Players In Marvel

Chapter 337: Here comes my good uncle! !

"The erratic shadow of sin, the sad fate..."

Drifting in this city flooded by rapids, a boat rowed in the dark depths.

On the ferry to hell, the expressionless girl in kimono propped up the boat. Under this apocalyptic scenery, there was a kind of lonely beauty.

Just like the legends circulated in the west, the knight who made the contract with the devil is busy with the name on the contract.

And a new legend circulating in Texas.

The girl who came with resentment, in the middle of the night, as long as she calls the **** girl with strong resentment, then...

"Your resentment will be eliminated for you."

In every corner of the city, among the restless and unwilling crowds in the dark, this sentence is spread everywhere.

The starting point of this legend may be an inconspicuous town in Texas, and now, with the fermentation of time and the spread of rumors, she has come to Houston.

Come to this place, which has the reputation of "space city" and is world-famous for its energy and ferry.


Regarding the good side of Houston, Yan Moai can't see it anymore.

When the girl from **** came here, when this extraordinary natural disaster happened, the despair and sadness emanated from those souls who were submerged and confused by everything.

This negative emotion is so huge that it is the first time that Yan Moai has seen such a scene of withering as a **** girl who has been a girl in **** for more than 400 years.


At this time, the battle situation in New York belonged to the player, and Xiao Ai naturally knew it.

after all.

Because of the existence of Thousand Kills Shinra Lantianyu, there was such a big commotion, a chaotic battle in the extraordinary group, and it was impossible not to notice.


Why did this fight? !

Yan Moai couldn't understand a little, just like the disaster that happened in front of him, a so-called poor city that was affected by the fluctuation of the battle of the strong.


With no expression, no words, the puppet-like girl quietly watched everything that happened in this city with her red eyes.

She is **** girl! !

Except for following the instructions of the adult in **** and sending the souls that should go to **** into Huangquan, other things have nothing to do with Yan Mo's love.


This catastrophic scene always reminds Xiao Ai of some bad things.

flame! !

Howling! !

All turned to ashes! !

In the long life of Hell Girl, Xiao Ai has seen too many "disasters" happen.

Calmly raised his head.

Look at the bright lights across the night sky, the sharp golden light that splashes out! !

He bowed his head and supported the boat in his hand.

A vortex swayed in the torrent, and in the vortex, an ominous red shadow flashed past.



Sure enough, no matter how great the existence is, he can't escape his heart.


"You can't let everything go with the flow and live quietly."

did not say it.

Even this thought does not stay in my mind too much.

It's like an unintentional tool, Xiao Ai won't even save too much [jade] for herself.

Hard work also just gets a little bit more for the **** of development.


The big spider in hell, Xiao Ai's immediate boss, the adult in **** in her mouth, Yan Moai didn't like it.


If it's just this calm, it's going to work slowly, just like the years I've been waiting for.

When she has enough [Jade], she will be able to see them again... they will be connected with one eye.

And, in fact.

Since coming to Houston, her work has become hectic.

after all.

The way to communicate with the **** girl is not only through the scarecrow.

Even without commission.

The soul that was completely overwhelmed by resentment before dying could also be connected to Hell Girl.

"Wow, wow..."

The turbulent torrent gradually calmed down when it came to the bottom of Yan Moai's boat.

The dark energy from **** controlled by the **** girl calms down the divine power contained in the torrent.

Keeping the boat steady, keep going on the flooded streets of Houston.

Every now and then.

Seeing souls filled with resentment, Xiao Ai will often mark them and pick them up later.

After all, the ferry from **** is not big. After the last time, Xiao Ai, who carried two souls aboard at the same time, learned a lesson this time.

Not because of the millers.

Even because of the urging of the adult in hell, he has wandered back and forth between Huangquan and this world many times.

The girl who has been busy all night and continues to work overtime still decides to have a soul and a soul to take over.

Every time the girl of **** sends a soul to hell, this is an agreed thing, and it has been done in her work for hundreds of years.

Last time.

That's the exception, and it turns out to be very inconvenient.

And now.

Facing Houston, so many souls.

What's the hurry...

Anyway, it is impossible to take them all at once, it is better to pick them up slowly one by one...

In the face of the extraordinary war in Houston, the girl from **** who is still working hard as usual, her current mood... is still the same! !


soul! !

If you have a pair of psychic eyes, or, in other words, have some kind of occupation related to death.

Well, now can see.

In Houston, a soul that slowly rises from the battlefield.

Tens of thousands of heavily armed soldiers at Ellington Air Force Base who are swimming upstream.

Facing an extraordinary battlefield that exceeds the limit that mortals can bear, they are like numb puppets, they go forward bravely... send to death!

Fall down little by little.

