Plug-in Player

Chapter 389: easy to say

"You don't understand this. The interstellar airport will be an important cornerstone for the prosperity of a city in the future. Only by being located in the center of the city can the interstellar airport be better protected. To put it bluntly, the future magic capital will be tied to the interstellar airport. Everything is lost, and the things you are worried about are not unreasonable. Judging from the current technology, it seems a little too early to enter the interstellar era. But I can tell you a top-secret information in private, the new era The curtain is about to kick off, the world will enter an unprecedented new era, when everything will be reshuffled, whether we can occupy a place in the future, the decision-making now is extremely critical."

Cao Wen lowered his voice and said to Su Mo.

Although Su Mo's expression was calm, his heart was a little rough, and the influence of Star Ring on reality began to manifest.

"I have no objection to the above plan. Although I am very reluctant, but after all, it is for the sake of civilization and progress. I will still make concessions when it is time to make concessions, as long as you give a reasonable compensation plan."

"Thank you Mr. Su Mo for your understanding, but let me tell you the truth. In fact, the scale of the interstellar airport planned for us is very small, but in order to gain a place in my future fierce competition, and for the magic city to continue to prosper, we Changed the design and planning. So the funding gap is very serious, so the compensation we can give is very limited.”

Cao Wen brings up the most important part.

"How much can you compensate? And how will you settle it in the future?"

Su Mo was silent for a few seconds and asked.

"Our initial plan is to compensate you a total of 7 billion yuan, and all tenants can get one month's rent compensation. Of course, it can still be negotiated on this basis."

Cao Wen didn't talk about the price to death, he also knew that the price was not very low. You must know that the land of the magic capital is the same, and now it is to be demolished, and there is no need to talk about 50 billion.

Su Mo pondered: "I'm not very interested in money, I need land and the corresponding real estate for compensation."

After Cao Wen listened to it, it was a bit difficult to handle. At present, there really isn't much free real estate and land in Modu, but Su Mo's request is reasonable.

After thinking about it again and again, Cao Wen once again gave a compromise plan.

"Well, the amount of compensation will be reduced to 2 billion, and at the same time, I will let the following people compensate you for 100,000 peripheral houses of different sizes. At the same time, in the villa area near the interstellar airport, I will give you a piece of land. What do you think? I know This compensation plan is not satisfactory, but it is indeed the full budget that we can come up with now. I am not afraid of your jokes. Now the planners from the imperial capital are arguing with us about the progress of the interstellar airport. Today, this charity The party is raising funds for the construction of the interstellar airport."

He wants to finalize the matter as soon as possible, in case something goes wrong, the group of people from the imperial capital have been trying to find an excuse to compress the scale of the interstellar airport in the magical capital.


Su Mo replied simply.

Hearing that Su Mo agreed, Cao Wen showed a bright smile and solemnly extended his hand to Su Mo again.

Su Mo also stretched out and shook hands with Cao Wen.

"Mr. Su Mo thank you for your sacrifice and contribution to the magic capital. This is my personal business card. If you have anything in the future, you can call this number."

Cao Wen then took out a business card and handed it over.

Su Mo took it and put it away.


"Haha, the business is over. When the banquet is over, I will ask the butler to deliver the prepared agreement to you. Let's not talk about that now, let's start the banquet first. I'm afraid the guests have been waiting for a long time."


Su Mo nodded.

"Excuse me first."

Then Cao Wen walked towards the front of the banquet hall.

Su Mo looked around and found Lin Zinuo who was having a good chat with Cao Yun.

Women are really amazing animals. In such a short period of time, the two of them have become very close.

Su Mo walked over.

When Cao Yun saw Su Mo approaching, she politely bowed to her.

"Mr. Su Mo."

"Miss Cao Yun."

Su Mo responded politely.

Cao Yun looked at Su Mo up and down, and there was a trace of doubt in her clear eyes.

"What's up?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just think Mr. Su Mo looks a little familiar, as if he's seen it somewhere."

Cao Yun responded with a smile.

"Then you must have read it wrong, this guy is a standard otaku."

Lin Zino said in a good mood.

"That might be my fault."

Cao Yun didn't bother much about this issue.

At this time, Cao Wen's calm voice sounded in the banquet hall: "Dear guests, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend this banquet......"

The lights of the banquet hall gathered on Cao Wen's body one after another, and the banquet officially started.

Seeing this, Cao Yun apologized and saluted, "Sister Zinuo, Mr. Su Mo, I'll be busy first, and excuse me when the banquet starts."

"Okay, walk slowly."

Su Mo and Lin Zinuo nodded and replied.

After Cao Yun left, Lin Zinuo jokingly said to Su Mo: "I found that you are handsome and rich, and you have a relationship with everyone. Even Sister Cao Yun said that you look familiar, are you happy?"

Su Mo replied calmly, "It's normal for her to look familiar to me. Our elementary school is in the same class."

"Ah, you guys really know each other, don't you deliberately put gold on your face?"

Lin Zino had an expression of disbelief.

"What are you doing, my memory is not bad, but I didn't expect her memory to be so good. Let's not talk about that, my uncle and aunt are here."

Su Mo suddenly said with a straight face.

After hearing Su Mo's words, Lin Zinuo's expression froze, and she panicked.

"It's over, it's over..."

Su Mo was also a little inexplicably guilty.

But what should come finally came, Lin Wei and Lin He walked in front of them.

"Dad, Mom."

Lin Zino answered awkwardly.

Su Mo also greeted: "Uncle, aunt..."

Neither Lin He nor Lin Wei spoke, and the atmosphere became more and more awkward.

At this time, Lin He sighed and said, "You young we don't care."


Lin Zinuo was also surprised when she heard Lin Wei's words, and immediately showed a happy expression, she took Lin Wei's hand and replied happily.

"Thank you dad."

Su Mo's expression showed a hint of doubt, but he didn't explain much. He knew that Lin Wei didn't have a good impression of himself, and he suddenly remembered something and said.

"That uncle, aunt, it's rare for you to come to the magic capital once, or have a meal together tomorrow, so that I can enjoy the friendship of the landlord."

"Yeah, let's have a meal with Mom and Dad."

Lin Zinuo looked at his parents with anticipation.


Lin Wei didn't shirk, and he didn't really want to refute Su Mo's face.

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