Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 167 The Curse of Concealment, Incarnation of Darkness!

Late at night, in the city of Kaixuan.

The streets were quiet, with only the slight collision of armors when the patrolling guards walked.

The bloody smell in the house finally alerted a guard.

He immediately knocked on the door of a house, and when no one answered, he broke in.

He walked straight into the bedroom and saw the unforgettable tragedy.

The guard immediately ran out of the house and took out a cannon from his waist.

He lit it and raised it up.

Suddenly, a little firework shot up into the sky, making a sharp sound.


This firework was cast with witchcraft, and the sound of it exploding in the sky was equally loud.

And after the sound exploded, a very dazzling white light flashed in the sky, and in an instant, the entire Kaixuan City was as bright as day.

Immediately afterwards, several figures flew out from the upper city of Kaixuan City.

These were all wizards from the Wizard Council who came after hearing the news.

They were all first-level formal wizards, coming here as pioneers.

They found the guard who gave the signal, and after understanding the situation, they walked into a house.

The guard nervously held the cross sword on his waist, waiting for the wizards to come out.

But after a while, there was no sound.

The guard became more and more frightened as he waited. After waiting for a while, he took out a signal cannon from his waist and fired it into the sky again when the wizards who were investigating had not come out yet!


Then, several figures flew out from the upper city of Triumph City.

These people were also wizards of the Wizard Council, most of them were first-level formal wizards, and one of them was a second-level wizard, an elite wizard.

They immediately found the guard who gave the signal cannon and asked about the situation.

The guard immediately told the situation.

The elite wizard listened, but he was not as reckless as the first-level formal wizards just now.

He guessed the enemy's strength, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the enemy might have extremely strong strength.

He felt that this guess and this situation should be informed to the royal family.

Let the royal family send out powerful wizards to kill this potential hidden danger directly!

Thinking of this, the elite wizard called other wizards and flew back to the upper city of Triumph City.

They performed flying magic, and the hem of the wizard robe was blown by the wind.

But the next moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of a house.

It drew an arc in the air, like a sickle.

In an instant, it passed over the bodies of these wizards.

The next moment, the flying wizards separated their upper and lower bodies.

On the other side, a dark elf wearing a black hood landed in one place and stood still.

In his hand, he held a short blade with a cold glow.

The short blade was full of the blood of those wizards.

The dark elf put the short blade into his hood, then grinned, revealing his white teeth, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stretching out a scarlet tongue, licking the blood on the short blade.

On the other side, the guard who saw this scene suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down, he saw a sharp blade piercing through the armor and emerging from his chest.

The next moment, the sharp blade withdrew from his chest and out of his body.

The guard's eyes gradually dimmed and he fell down.

The city within the city of Triumph fell into silence again.

Although other residents in the city heard the sound of fireworks, they didn't know what was going on and didn't dare to speak.

Soon, another shadow swept out from the upper city of Triumph City.

This was a man riding a griffin.

He had long golden hair and stubble on his face.

He wore dark golden armor and held a cross sword in his hand that was almost as tall as a person.

This man was the chief of the royal guards, Orlan Thorn.

He was both a knight and a true wizard.

He didn't know much witchcraft, but used witchcraft as a means to increase his physical body.

Some people once called him a melee wizard, and he was very unhappy after hearing that.

He always thought of himself as a knight.

Just now, several wizards lost contact in the middle city one after another, escalating the situation.

Under the organization of Augustus V, after a round of discussion, Orlaner Thorn came to investigate.

Other wizards who protected Augustus V stayed by Augustus V's side. If they found something wrong, they would immediately activate the witchcraft formation to guard the upper city.

Seeing Orlaner coming, one of the dark elves wanted to use the same trick again.

Suddenly, a black shadow swept from the street and drew a sickle-like arc again.

Orlaner immediately felt something, and the hair on his body stood up.

Dark elves have extremely strong concealment magic, which can make others use their minds to not sense his existence.

However, at this moment, Orlaner felt that he was in danger.

This is the instinct of beasts.

After the knight training, this instinct gradually returned to the knight.

After the energy particle amplification and countless life-and-death struggles, Orlaner's perception of danger has become extremely sharp.

The next moment, he reached to his waist with his left hand, pulled out a golden dagger, and blocked it by feeling.


He blocked the dark elf's attack and finally saw clearly what kind of enemy it was.

His eyes, through the hood, saw the handsome face in deep purple, and the slightly pointed ears, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He knew that the enemy in front of him was the dark elf.

At this moment, the other two dark elves also rushed up, each holding a sharp blade in their hands, and attacked Orlaner.

From the appearance and image of this person, the three dark elves also knew that this person was Orlaner, the chief of the royal guards.

Orlaner was also a person who strengthened his physical body, which was highly consistent with their cultivation route.

Therefore, they all felt that there were many resources on Orlaner that they could use.

Moreover, they knew that Orlaner was a true wizard, and now he was considered a top wizard in Triumph City.

If Orlaner was killed, the pressure on them would be much less.

The three dark elves, while casting the elf magic that disturbed the opponent's five senses, turned the swords in their hands into a sword net and stabbed Orlaner.

Orlaner knew that the opponent had cast magic, so he immediately used his spirit to gather energy particles to disrupt the opponent's magic.

Moreover, his armor was engraved with protective magic patterns by Dolifa, which had a defensive effect against witchcraft.

Elf magic is essentially similar to witchcraft.

However, for wizards, it is called magic for wizards, but for elves, it is called magic.

Therefore, the magic of the three dark elves had almost no effect on Orlaner.

Orlaner had extremely strong physical strength, and the giant sword in his hand that was fused with fine gold was easily danced by him.


The toughness and sharpness of the fine gold long sword were just like the legend.