More are falling as military soldiers surround the battlefield.

And then.

Under the traction of extraordinary power, their souls are flying out of the body! !


The soul that came out of the body was completely submerged by some extremely profound negativity and turned into a dark spiritual body.

It is clear.

They did not go peacefully! !

A certain power penetrated them, and the transformation of their souls made their bodies uncontrollable when they were alive, and after death, they degenerated to the extreme.

Not a single negative emotion.

It's like seven emotions and six desires, all kinds of desires are superimposed together, that kind of extremely profound feeling is simply too desperate.


"The taste of the soul, even if it is too long, I will not forget it."

The current that floods the street.

A flaming skeleton warhorse, dragging an old Carter in a cowboy outfit.

The Ghost Rider of the previous generation stretched out his hand full of bones and pointed at the **** girl in front of him.

From this girl, he felt the same smell of death.

That unease.

That ominous.

Like a knight who made a pact with a demon, she is also a girl who works for the kingdom of the dead.

After looking at Yan Moai's calm and unwavering red eyes, the old Carter, who had just entered the battlefield, was immediately attracted by the soul that was carried on the small boat.

So heavy.

So desperate.

There was even a foul smell.

If it is said that good intentions can make the soul ascend to heaven, then the malice contained in this soul, just appearing, is enough to fall into hell.


"This smell can't hide from me, there are demon hands and feet in this soul!!"

The skeleton warhorse under his crotch also felt something, and snorted, catering to his master's words.

Old Carter couldn't remember the last time he set off a fire, rushed to the battlefield as a hunter, and galloped.


No matter when, he will never forget the demon's sense of depravity.

An ominous foreboding appeared.

The fire of **** throbbed in his pupils, and the old Ghost Rider's intuition told him that something bad happened.

right here in Houston.

In the dying human soldiers, in their fallen souls.

There are demons? !

Did you play tricks on this kind of battlefield? !

Who is that new knight, Johnny Blazer's enemy? !

A wisp of flame fluttered, and the fire of **** rose and fell, symbolizing old Carter's uneasy mood.


stare! !

Wearing a kimono, standing quietly, without saying much, just silently staring at the strange guy in front of him.

Yes, strange!

A skeleton horse covered in fire, and an old man with only bones left.

cowboy? !

It should be this word, Yan Moai has heard of it.

demon? !

That should be a story in the West, also playing the evil existence.


A cowboy who also serves death, what an odd combination.


Yan Moai's cold little face did not say a word.

The boat turned slowly.

Xiao Ai also felt the malice contained in his soul.

It's none of her business.

Connecting to the girl in hell, following the instructions of the adult in hell, and sending these strange souls to hell, is just doing their job.

Yan Moai doesn't want to care about other things, and it has nothing to do with her.


If this weird-looking guy wants to steal her soul, it won't work.

"Jingle Bell!"

fog! !

Mist! !

It's getting foggy! !

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the bell, the Buddha's spirit on the white wrist gently rang.

In this fog, under the call of the girl from hell, bright lanterns guided the way forward, and the torrent gradually became dim.

There was no dispute, no conflict, the **** ferry that stood in front of Old Carter slowly bypassed, and the passage to **** gradually opened.

"Strange girl!"

"Sure enough, the longer you live, the more strange things you encounter!"

Old Carter looked at the girl carrying the soul, and the boat drifted away on the dim river.

He touched the vital scroll he was carrying.

Think again.

In the middle of the battlefield, Johnny Blazer is in trouble.

Although he felt the smell of demons, he also met a girl who had never been in contact with her before, who also belonged to death.


As the guardian of the new Ghost Rider, Johnny is the most important, and other things are not the focus at this time.

Thinking of this, the old knight smiled.


"Carter Slade!!"

"A knight who does not belong to this era!!"

"Girl, who are you?!"

The old knight shouted to the girl.

In the empty eye sockets, the fire of **** emits bright light, like a streamer, like a stream of fire, trying to see through the fog from hell! !

There is no turning back.

Did not turn around.

The figure standing at the stern was not deformed, and the boat continued to move forward until the figure disappeared into the mist.

Gently faint, a little echo came.

"I am Yan Moai!!"

"I heard the resentment, remove it for you!!"

"If you have a soul of resentment, you can come to the girl from hell!"


In Houston, flooded streets.

The flaming skeleton warhorse, standing on the water, just before the girl named Yan Moai disappeared in front of the old Evil Knight.

"Hell girl..."

"A name I've never heard before!!"


It doesn't matter!

For Ghost Rider, demons...that's all that matters.

at this time.

In this battlefield, in this city, there are demons lurking, this is something that the old knight has determined.

"Good guy!!"

