Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 146: There's a guy named Pym, you go find him

Whether it is a hand-made unique product without a semicolon, or a mass-produced product made on an industrial assembly line, Stark's eyesight can tell at a glance.

What's more, the capsule is also printed with the registered trademark of Change Capsule Company.

"Hey, buddy, do you have any more? Get me a few." After trying it out himself, Stark was more interested in this thing: "How much, tell me, I promise not to bargain."

"No, really no more..."

Because of Stark's doomed entanglement like dog skin plaster, Shi Xiaolei's head became two big.

I don't want to push him to 2B and make her also troubled...

As a last resort, Shi Xiaolei had no choice but to put aside the worry of being blamed by Gu Yi, and gave Stark a small spoiler: "Actually, you don't have to stare at me at all. You know? In the United States, there is a famous Dr. Henry Jonathan Pym, he invented a Pym particle that can shrink and enlarge objects at will. Although the principle is different, the effect of that thing is almost equivalent to this capsule."

"Dr. Pym...I think I've heard that name."

"Of course you've heard, uh, I mean, you've been to so many academic parties, you've met so many famous scientists, scientific research leaders like Dr. Pym, if you haven't heard of it, it's not normal. Woolen cloth."


"So, don't embarrass me, OK?" Shi Xiaolei begged for mercy again: "There are only a few capsules in total, and I have already given them to Sylvia. Dude, you can't let me ask her for it again. Come back? Even if she doesn't mind, I still want a face."

"...Well, since you're my friend, I won't make it difficult for you."

Before Shi Xiaolei could breathe a sigh of relief, Stark changed his words again: "However, if I can't get Pym particles, I..."

"Bah ah ah~! What are you talking about? You are Tony Stark. I believe you can get Pym particles~!"

After dawdling and delaying for some time, it was almost eleven o'clock, because Jarvis asked, "Do you need to start preparing lunch?" Several people responded.

Get out now.

Let 2B accompany Xiao Chili to go upstairs and take down the suitcase she had arranged before. Everyone gathered together and stood in a circle, arm in arm. Then, with Shi Xiaolei's 'gong', the figure disappeared from the basement and came to the inside of the ark.

I didn't do those bells and whistles. This time, Shi Xiaolei took everyone to the base.

Because it was indoors, surrounded by walls made after unlocking Tektronix technology, the texture was similar to that of Stark's laboratory, so Pepper, who came in for the first time, was not particularly surprised at this time.

Until she was dragged by the little girl Kang Na, left the teleportation room, and went to the empty square. She saw the pterosaurs flying in the air, Dabai laying on the square and basking in the sun, and the original scenery near the base. mangrove forest……

"Wow~~~~! It's amazing~! This is the Ark? It's incredible~!"

"It's like a dream, right?" When he came outside, Stark raised his arms and gently wrapped his arms around Pepper's waist: "That's how I reacted when I first came here. By the way, I'm still subdued. I got a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I'll show you around later."

"T-Rex?" Three-point blame, three-point worry, and three-point expectation, Pepper couldn't help pinching Stark's rib: "Tony, how many things are you hiding from me? Can you let me Take it easy?"

"Hey~!" He gasped in pain, and Stark grinned and covered his ribs: "I knew you would do this, so I didn't tell you. Besides, there is no real evidence, just relying on what you say, you Will you believe me? Please, I don't want to be nagged by you, let me see a psychiatrist if I have something to do."

"Am I that kind of person? Humph~!"

"Believe my dear, you are~."

"Cough cough." Shi Xiaolei's greeting came from behind the tired two people: "You two, can you make way? It's still daytime, whispering or something, can you wait until the door is closed at night?"

"Uh~." Pepper lowered his head embarrassedly, a blush on his face.

Stark was not shy at all, but just as if he had arrived at his own house, he asked unceremoniously, "Locke, where is my room with Pepper?"

"Come with me."

The base is very large and there are many rooms. It is a simple matter to make one or two rooms out as guest rooms.

In fact, since he received Bruce Banner and Stark one after another, and brought his family to the Ark for vacation time and time again, Shi Xiaolei had expected that more friends would come here as guests, so, in order to meet this demand , He deliberately took some time to expand and renovate the base twice.

With the crowd, they crossed the wide square, and then walked over the small bridge that was built not long ago. After a while, the group came to the edge of the mangrove forest.

Walking up the wooden steps, they came to a platform built on the trunk of a tree, pointed to the small and exquisite tree house, Shi Xiaolei smiled and introduced to the two: "This is the one I prepared for you. The spare room. You can take a look first, if you think it's too small, or if you don't like something, I'll show you somewhere else."

There are four kinds of newly-built guest rooms, namely the tree house built on the huge red fir, the water pavilion built on the river, the original style stone cave created by hollowing out the rock wall, and the relatively uncharacteristic two-story single-family cabin. .

Speaking of convenience, it is definitely the most convenient to live in a log cabin in the shape of a matchbox. But for Pepper at this time, the charm of the cabin is obviously not as good as the other three characteristic rooms.

After hesitating for a while, Pepper finally made a choice: "I choose the water cabin~, Tony, what do you think..."

"You have the final say~." Shrugging, Stark chose to be kind.

"That's it." Nodding with satisfaction, Pepper turned to look at Shi Xiaolei: " We have decided."

"Isn't it a water hut, no problem. Need help with luggage? If not, then I'm going to prepare lunch now."

"No, it's just two boxes, I'll do it myself." Stark waved his hand: "You better cook, to be honest, I'm already a little hungry."

"Okay, then you can do it yourself, I don't care." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei turned to leave, and at the same time did not forget to say hello to 2B and Bei Yunita: "Sister Bei, look at Kang Na, don't let her Run away. Sylvia, I'll leave the house to you, and I'll cook."


"Got it."

Before he finished speaking, a high-pitched eagle roar came from above his head.

Looking up, a huge eagle is swooping down.

Without any psychological preparation, and without knowing that this was Shi Xiaolei's pet, seeing the giant eagle about to rush in front of him, Pepper's feet softened and he sat on the ground.

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