Planet Builder

Chapter 32 The news is broadcast, netizens are stupid!

The feedback of He Xingzhou's video is not good, the main reason is that everyone thinks he is bragging. So he lost a lot of fans.

Video editors on the website hurriedly sent a private message to He Xingzhou, writing: Da, don't play like this. The fans who have finally grown up are going to lose their fans now. Some people report you for making fake videos and making a grandstanding.

He Xingzhou replied: Don't worry, the video is real.

Xiaomu wanted to cry without tears, but he finally found a UP master with top-notch potential. He didn't expect to start the rhythm of death so quickly.

When working overtime at night, Xiaomu was depressed.

Colleagues asked: What's the matter? You look unhappy all day?

Xiaomu said helplessly: Forget it, you know that UP master He Xingzhou, right?

I know! Colleagues still remember his live broadcast of the construction of a miniature nuclear fission reactor. This is the UP master who has grown the fastest recently. The editor-in-chief also said at the last meeting that he is still focusing on the recommendation list.

Xiaomu said: He posted a video today, saying that he wants to build an electromagnetic float car, and that's fine. He also said that he has created a metal-air battery that is twenty times the performance of an ordinary lithium battery!

Twenty times, is he kidding? With such an awesome battery, what video is he doing! Colleagues complained.

Yeah, it doesn't matter if he is the UP master of spoofing videos. The key point is that his label is a hardcore technology video author. This is not supposed to collapse! Xiaomu said depressedly, It's hard to find a potential author, and this wave of manipulations him. Maybe you're going to cool yourself off.

The two were talking, and a colleague asked: What are you talking about? The battery on the news? I think it's a fork, if this battery is mass-produced, the battery life of electric vehicles can be increased by 20 times. I will buy an electric car in the future!”

What news? What battery? Xiaomu and the colleague who was chatting looked at him together.

Just the news, my colleague said with his mobile phone, Just sent it to me, announced by the Institute of Battery Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of my country. Under the leadership of Chinese scientists He Xingzhou, Yu Xing and other comrades, the research team has successfully developed a commercially available metal. Air batteries.

The battery can reach 20 times the energy density of the current power battery, and overcome international difficulties such as electrode materials, safety, and low cycle life.

Regarding the question of whether to sign, the Xuanwu Project team also discussed. In the end, part of the signature was decided, because the Xuanwu plan will be announced sooner or later. At that time, influential scientists are needed to confirm this matter, and signatures can expand the influence of scientists.

What? Several video editors were stunned when they heard this.

They were chatting, and the news confirmed this?

Really or not? Let me see! Xiaomu hurried to his mobile phone to watch the news together.

Sure enough, it was reported in the news.

Shit, it's actually true! an editor exclaimed.

Look at the signature, the reporting unit is the national TV station!

Not only that, Huaxia News also reported it, as well as the People's Newspaper!

There is a video here, and the News Network just now also broadcast this!

On the video, a familiar TV host broadcasted: The latest news, at 6:30 pm today. The National Academy of Sciences announced that under the leadership of Chinese scientists He Xingzhou and Yu Xing, my country's battery technology research team has successfully developed the world's first battery technology research team. A metal-air battery with completely independent intellectual property rights that can be used for commercial use. It is reported that this battery belongs to a new generation of batteries across the era...


The expressions on the faces of the video editors who saw the news instantly changed from disbelief to shock!

If I remember correctly, the author of the video you just mentioned is He Xingzhou, right? a colleague asked Xiaomu. seems so! Xiaomu's mind went blank.

It's hideous, my brother! Colleagues shouted, You've found a treasure, this author is really a big guy!

National TV news reports and announcements issued by the National Academy of Sciences are also signed! Now news hotspots, Weibo hot searches, and almost all have reports!

It's like a heifer taking a plane, and the cow has gone to the sky!

Xiaomu held back for a long time and said, I actually wanted him to change the video. After a long time, the clown was actually me!

He quickly sent a private message to He Xingzhou: Big brother, I saw the news! I was wrong, you are too fierce! I will contact the operation to recommend videos for you, what webpages, APPs, stick to the top, all one-stop arrangements. (Expression: Worship the big guy)

He Xingzhou saw the message and replied, Calm down, where is this going?

Not only Xiaomu saw the news, but fans who watched He Xingzhou's video also saw the news feed.

Some people returned to the comment section again, this time with a very different commentary style than before.

Slapped in the face, slapped in the face! I just saw the news, it's actually true! The battery in the author's video was really researched by him!

6666! Hurry up and worship the big guy!

What about those who said the author was fake? Did you see it? It's broadcast on national TV, and the Academy of Sciences has officially announced it!

What kind of monster am I following? The UP master is too top!

Love love, hurry up and follow a wave!

The netizens who questioned He Xingzhou before quickly came out and issued a statement, saying: Everyone, stop scold me, I apologize. I really didn't know that the UP master was so strong! I take back what I said before, and now I will say one sentence, He Xingzhou Beer!

There are also people who refreshed the video for the second time, reminding new audiences on the barrage: You may think the author is bragging, but after reading it, you will find that the author is a real cow!

The No. 1 hardcore video author on the entire network, I'm just blowing it up!

I suddenly look forward to the author's research on this electromagnetic floating car!


He Xingzhou's video quickly became popular, and many netizens commented on the news.

However, most ordinary people do not know what the improvement of battery technology means, only that the battery in the future may be more durable.

And those related companies went crazy when they saw this news.

In the Ningyuan era, the first company in China's domestic battery industry, a giant with a market value of over 800 billion. They are battery suppliers for many well-known companies such as Apple, BMW, Toyota, Tesla, etc.

As soon as I saw the report, the company exploded.

Forwarding connection [my country independently developed a commercially available metal-air battery...].

Everyone, big news! This new technology suddenly came out! The battery industry is going to change!

It's terrifying. If it weren't for the news released by the National Academy of Sciences, I wouldn't believe it. This technology is at least twenty years ahead of us!

Hurry up and contact the research team, we must get the authorization for this technology, or we will be eliminated by other companies in the future!

I'll go in person! said Cao Wang, the founder and president of the company. He himself came from a research institute and has a network in this regard.

The industry has made leaps in technological progress, how can he not care?

Other battery companies are also rushing to inquire about news, and related industries are even more boiling.

BYADI Automobile Co., Ltd., a famous Chinese domestic automobile company, is also the second largest rechargeable battery manufacturer in the world.

At the company headquarters, it was already 7:30 pm. The executives were supposed to get off work, but because of this news, they held an emergency meeting again.

It's incredible, the metal-air battery has been developed, and it is specially marked for commercial use! an executive said, Isn't this announcing that the era of electric vehicles is really coming!

Yeah! The senior officials at the meeting were excited. With this kind of battery, the battery life and power of electric vehicles will no longer be a problem, and even exceed that of gasoline vehicles!

Presumably other peers have got the news, we have to contact the R\u0026D team quickly. Who has the channel?

There are two people mentioned in the news, He Xingzhou and Yu Xing. The information on Yu Xing can be found. He is an expert of the Battery Technology Industry Research Institute under the National Academy of Sciences. We can't get through his phone temporarily. We have already contacted the research institute. There has been no reply so far.”

What about the other He Xingzhou? Does anyone know who he is? a vice president asked.

Thanks for the reward of the prospective holy book friends.

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