Plug-in Player

Chapter 1544: Change the sky two

"He's in the Earth Star Freedom City! I also persuaded him to stay in the Star Ring City, which is at least relatively stable there, but he refused!"

Tia spoke back.

"It's normal to refuse. It's impossible for the chairman of Arles to stay in the city of Star Rings alone for his own safety."

"That's right! Well, I won't tell you anymore. Let's talk again when things are over and free!"


Su Mo immediately hung up the communication.

At this time, the troops of the Starry Sky Federation began to mobilize, began to break away from the defensive area, and flew towards the earth star.

Su Mo turned to Qian Chengxue and the others and said, "I'll leave the defense of the prison heart to you. I'll go to the Federation to meet the President of the Arles Council."

"No problem, you go, pay attention to safety!"

Qian Chengxue nodded in response.

"I see."

Su Mo then turned and left.

Not long after, Su Mo flew out of the Blade of Immortality in his crazy-eyed Rainhawk, and he flew towards the Earth Star at high speed.

When approaching the earth star, Su Mo saw the starry sky outside the earth star, where mechas were fighting.

Beams and missiles passed by!

In the public communication channel, there were even more curses.

"The lackeys of the Star Ring City, the traitors of mankind, did not lead us to rebel against the Star Ring City, but turned their swords against us."

"The rebels are still reasonable, let's see what the entire Federation has been made by you."

Su Mo glanced at it, his expression became more and more serious. The situation in the Federation was not as optimistic as he had imagined. He took a deep breath, calmed down his ups and downs, and flew towards the planet.

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The City of the Star Ring·Shen En Square.

Gather millions of people, these people have the country of the first gestation, but also the second and the third gestation.

Everyone held up various banners and flags, shouting non-stop.

Their expressions are angry or restless, fearful, puzzled...

"We want to see Lord Yinkaloya!"

"We want an explanation!"

"We want to know the truth of history!"

. . .

However, no matter how everyone protested and shouted, since the incident broke out until now, Yin Kaloya has never been expected to appear.

"Is everything on the forum true?"

"Are we really here to die? Are we really not saved?"

"Why don't you come out and explain! Why!"


Many anxiously waiting people completely lost control of their emotions, shouting filial piety in despair.

It's a pity that it's useless, standing in front of them are only the elite soldiers of Star Ring City in heavy mechanical armor, their eyes are cold and ruthless.

On the roof of a tall building not far from Shenen Square.

Helinwei and Caviser stood there, and behind them stood Menglik, Enlok, Lulawi, Xiao Jie, Maihan, etc. They were looking at the turmoil of God's Grace Square and the chaotic Star Ring City .

At this moment, the corners of Caviser's mouth raised slightly, revealing a bright smile.

Helene Wei looked at the Star Ring City that was on the verge of losing control, her exquisite face showed a trace of anger, she suddenly pulled out a red lightsaber, put it on Caviser's neck, and said very angrily.

"I helped you to save my elder brother. Look at the good things you did. It caused chaos everywhere, and countless people died because of you."

Caviser did not dodge, he said to Helene Wei with a helpless expression.

"Aren't you wronging me?"

"How did I wrong you?"

"All I did was to save Eureka. If the city of Star Rings is not chaotic, and everyone does not resist Yin Kaloya, how can we have a chance to rescue Eureka? Isn't everything I did in the early stage Are you ready for work?"


Helinwei was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing how to refute, she rationally told her that everything Caviser said was just an excuse, he was deceiving herself.

But Sensibility told Helena that if she didn't do this, there was really no chance of rescuing Eureka.

Her expression kept changing, and finally her sensibility overwhelmed her rationality, and she slowly withdrew the lightsaber in her hand, she said through gritted teeth.

"You'd better not lie to me, and now that the Star Ring City is in chaos, when will you rescue my elder brother?"

"Don't be in a hurry, it's not the right time yet, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, but it's coming soon..."

Cavisher replied with a wicked smile.

Helene Wei took a deep breath, she had no way out now, she could only trust Cavishe.

. . .

City of Star Rings·Executive Council Building.

Three-story rest and waiting area.

A number of non-commissioned officers and generals in the military uniform of the Star Ring City wandered there.

Anxiety and confusion were on everyone's face.

They kept questioning the non-commissioned officer in charge of ordering.

"We asked to see Lord Yinkaloya, when exactly will Lord Yinkaloya see us?"

"Help inform me."


"Aren't you embarrassing me? Master Yin Kaloya clearly explained. Unless it is someone she wants to meet on her own initiative, no one else will be seen!"

The non-commissioned officer in charge of ordering replied in embarrassment.

"No, the sky is going upside down outside, and I can hardly hold down the soldiers below. I must see Lord Yin Kaloya to ask about the situation!"

"That's right, we want to see Lord Yin Kaloya."

The non-commissioned officers and generals waiting at the scene said anxiously.

These generals and non-commissioned officers were rarely out of proportion, and in fact they couldn't be blamed, after all, such a big thing happened, it would be very disturbing for anyone else.

The most terrible point is that Yin Kaloya has not come forward to clarify.

"No, Lord Yinkaloya's order is non-negotiable. You should be very clear. No matter how much you make a fuss, it is useless. The guard soldiers will not let you in. You should wait patiently."

The on-site herald said helplessly.

At this time, the soldiers maintaining order at the scene took a step forward one after another, forming a partition wall to prevent the non-commissioned officers and generals on the scene from attacking.


The non-commissioned officers and generals present also stamped their feet on the ground in frustration!

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Earth Star · City of Liberty.

Su Mo appeared in the sky above the city in his crazy-eyed Rainhawk. The originally bustling city was filled with black smoke.

From time to time, violent explosions occurred in the area.

On the streets of the city, black steel mechas are holding heavy weapons and are on alert!

From time to time, an interstellar fighter jet flies by in the sky!

In this way, the whole city is still in chaos.

Su Mo glanced at it, and then flew towards the Federal Administration Building. When he was approaching, five Night Guard mechas came up to meet him.

A tired voice sounded in the communication channel.

"Excuse me, is this Master Su Mo? I am Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Fei of the Federal Special Defense Force. I am doing routine verification during extraordinary times."

"Yes, I want to see the President of the Council of Arles."

Su Mo replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll let you know!"

Major Jerry replied respectfully.

After about a few minutes, Major Jerry Fei said: "Mr. Arles Councilor asked you to wait in the office, and he will come to see you right away."

"Okay, thank you!"

As Su Mo said, he was about to drive the mecha away.

At this moment, Major Jerry Fei, who took the lead, suddenly said: "Master Su Mo, can I ask you a question."

Su Mo was slightly taken aback, then stopped.

"you say."

"Is the video on the forum real? Are we really hopeless? Are we really just cannon fodder?"

Major Jerry Fei asked through gritted teeth.

Su Mo was silent for a few seconds, and then said to him: "As long as there is life in this world, there is hope. And we are not cannon fodder, and you don't have to question the city of Star Ring. It is true that we are working for it, but it also gave We don’t save cannon fodder for our rich rewards. We just get what we need. The road is at our own feet, and we decide how we want to go. If we don’t walk well, don’t blame the road for being uneven.”

"I get it, thank."

After listening to Su Mo's words, Major Jerry Fei seemed to feel much relieved from the weight of the stone in his heart, and he replied gratefully.

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