The long swords of the three dark elves broke one after another after they touched the fine gold long sword.

In the world of cultivation, Ronan sensed the sky through the natal longevity tree in the bungalow.

The dark elves' concealment magic, if maintained, requires magic power and spirit.

After they fought with Orlaner, they could no longer maintain this magic.

Ronan could immediately sense the battle between the four people through his mental power.

The wizard world, the triumphant city within the city.

After Orlaner cut off the swords of three dark elves, he pierced the body of a dark elf with the long sword in his hand.

The other two dark elves changed to another long sword and fought with Orlaner again.

This time, they did not touch Orlaner's adamantine giant sword.

The dark elf pierced by Orlaner, although the adamantine giant sword hurt his heart, still had a chance of survival.

In order to deal with the other two dark elves, Orlaner suddenly drew out the adamantine giant sword and did not hit the dark elf again.

The dark elf fell to the ground, landed on the ground with difficulty with both hands and feet, and then stood up tremblingly.

At this time, the nearby guards, holding cross swords, surrounded him.

The dark elf's eyes showed a fierce look, and suddenly took out a long sword from the storage ring, rushed towards a guard with lightning speed, killed the guard, and rushed out of the encirclement.

He jumped into a shadow.

Then, the guards saw the dark elf disappear into the shadow, and there was nothing around, only the blood of the dark elf remained on the street.


The dark elf jumped out from another shadow.

After walking to a hidden place, he immediately took out the potion and wanted to pour it down.

However, he suddenly felt that there was danger beside him.

He immediately swung the sword in his hand to his side.


A bronze sword collided with his long sword.

At the moment of contact, the scenery in front of the dark elf changed.

He went from a dark and quiet street to a gloomy jungle.

In front of him was a young man with golden curly hair.

This young man was Ronan who drank the intermediate transformation potion.

He was very interested in the magic of the dark elf.

Seeing a dark elf seriously injured, he immediately cheered up. Thinking about how to obtain the magic of the dark elf.

However, because Orlaner and the two dark elves had been fighting above his bungalow.

He was afraid that the three true wizards would notice his whereabouts, so he did not travel back.

Knowing that Orlaner and the two dark elves were fighting and moving away from his bungalow.

He saw the opportunity and traveled back to the wizard world.

Just now, he brought this dark elf to the world of cultivation.

"Who are you?"

The dark elf saw that he had suddenly moved and there was another stranger in front of him, so he couldn't help asking.

"What bird language are you speaking?"

Ronan didn't understand the elven language, and ignored him, and wiped his hand to his chest.

There, a body bag was hidden close to his body.

Suddenly, a stream of smoke came out of his chest, turned into a large ball of mist, and landed on the ground.

The mist instantly disappeared, revealing various corpses and a large group of undead creatures.

Under Ronan's control, they rushed towards the dark elf.

Ronan used Hongmeng to analyze the value of the dark elf and knew that the dark elf wizard was of a high level. Although the dark elf was seriously injured, he did not dare to neglect it.

Then, he poured his magic power into the witchcraft model of "Tree Man Art".

Suddenly, the trees around pulled out their roots from the soil, turned into feet, and surrounded the dark elf.

The dark elf was surrounded by undead creatures and tree men in three layers.

At this time, his wound was still bleeding. He wanted to drink medicine, but under the siege of undead creatures and tree men, he had no time to drink medicine.

He could only wave his sword to resist the attacks of the undead creatures and tree men.

He saw that a giant axe of an undead warrior was blocked by him.

Then, swords and spears stabbed at him.

The tree man's branches and vines also condensed into sharp weapons and stabbed at him.

There were also vines growing under his feet, wrapping him up.

The next moment, Ronan saw the gap, released the Qingling Sword, and cut off the head of the dark elf in one go.

After losing the head, the dark elf was dead.

Ronan took back the undead creatures and stopped using the tree man technique.

One by one, the tree men returned to their own tree pits and became trees.

Ronan used the wizard's hand to take the storage ring on the broken hand of the dark elf.

He sank his spirit into the storage ring and immediately focused his spirit on the rolls of parchment in the ring.

Immediately, he had an idea and took out the parchment rolls.

The parchment scroll was full of dense text.

All of it was elven text.

He used Hongmeng to record the elven text.

So, he immediately called up Hongmeng to translate these texts, wanting to see what was on them.

Concealment spell, dark swamp...

As Hongmeng translated, information continued to emerge in his mind.

He found that the parchment scroll was full of extremely rare dark element witchcraft.

'No, it should be dark element magic. '

He saw that these dark element magics, in addition to reciting spells in the elven language, their models were not the polyhedral witchcraft formations of witchcraft, but complex elven runes.

The structure of this rune is also very complex.

It is not two-dimensional like the talismans in the world of cultivation.

In fact, three-dimensional, it seems like many lines are combined.

Although it is chaotic, there is still a rule in it.

Ronan immediately used Hongmeng to scan these elven runes, and built a model and conversion formula in the three-dimensional coordinate system.

Soon, the elf runes appeared in the three-dimensional coordinate system in his mind.

And there were formulas next to them.

‘Practice first. ’

Ronan thought for a while and decided to practice the “Hidden Spell” first.

This magic was the magic of the dark elves that made him unable to sense their existence.

It gathered dark element particles and covered himself with a dark element shield with special magic.

The parchment scroll said that after practicing the “Hidden Spell” to a certain level, even the extraordinary people who were several levels higher than him would not be able to detect his existence.

Ronan felt that he needed this magic.

If he practiced this “Hidden Spell” to perfection, maybe he would suddenly cross over from the wizard world, and even the consciousness of the Yuanying ancestor would not be able to detect it.

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