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Chapter 148 148 Dream

Chapter 148 148. Dreamland

The song of the whale echoed in the air, making the branches and leaves of the big tree tremble.

Qiao Mu saw a translucent thing rising slowly from the soft soil after the rain.

He discovered it was a jellyfish.

The huge umbrella cover slowly contracts and expands, and the scattered tentacles are slowly pulled out from the ground. Like its relatives in the sea, it swims upward bit by bit in the air.

Looking around, the entire village is shrouded in countless jellyfish.


Before Enya, the girl with dark blond hair, could express her emotions, a spindle-like fish with long arms swam quickly past her head. Enya hurriedly lowered her body. Above her head, the huge school of fish almost covered the sun, and she looked towards Gathering at the foot of the hillside.


Noah did not feel intoxicated by these surreal scenery, but had a serious expression.

He and Captain Isaac looked at each other and immediately dragged Enya and others to the building closest to them.

"What's wrong?"

Enya didn't know why.

"It's a dream, it's very dangerous."

Noah said that there was no time to explain more now. He pulled Enya and ran forward two steps. Just when he was about to enter the building, he felt that he had lost his center of gravity.

Everyone floated.

Qiao Mu breaststroked in mid-air. He felt no resistance from the air, as if he was free.

Ah Xin just floated lightly in the air, and reached out to hold the hem of her skirt.

Captain Isaac grabbed hold of the straw on the roof and barely managed to keep from floating upward.

Enya had already turned upside down, her skirt floating upwards like a force against gravity, her left hand was firmly held by Noah, and the boy grabbed the eaves of the straw roof at the same time.

More creatures that can only be seen in the ocean floated out of the soil.

A hermit crab carrying a huge conch, as tall as a house, shines in the sun with a psychedelic sheen.

Silver translucent hairtail fish emerged from the ground one by one, swaying in the air like flags.

Big fish with ferocious teeth like sharks chase schools of fish and shuttle through the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Hongdao seemed to have become a vast ocean.

Qiao Mu could feel an upward force, as if floating in water, pulling him upward.

Stand tall and see far.

He found that looking around, all he could see was a scene in the sea.

It's just that compared to the normal empty sea, this place looks more prosperous and busy. All the creatures are translucent, reflecting the sunlight and showing brilliant colors like a rainbow.

Getting higher and higher, Qiao Mu looked at the people on the ground like ants, getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, Qiao Mu suddenly thought of a question.

What would happen to me if these things suddenly disappeared?

The next moment, Qiao Mu's whole body shook.

He saw that all the creatures disappeared with a plop like a dreamy bubble.

The force that pulled him upward was nowhere to be seen.


Qiao Mu began to fall downwards.

"No wonder Noah said he was going to run to the house."

He realized it later.

Qiao Mu wasn't given much chance to react. When he thought of the answer, his head was already in close contact with the earth.


Qiao Mu spread out like a lump of unkneaded lion's head smashed onto the chopping board by a novice chef, with blood and flesh splattering everywhere.

Fortunately, he landed in a bush, and most of those disgusting scenes were covered up by the bushes.

Noah ran over in a hurry.

He felt like he smelled something bloody, but when he pushed aside the bushes, he saw Qiao Mu getting up. It didn't look like he had just fallen from a high altitude, but like he had fallen.

Qiao Mu patted his clothes and noticed Noah.

"But it killed me."

He is very sincere.

"You, just be fine"

Noah looked at the surrounding bushes and guessed that Qiao Mu might have been caught by these branches when she fell, so she didn't fall to her death.

"What was that just now?"

Enya was still in a daze. The previous scene was extremely shocking. She had never read the relevant description in any book.

"That's a dream."

Captain Isaac touched his chin and then spoke.

"What we saw just now was the content of a dream. As for whose it belongs to, people on Hong Island say it belongs to the giant Sky Veil beast that lives in the Curtain of the World, but no one can tell what that monster looks like."

"My ancestors said that when their aerostat was caught in a storm and crashed, they saw a huge beast in the violent wind and rain. The beast was sleeping and created countless translucent creatures like just now. , It also prevents people who fall from the ship from falling into the sea of ​​clouds so quickly, so that they can survive. "

Noah added.

"Its dreams don't stop there. Sometimes on nights when storms come, the dreams of everyone on the island will be connected together, and everyone can see each other's dreams. Therefore, there are no secrets on Hong Island."

"Is this why you hide in the house when the dream comes?"

Enya looked at her wrist with lingering fear. There was still some redness and swelling there, which were traces of being caught by Noah. Of course, she was very grateful that Noah had caught her just now.

"Yes, people will float involuntarily when the dream comes, so only in the house can you avoid falling to death when the dream ends."

Noah looked at Qiao Mu again.

Qiao Mu puffed up her chest to show that she was fine.

"Do you know what the giant sky-curtain beast looks like?"

he also asked.

This kind of strange thing attracts boys the most.

"No one could see clearly and no one has seen it since."

Noah shook his head.

"Your village chief, how long have you been like this?"

Ah Xin seemed to have thought of something.

"The sacred tree protects the island from being destroyed by the most powerful storm. The village chief sacrificed himself to the sacred tree to protect the land."

Noah replied.

"What about the [Wind Candle]? Can we leave here with that thing?"

Enya helped Qiao Mu ask.

She is obviously also a curious baby and is very interested in everything she sees here.

"[Wind Candle] is a special kind of candle. It is said that after lighting it, it can dispel the storm within a certain range. Strange, isn't there in the outside world?"

Noah looked at Enya. He originally thought that thing should be everywhere.

"At least I haven't heard of it."

Enya lowered her eyelashes.

"I have never heard of it before, but when the storm came last time, I really saw it. Such a violent storm was suddenly blocked from the outside. If there is one on our ship, it will rush out of the world. The curtain shouldn’t be a problem at all!”

Captain Isaac added.

"It's just that this thing seems to be made from the branches of the sacred tree. Without the consent of the village chief, we can't get it at all."

"Isn't this a coincidence?"

At this time, Qiao Mu took out the candle from his arms.

"I happen to have one right here."

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