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Chapter 322 322World Peace

Chapter 322 322. World Peace

The little witch saw the web page on the computer screen, which contained several major news.

Basically, some countries and regions that had been having disputes for a long time came to an agreement overnight and achieved peaceful coexistence.

Qiao Mu casually searched some areas on the Internet that were still at war, and found that they had also ceased fire and negotiated peace talks. The whole world actually became peaceful because of Qiao Mu's wish.

"I'm thinking about how to thank you in my acceptance speech."

he muttered.

"What acceptance speech?"

The little witch was puzzled.

"Of course it's the acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. I will win this one."

Qiao Mu was full of confidence.

"Then remember to add my name to your acceptance speech."

The little witch replied, held the mouse again, and swiped to view, with an unbelievable look on her face.

"Isn't this a bit outrageous? How can there be real world peace?"

First of all, Qiao Mu's wish sounded very outrageous and abstract. After all, it was difficult to define what constituted world peace.

Secondly, the degree of contamination of the merit box was not high, and it was impossible to create such a scene with widespread and profound impact.

In the end, the little witch didn't realize that her wish came true.

At this time, the doorbell suddenly rang.

The little witch was reading the webpage and thinking, Qiao Mu got up and opened the door.

"Looking for you."

Qiao Mu turned around and asked the little witch to look away.

Then she froze.

Standing at the door now were her two sisters.

"is that a lie?"

Her wish was to bring her two sisters back to life.

Because the little witch didn't think this anomaly could really make her wish come true, she deliberately chose one that was outrageous and impossible to achieve.

However, she didn't expect that the two sisters who had died in Chernobyl would actually stand in front of her.

"Excuse me, we are the sisters of poetry."

One of the sisters greeted Qiao Mu.

"Shi Shi, why are you dressed like this? How rude."

Another sister said about poetry.

They looked exactly like the little witches, with only subtle differences in their eyebrows and expressions. They were the kind that you couldn't tell apart after you were drunk and turned off the lights.

The three girls stood in Qiao Mu's room, feeling an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"But, you are already dead."

The little witch's expression was a bit ugly.

She knew very clearly that her two sisters had died in Siberia, and what was standing in front of her now was 100% created by anomalies.

Whether it's a hallucination or an actual resurrection of the dead, this is taboo.

"Yes, we did die, but because of your wish, we came back to life."

One sister said with a smile.

She said it so matter-of-factly, but it gave her a sense of horror.

"Why, don't you think it's good for us to be resurrected?"

another sister asked rhetorically.

"Because there are three of us, and the family's attention to us will always be distracted. But now, you are the only one left, and your father and mother will pour all their love into you, right?"

"You actually never hoped that we could be resurrected, right? You just made the wish out of disbelief."

"You must be thinking now that we are both anomalies and need to be eliminated immediately. In fact, you are just worried that our arrival will make you go back to the days like before, right?"

"Admit it, you just think about yourself. You never think that our death is a sad thing. Look, you turn around and get mixed up with men."

The voices of the two sisters came and went, attacking the little witch's mental defense.

Qiao Mu did not act rashly. After all, this was the wish made by the little witch herself. Since the wish came true, she would naturally bear the consequences.

The little witch remained silent when faced with the questioning from her two sisters.

Just when Qiao Mu thought the little witch was about to break through the defense, she picked up the A4 paper on the table and folded it into two frogs.

"Why, do you want to kill your sister again?"

"Sure enough, you never really thought our resurrection was a good thing."

The two sisters noticed the little miko's behavior and said sharply.

But the little witch ignored them and threw two origami frogs onto them, one for each of them.


The frog fell on them, and suddenly, the two witches let out a shrill howl. Their skin blistered and evaporated, turning into smoke as if they were being cooked.

"Sure enough, it's just memetic contamination created by anomalies."

The little miko looked at the two origami frogs on the ground and said.

"Besides, my sisters wouldn't talk to me like that."

"I thought you really did what they said."

Qiao Mu said from the side.

"Not really."

The little miko sighed.

"I do feel that my two sisters have been separated from their parents' care. They often snatched my things when I was young, but I don't think they should die in that place like that."

"That's why you made that wish."

Qiao Mu can probably understand the little witch's thoughts.

Everyone always has some slightly dark thoughts, but most of them are just thoughts.

"I know that even I would want to wish that the delivery person would deliver the wrong takeout and deliver a high-end cake bought by someone else to my home."


The little witch felt that Qiao Mu's pursuit was a little too superficial.

"However, I also learned about this abnormal rule."

She quickly added.

"To put it simply, the anomaly of this wishing machine does not really realize the user's wishes from an objective reality level. It will only contaminate everyone's perception and make the affected people think that their wishes have come true."

The little miko took out the printed comments on the website.

"You see, this person who ran for three minutes did not actually run that fast. It was just that the teacher and his own perceptions were tampered with, thinking that he had run at this level."

"Those who got perfect marks on this exam also had their perceptions tampered with, thinking that they got perfect marks."

"As for those who win the lottery, they are also contaminated by memes and feel like they have won the lottery."

"Memetic pollution is like this. As long as you are in it, it is difficult to detect it, especially ordinary people. Even if others remind you, they cannot wake up."

Qiao Mu looked at the words and felt that what the little witch said made sense.

"So, world peace is also fake?"

"should be."

The little witch nodded.

"This anomaly only needs to make the world in our minds peaceful. Anyway, we live in a peaceful area. As long as we see news, comments on the Internet, and newspapers that say world peace, then we think The world in Zhizhong is a world without disputes.”

she explained.


Qiao Mu felt very sorry that he could not win the Nobel Peace Prize.

"Well, but, knowing its rules of action, we can also find ways to restrict and anchor it."

The little witch seemed to have thought of something.

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