"Let's go, don't make that kid wait too long!!"

Old Carter flicked the reins, accompanied by a long cry of "Herod".

The flaming warhorse speeded up again, the flames were drawn into a line, and with the rhythmic sound of hoofs, the old knight rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

And this time.

Located in the heart of Houston, where extraordinary conflict occurs.

Although at this time, Lord God once again showed his power, the Soul Ferryman and the Evil Knight were still competing.

And from the original huge "water storage tank", the "idlers and others" floating on the battlefield belong to the members of the old cat runaway group, and they are the most leisurely at this time.

When the initial panic is over.

With the protection of the gods, the beliefs of these guys are even deeper.

"Is it a military fighter jet?!"

"So what, it wasn't beaten down by Lord God.

"Oh god... no, I mean my god!!"

"At this moment..."

"I'm waiting for a miracle to bathe, I'm a real God's favor!!"

"Yes, no one will be the opponent of Lord God!!"

Even the rapids that are spreading across the city, lying on the turbulent water of Lake Creel, bathed in the blessings of the gods, these beasts of different skin colors, talking nonsense.

I guess... even Frogs have never had this type of believer before.

have to say.

These guys were brainwashed very well, no matter what beliefs they had in the past, they now belong to Moriya Shrine.

Facing such an immersive miraculous experience, the devout beliefs are soaring.


Except for their new leader, except for the boss Conan, such a reckless god...

Not much nonsense, at this time, we are waiting for the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau to take action! !

That's right! !

S.H.I.E.L.D. just announced the name once.

The clever and witty detective has already firmly remembered the name of this world organization! !


In the midst of this catastrophe when the gods descended into the world, they were waiting for the orderly organization to turn the tide!

As for Conan's sudden excitement, Ai Haibara on the side had something else to say.


"It's not that simple, are you sure they can really stop the gods?!"

Except for the gods who can never guess their minds and are isolated from the world, no one, no one can face the destruction of an entire city without moving! !

Things are getting bigger! !

Even Frogzi's newly recognized good boy wants to use his supernatural power to reunite with his sister in this new world.


"As Kudo said..."

"In any case, order is the best choice!!"

In fact, Haibara Ai himself understands this point.


The premise of bringing order is having the power to make rules.

And now...


"How do I feel, they ran away?!"

Yes! !

Above the chaotic battlefield, there are only fighter planes that are constantly being shot down.


The announcement has just been made, the special type of vehicle owned by that institution with a very long name! !

It looks like... it's gone.


Press the button on the tracking glasses to adjust the sight distance, and the battle situation over the battlefield is gradually clear.

Conan realized that, just as Haibara noticed, S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to be out of the field? !

Are you playing a group? !

Did you get out of the fight after shouting? What the **** is this? !

Conan's face was a little ugly, but it was still tense for the time being.

after all……



"It's part of a strategic plan, a professional security management organization, it should be fine!!"

Hear the name.

Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency.

Think about it just now, facing the battlefield, the extraordinary existence that is fighting, issued a tough warning.

"It shouldn't be!!"

"Could it be that there are some large-scale sanctions weapons?!"

"Ready to use?!"

Half of Conan's body was planted in the water, his head out of the water raised his neck, and one hand pointed his glasses, trying to find the shadow of the SHIELD agents on the battlefield.

at the same time.

Bringing into what the World Organization should look like, through subtle reasoning ideas, Conan is working hard to simulate what SHIELD should do next.

And at the same time.

The high-tech glasses with the characteristics of Dr. Agasa provide Conan with a good field of vision at this time.

Although, floating in the water, like water plants drifting with the current.

Whether it's a direct fight or stopping the chaos, the famous detectives at this time are completely incapable of getting involved.


This does not prevent Conan from looking at the entire battle situation and thinking continuously.

have to say.

Dr. A Li's invention is still very reliable. In such a fierce battlefield, after soaking in the water for so long, the glasses have nothing to do with it.

This is "Kexue"!

As the angle of view is pulled in, the sudden unexpected situation in the distant street really makes Conan's face change.


The roar of the gathering sounded.

Just under Conan's gaze, from the side where the old cat rampage group was, the edge of the battlefield directly entered a group of uninvited Extreme speed! !

Ride the rapids! !

Rush, rush, rush, the fancy dress guys are jumping on the water! !


"What is that?!"

Conan watched helplessly as the jet-ski was coming upstream from the water under the control of an extremely good stunt driver.

And the guy rushing at the forefront, at a glance, has an extremely realistic and huge eyeball on his head.

Eyeball people! !

The owner of the Snake Club Circus, Derek Shannon and his minions rush to the battlefield! !


"My dear nephew, don't worry, don't panic!!"

"Your good uncle is here!!"

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