Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 113 Qi Refining Level 11, Conditions for Promotion to a Formal Wizard

‘It’s almost a breakthrough! ’

Ronan sensed the power in his Dantian, and knew that he had reached the bottleneck of the tenth level of Qi Refining.

He collected his mind and continued to practice.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to gather towards him.

The vortex of the ancient wood longevity magic power in his Dantian was spinning faster and faster.

After about half an hour, he sensed a force gushing out of his Dantian.

He looked inside his Dantian and saw that the ancient wood longevity magic power in it had a thicker mist and a deeper green color.

With a thought in his mind, he gave Hongmeng an order to adjust the value.

Lifespan: 392↑

Strength: 52↑

Spirit: 61↑

Mana: 51↑

Cultivation Realm: Qi Refining Eleventh Level

Wizard Level: Third Level Wizard Apprentice

‘Finally reached the eleventh level of Qi Refining. ’

Ronan’s mind received the data feedback from Hongmeng, and he was excited.

‘But why is my wizard level still a third-level wizard apprentice? ’

When he borrowed Paul’s identity and entered the Kingdom Wizard Academy, he had seen a first-level formal wizard from afar.

At that time, he used Hongmeng to analyze the data of that first-level formal wizard.

He saw that the spirit and mana values ​​of the formal wizard were both over 50.

And his strength was not even as good as his.

‘But why, according to the data Hongmeng fed back, I am not a formal wizard? ’

‘Could it be that there are other conditions required to be promoted to a formal wizard? ’

In the Kingdom Wizard Academy, Ronan could not see any books related to the promotion to a formal wizard.

This was because Paul, whose identity he borrowed, was only a second-level wizard apprentice.

In the library of the Kingdom Wizard Academy, only books that could be seen by second-level wizard apprentices and below could be read.

He estimated that the books related to the promotion to a formal wizard could only be seen by third-level wizard apprentices.

‘I wonder if Paul knows the conditions for the promotion to a formal wizard? ’

Ronan thought.

But he immediately thought that the wizard world had a very strict blockade of knowledge.

Unlike the world of cultivation, books on foundation building can be bought in bookstores.

Paul is only a second-level wizard apprentice, and it is unlikely that he knows the knowledge of formal wizards.

It is estimated that only when he reaches the third-level wizard apprentice, he may be qualified to contact this knowledge.

‘Why not go to Awen to find out. ’

Ronan had such a thought in his mind.

Awen is a third-level wizard apprentice, and it is estimated that she knows the knowledge of formal wizards.

Ronan thought about it, prepared himself, went out, and walked towards Awen’s bungalow.

Of course, he would not ask about this directly, but asked about it in a casual chat, just like he had done several times before to get knowledge.

Half an hour later, Ronan walked out of Awen’s bungalow.

He finally got the conditions for promotion to a formal wizard.

To be promoted to a formal wizard, you need to have a second-level witchcraft model in your mind.

‘In other words, knowledge and wisdom are the key conditions for promotion to a formal wizard. ’

When he heard the key conditions for a formal wizard, he understood the meaning of what Awen said that day.

——As wizards practice, the later they go, the less important their qualifications are, and the most important thing is their learning talent.

A wizard's learning talent allows him to acquire more profound knowledge, thus breaking through the bottleneck.

Some wizards with high qualifications but poor learning talent, although they practice quickly, stay in the bottleneck for a long time.

Ronan happened to remember that there was a second-level witchcraft in his storage magic device - the bone substitute.

This witchcraft is a second-level medium witchcraft, which he obtained from a necromancer when he killed him.

At that time, because this witchcraft was too high for him, he did not learn it.

'The bone substitute is just a means of escaping. '

Thinking of this, Ronan decided to practice this witchcraft.

He returned to the bungalow and traveled to the world of cultivation.

Because the spiritual energy in the secular world of the world of cultivation is thin, if he wants to cast witchcraft, he must use all his own mana.

And the second-level medium witchcraft consumes a lot of mana.

So, he entered the Immortal Realm of Huanzhen Sect and found an uninhabited grove in the shantytown.

When he reached the clearing in the forest, he released his divine sense to check if there was anyone within a radius of 800 meters.

After confirming that there was no one, he summoned Hongmeng and called out the spell and witchcraft model formula of this witchcraft.

This witchcraft is actually a combination of space witchcraft, summoning witchcraft and necromancy witchcraft.

To perform this witchcraft is to summon a skeleton from the dead plane to accept attacks for oneself.

And oneself will briefly pass through the space gap between the dead plane and the world where one is, and then flash in another place five meters away.

So, in the eyes of others, it is a "bone substitute".

The higher the proficiency of the bone substitute, the more powerful the skeleton summoned, and the farther the flashing distance can be.

Because the ability of the skeleton to resist attacks is often higher than that of ordinary wizards.

Therefore, after performing the bone substitute, one can not help but avoid an attack.

If the summoned skeletons are not destroyed in one strike, they can immediately attack the enemy, achieving a surprise effect.

After Ronan recalled for a while, he began to chant the spell.

Soon, he felt the space around him twisted, as if it had turned into water, and he could travel to a space at any time.

Then, he continued to chant the spell and moved his body to the side.

Immediately he entered a space with a pitch-black background.

There were multiple white spots of light around this space.

Then, he used his mind to control his body, moving forward in the darkness, towards one of the white spots of light.

The next moment, the darkness in front of his eyes disappeared.

The shock in front of him returned to the scenery of the forest.

The distance was exactly five meters before the flash.

And where he was standing, a bare skeleton without armor or equipment smelled his breath, and the blue flames in its dark eye sockets suddenly became stronger, rushing towards him.

Ronan's eyes were bright, and his spirit, energy and spirit merged!

The next moment, he opened his mouth.

A blazing flame with extremely high temperature, with a ray of light in it, spewed out from his mouth and nose!

Like a piece of cloth, it covered the skeleton's body.

After three breaths, Ronan took back the Samadhi True Fire.

Then he saw only a little bit of ashes left on the ground.

He performed a basic wind control technique, and blew the ashes on the ground everywhere.

Then, he performed this magic many times.

As soon as the skeletons arrived here, he burned them into ashes with the Samadhi True Fire.

These skeletons were weaker than he thought.

He didn't know whether it was the fire attribute spells that restrained the skeletons, or because the Samadhi True Fire was powerful.

Or maybe the Samadhi True Fire also had a restraining effect on undead creatures.

Skeleton Substitute (3% for beginners), Skeleton Substitute (4% for beginners)...

The proficiency of the Skeleton Substitute gradually increased.

And the distance he flashed gradually became farther, and the skeletons he summoned seemed to be getting more and more powerful.

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