Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 127 Xuanyuan Pill is complete!

Another part of Gurt's Forest.

Paul's team of four is running through the forest, looking for another phosphorus fire lion.

But I searched for a while, but to no avail.

"Why don't we go back."

Paul thought that after they worked so hard to kill the phosphorus fire lion, they were robbed by someone. The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became, and he suddenly suggested:

"Didn't those five people say that in this forest, after killing someone, no one will know about it."

"We just retraced our steps and followed them."

"If they continue to hunt monsters in the forest, they will definitely consume their physical strength and magic power."

"When their physical strength and magic power are almost exhausted, we will immediately take action and seize everything they have on them!"

When Paul said this, the other three looked at each other.

"Okay, I'll go!"

The tall swordsman was the first to agree.

He was more impatient than Paul, so he wanted revenge even more.

However, because he was only a melee knight, facing a wizard who could cast long-range witchcraft, the odds of winning were not high, so he endured it.

In the end, the archer and the wizard apprentice who was proficient in blessing witchcraft were left. After looking at each other, they also nodded.

Everyone feels aggrieved when someone robs them of their belongings.

It's just that these two people are timid and have no intention of revenge.

At this time, I was influenced by Paul and the swordsman, and my heart was touched, so I temporarily agreed.

Both of them thought that if the situation went wrong, they would stop the team's actions.

After all, the two of them were invited by Paul to hunt monsters, not to fight.

If Paul and the swordsman did not listen to the advice, it would not be considered a breach of contract if they left at the time.

After the four people discussed it, they ran back along the original road.

Ronan held the magic formula in his right hand and put all the remaining essence and blood of the phosphorus fire lion into a glass bottle engraved with magic patterns.

He took out the elf dagger and prepared to disembowel the phosphorus fire lion and take out the heart.

Although this heart is of no use to him, he can still sell it in Diagon Alley in exchange for money.

Just as he pressed the dagger against the chest of the phosphorus fire lion, his spreading consciousness sensed that the four Pauls were leaving and returning. ‘Forget it, let’s give this phosphorus fire lion’s heart away. Even the cost of disposing of these corpses. ’

After Ronan searched the corpses of five people, he took away their wands and other witchcraft weapons, and then released the witchcraft "Magnetic Torrent". The whole person suddenly floated into the air, like a fish, and headed out of the forest. Glide away.

When Paul and others arrived, they immediately saw a shocking scene.

Five bloody corpses lay across the forest floor, and none of them was complete.

Some corpses had no heads, and some corpses had a hole as big as a fist in their chests.

"What happened... the phosphorus fire lion is still there!"

Paul walked to the Phosphorus Fire Lion, took out his short knife, and slashed the Phosphorus Fire Lion's chest. When he saw that the heart inside was still there, he was overjoyed and hurriedly took out the heart and put it away in a wooden box engraved with magic patterns.

He looked at the corpses lying around again and said, "Maybe some of these wizard apprentices are from wizard families. If they die, if the wizard family investigates, they may be blamed on us."

"Let's destroy the body."

After that, Paul searched the belongings of the five people and found that all the storage witchcraft and other belongings were gone.

"Maybe that person killed people to steal money." Paul said.

But he couldn't understand why the man didn't take the phosphorus fire lion away since he had robbed the property.

Paul raised his wand and counted dots in the air.

Several flames burst out from the top of the wand and hit the bodies of the five people.

When the bodies of the five people were all burned to ashes, they took the ashes with them and found multiple places to bury them.

The next day, Ronan went to Paul's bungalow, and with a glance of his consciousness, he knew that Paul had returned.

After knocking on the door, it soon opened.

"Hey Ronan, long time no see."

Paul seemed very happy and invited Ronan into the house for a drink.

After drinking a few glasses of fruity wine, Ronan told Paul about his intention to sell the potion.

"You want to sell medicine again, but you have no money?"

When Paul heard Ronan mention this, his eyes immediately lit up:

"Me too, hey, yesterday I got the heart of a second-level fire-type magic beast, the Phosphorus Fire Lion, in the Forest of Gurt. I want to find the first-level official wizard of the academy to help me make a witchcraft weapon."

"You know, it's always expensive to ask for help from a formal wizard."

"The money in my pocket now is really not enough."

Seeing that Paul wanted to continue talking, Ronan immediately interrupted and discussed with him about selling medicine.

What Ronan planned to sell were anti-aging agents and anti-blackening agents.

"When I sold these two potions, I had a lot of customers. As long as you give me the potions, I will help you sell them. You will split the bill eight and I will take two," Paul said.

After that, Ronan refined anti-aging agents and anti-blackening agents every day and brought them to Paul.

While saving money, he searched around the city to find out where the foundation-building pill medicinal materials were sold.

He planned to wait for the money to arrive and immediately buy back the medicinal materials he needed to buy in the city.

Before he had collected all the ingredients for the Foundation Establishment Pill, he continued to gain proficiency in the Ganxuan Yuan Pill.

After all, by analogy, improving the proficiency of Xuanyuan Dan will help to improve the proficiency of Foundation Establishment Dan faster.

More than a month passed before I knew it.

Ronan lived a very fulfilling life every day.

——Practicing, refining pills, and inducing labor...

He stayed in the botanical garden most of the time.

He would only return to the world of cultivation when it was time for dinner or the ten-day period agreed with the Song family.

Neither the Song family nor the three maids had ever disturbed him.

No one would call him out unless he came out of the alchemy room by himself.

It is probably because they were afraid that he would be distracted when refining the pills at the critical point, and that calling him would cause the whole furnace of pills to fail.

This responsibility, except for Song Yangtian, the head of the Song family, and the foundation-building elders of the Song family, no one else could bear.

On this day, Ronan was refining pills in the laboratory as usual.

He opened his mouth, and a flame spewed out from his mouth and nose, heading towards the bottom of the pill furnace.

The glow in the flame was much brighter than before.

Samadhi True Fire (Entry 87%↑)

It has been a long time since he used Samadhi True Fire.

If it were other skills he had practiced before, he would at least be proficient at this time, but Samadhi True Fire was still at the entry level.

This made him believe that Samadhi True Fire was a very powerful spell.

He formed a wizard's hand, added water to the furnace, and added the medicinal materials for refining Xuanyuan Pill.

After more than half an hour, a scent of pills filled the laboratory.

He suddenly felt something in his heart and immediately gave Hongmeng an order.

Xuanyuan Pill (perfect)

‘Finally perfect! ’

He stood up happily, opened the furnace, and took out the ten Xuanyuan Pills in the furnace.

On the spot, he swallowed three Xuanyuan Pills.

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