and I will talk about it later." Cheng Buyun finally said.

"Yes, lord." Even if the lord decides so, naturally there is the lord's idea and reason. As a subordinate, this matter is not something he can decide.

"There is nothing else, don't talk about it, just say it." Cheng Buyun glanced at Monroe, took a sip of tea, and said with a light face.


Monroe calmed down and said slowly: "Adults are like this. We lost money to the Yulan Empire to buy food. The people and horses have been captured by the nobles. All the goods and space rings have also been seized by the other party. Those space rings are Dawson. The Chamber of Commerce lent us a lot of space rings and lost money. If you pay money, it always feels a little meaningless, and our people also need to be rescued. So ... I did n’t think of a good way, I can only come Lord, I begged for help here. "

Cheng Buyun didn't say anything yet. The little guy who was an audience next to him said angrily: "It's so **** ugly, they even found us all the people who went to buy food. These people are really bad, so bad!"

"Nobles have always been sacred, they are vampires. As long as you damage his interests, they will find ways to make you embarrassing you. If you are not left on the streets, their anger will not be eliminated." Cheng Buyun is like Explain, and explain like teaching.

"When I grow up, be sure to punish them all, confiscate all their property, and then let them know how hungry!" The little guy groaned angrily, a small face wrinkled up, making people laugh.

Dianyi gave a chuckle on the side, and the little guy with sensitive ears suddenly turned his head and said briskly: "Sister Dianyi, you are not allowed to laugh. I will definitely do what I said, just like those hateful ones. Like badass, beat their **** and starve their stomachs. "


The maids smiled, big and small, nodding and saying yes.

"Adult, what shall we do next?" Monroe looked at Cheng Buyun with his expectant eyes. After all, the members captured by the big nobility were already in prison. Once the adults decided not to rescue them, those members would be there. The old in the dark prison!

This was something he did not want to see, and it was something he did not want to see.

"People want to save, people who caught me, grab my things, think they are so good to grab and grab?" Cheng Buyun sneered, "I don't want them to shed some blood, I thought my lord is so bully. . "

Monroe was relieved.

He was really afraid that adults would be intimidated by the power of the Yulan Empire and would not rescue those members. After all, the adult was still that adult, and he had never changed, or was as good to his own people as before.

"You first send a message to the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, let them tell those nobles, I'm here." Cheng Buyun whispered, he was going to lie down in the Yulan Empire again, even when this happened at Yulan Tudor, he also took the opportunity Go to visit Qianluo, after all, the other party has invited him to visit the Temple of Life before.

"Yes, sir." Monroe nodded in response, and then asked again: "So this time, you need to be accompanied by life personnel? What about the guard's arrangements?"

"You don't need life, you can do your own thing. The Magnolia Empire is too far away from the chaotic leader. You didn't go to the sanctuary. It takes too much time to come back and lie down. It's not as fast as me." Cheng Buyun shook his head and rejected Monroe's proposal.

"This ..." Monroe frowned, didn't have any entourage, didn't it look too simple? The adults now also say that they have a lord who is comparable to the kingdom territory. If you travel alone, you will be ignored.

"Adult, don't you need us to serve with you?" Yan Yi also frowned. She worried that the adult would not be as comfortable as at home, eating poorly, and not sleeping well.

There is no better home outside.

"Uncle, are you going to go out to play alone again? I don't want it." The little guy jumped out of his chair and came to hug Cheng Buyun and begged for joy when he heard that his uncle was leaving. , I also want to go to the Yulan Empire. Uncle, you promised me before, saying that you will not leave recently, and play with me. "

Looking at the little fellow's pitiful gaze, Cheng Buyun nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll take you to play and see the beautiful scenery of the Yulan Empire!"

When the little guy heard his uncle's promise, he was immediately happy, and an excited smile appeared in a blink of an eye. A small face was happy, and the pitiful tears had long disappeared.

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