Plug-in Player

Chapter 475: Embarrassed

Everyone stopped one after another, and Witke led people to surround the protection of everyone, staring at the security guards who were about to rush over.

Although he didn't know what the **** Su Mo was doing, no matter how he looked at it now, it didn't look like he could escape, unless each of them could suddenly grow wings.

But Witco chose to follow Su Mo's command.

I saw Su Mo squatted down, stretched out his hand and groped around on the ground, sweeping away the heavy dust and garbage.

Before everyone could react, Su Mo touched a metal lid handle, and he was overjoyed. The guidance of the light brain is really accurate, and there is almost no error.

He suddenly burst into strength and pulled hard!

A five-meter-diameter, very concealed circular passageway appeared in front of everyone, and a metal foot ladder was installed on the edge of the passage. .

"Let's go down! Staying on the ground is a dead end!"

Su Mo shouted to everyone.

This scene also stunned everyone.

Lin Ming looked at the opened passage in shock, and looked at Su Mo again in disbelief.


"Why are you still stunned, hurry down, don't you think we'll be fine when we go down? Those security guards won't let us go. We are like a virus in their eyes now, and they are objects that must be eliminated."

Su Mo looked at the people who were stunned in place, and shouted eagerly.

Lin Ming came back to his senses, and immediately shouted, "Go down, don't take the stairs before it's too late, jump down."

Immediately, everyone came back to their senses, and four or five jumped down together.

Su Mo turned to Qianchengxue and Karinsha and said, "Let's go, let's go too!"


The two nodded in response.

Then Su Mo also jumped down. At this time, Li Cheng and others who jumped down first stretched out their hands to catch Su Mo and then pulled him aside.

"Sir, you step back first."


Su Mo nodded.

At this time, Qianchengxue, Karinsha and others also jumped down one after another.

Before long, almost all of the survivors jumped off.

After a cursory glance, there were only less than three hundred people left, and the rest were either lost or sacrificed.

At this moment, a bang!

The passage cover was closed, and then a rough figure fell.

Witko landed firmly on the ground, he raised his head and shouted eagerly.

"Come on, the security guards are catching up."

Su Mo waved his hand and said to the crowd.

"Come with me!"

He led the crowd towards a six-meter-wide passage on the right.

Before everyone could think about it, they followed Su Mo and ran inside. Qian Chengxue and the others ran while observing the surrounding environment.

They seemed to have come to an intricate underground passage area at this time.

"What is this place?"

Qianchengxue asked Su Mo in a low voice.

"I don't know either. I only know that this should be the internal mechanical channel loop area. The terrain here is relatively complicated. We must find a way to get rid of those security guards here, or it will be finished sooner or later."

Su Mo replied with a very solemn expression.

In his mind, the forger, the Devourer, showed him a flat thumbnail of a hologram, only to see dense red dots chasing behind their buttocks.

Those security guards are not slow at all in the safe passage.

bang bang~

At this moment, Witko and the others, who were at the back, suddenly opened fire.

"Damn, those guys are catching up."

Witko cursed, but he didn't panic. The current situation is much better than before. The underground passage area, after all, has limited space, so you can still give it a shot.

Gu Qiu </span> If he was in the open metal plain, it would be the rhythm of making dumplings by the other party, and he would definitely die.

"Don't panic, follow me!"

Su Moxin also mentioned the eyes of his throat, and now he can only follow the instructions of the Devourer and run all the way.

"In front of the right side, there is a gap in the metal wall. If you pass there, you will be temporarily safe."

The fake owner Devourer said hoarsely.

Su Mo immediately shouted: "They all pass through the gap between the metal wall on the right side in front, and it is safe to pass."

Immediately, Li Cheng and the others followed Su Mo's prompt and drilled into the crack on the right. This gap is not ordinary narrow, but it is no problem for thin people like them to pass by sideways.

Soon a famous team member successfully entered.

"Sister Xue, let's go in too."

Su Mo said to Qianchengxue, then he turned his body sideways and walked in.


Qianchengxue nodded in response.

The two walked in sideways, and soon they were halfway there, but at this time the gap became narrower.

Suddenly, Qianchengxue stopped and did not continue to move forward.

Su Mo noticed that Qian Chengxue suddenly stopped and looked at her suspiciously.

"What's up?"

Qiancheng Xuebai's neck suddenly turned a little red, she said in a low voice.

"I can't get through."

Su Mo was also stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Qian Chengxue's chest, then quickly moved away.

"Su Mo, why don't you go over there, I'll find another way."

Qianchengxue's face became more and more As Qianchengxue retreated, when Qianchengxue withdrew again, Su Mo also got out.

"Why did you come back?"

Qianchengxue was slightly startled and said.

"Together we will!"

Su Mo didn't explain too much, just said something indifferently.

Hearing Su Mo's words, his heart was slightly touched.

Standing aside, Karinsha saw this scene, with a hint of envy in her bright eyes.

Lanfenra on the side pulled Karinsha and said, "Karinsha, we should go."

"Come over, I'm going this way."

Karinsha shook her head.


Finland suddenly grimaced. In fact, it was obvious that the security guards who chased and killed them would definitely not be able to pass through this gap, and they could get rid of each other better.

At this time, several subordinates ran to Lin Ming's side and said anxiously: "Sir, something is wrong. For those companions who wear a generation of mechanical armor, the mechanical helmets are too big to pass. Only by giving up can they pass."

"Then throw away the helmet, we didn't test it before. The negative energy virus value here is very low, as long as you have been injected with type I gene drugs, you can be immune."

"That's fine, but not even a sturdy companion. For example, Mr. Witko's physique will definitely not be able to pass."

Lin Ming's expression changed for a while, and then he quickly said: "Then the troops will be divided into two groups. Those who can pass will go first, and it will be as much as they can escape."


Everyone present was stunned.

"Why are you still standing there, let's go!"

Witko yelled at them.

At this moment, a scene that surprised everyone appeared. The non-commissioned officers who had passed away have retreated.

"Why did you come back?"

Lin Ming scolded with some anger.

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