When a lightning fell, the sky was white, Qi Aiguo walked high and low through the mountain forest. She didn't dare to go to the crowded mountain road, but went deep into the forest.

She crossed a hill, bypassing a reed-covered pond, manna repaired the wound, and as the action broke again, blood and water leaked out.

"I haven't revenge on my parents. I haven't revenge on Master's murder."

"I can't die!" Qi Aiguo muttered to herself, and she just walked on like this, and when she turned to one place, she kicked her feet and fell down, and she knew nothing in an instant.

The rain cracked down, and there was a loud noise in the mountain forest. A fox jumped out, his eyes looked around, and he looked very smart. He moved his ears slightly, listening to the movement.

"Falcon" the fox shouted to the water side and waited quietly on the shore, protruding his claws for a flash, which was to catch the fish in the water.

The fox bite the fish and ate it, eating it cleanly, combing it in the water, and it looked very elegant. Suddenly, it stopped moving and both ears moved.

There were thatched bushes in the mountains, and the fox watched in one direction alertly, ran up, stumbled, and rolled on the ground.

"Haw" the fox screamed angrily. Looking down, he found that there was a man on the ground, but Qi Aiguo, with blood on his body and pale face, lying in the grass.

The fox was very strange. He was so keen that he didn't realize that there was a human. Now he tilted his head and looked at it. After thinking about it for a long time, the fox bit her clothes and dragged it to a cave, which was covered by the bushes. .

"Oh!" The fox thought for a while, stretched and collected the blood-stained mud one by one, and threw it to another road until it reached the cliff.

The fox put out her tongue tiredly, returned to the cave, glanced at Qi Aiguo, and lay beside her.

Mountain side

A group of Taoists appeared, and the sky was covered with mist and scattered, and the shallow water was bubbling. A Taoist led by him was wearing a robe, some handsome, wearing wooden shoes under his feet, and more than a dozen disciples followed closely. At the mountain pass, he stopped for a moment.

Although there is a robe, this kind of rain can't prevent much rain. In addition, the trek is covered with muddy water, and one person's face is green and yellow. He said, "Damn. Rainy, how can you find such a big mountain? "

"The spell is not found, but there is blood, so that the spirit beast can keep up." The head man also frowned because he could not find it for a long time. He groaned and said, "Go back and appreciate some of these meat beasts." Just fine. "

The so-called spirit beast is actually a dog. I don't know why the spirit beast was put on, and one said, "That's it."

Said to drive the dog to smell it, when he went forward the next way, finally along a road to the cliff, looking down, it was a big river.

The river was turbulent and the current was turbulent. In the rain, the river was splashing with layers of spray, more than thirty meters high, and no Taoist dared to jump down.

Looking at the first person, sneer: "I didn't expect this woman to be tough and chose to commit suicide."

"Brother, should we go downstream and search again?" The Tao follower asked.

The first said: "She was injured. No matter whether she committed suicide or escaped by diving, we can't search anymore, only the light at the gate."

"The life lamp is still alive, even if it has a magic weapon, as long as a shot is broken in the door to shield the heavenly magic, it will always catch up."

"Brother said!" The Taoist people realized that they didn't stay long, and turned away.

At three hours, a fox's head appeared in the cave, his nose sniffed in the air, and without the breath of a Taoist, the fox made a few sounds, seeming to laugh at him.


At this time, there was a coughing sound, there was dry thatch on the ground, and there was a lot of fluff on it. Qi Aiguo sat up, his eyes were cold, and he was about to touch the sword, but he was lost.

"Where is this?" Qi Aiguo looked around and saw that it was a cave, very simple, with some coolness, Qi Aiguo reached out his hand to cover the wound, but still felt a little pain, but he got better a lot, touched It was found that the wound had some chewed herbs.

I pressed my hand on the dried thatch and felt a lot of hair. Not far away, there was light in the hole. Qi Aiguo was pale and covered her chest toward the light.

"This is a karst cave." There was a large hole in the cave, and the light came in. The vines grew on the cliffs of the cave, and there were many wild fruits on it.

A white fox, shaking its tail, was staring closely at the side of the groundwater pond. At this moment, the fish in the water moved slightly, and the fox stretched its claws instantly, catching a fierce catch, and a fish caught on shore.

The fox turned around and saw Qi Aiguo, rejoicing in front of Qi Aiguo: "果"

Qi Aiguo went down, lowered his body, and the fox did not run away. He gestured, pointed his claws at the fish and pointed at Aiguo.

"Do you mean, do you want to eat this fish for me?" Qi Aiguo asked, and the fox nodded and reached the fish with her hand.

"Such spirituality!" Qi Aiguo froze and saw the little fox turn around and run away: "Don't go, yes, did you save me?"

Qi Aiguo shouted, the fox disappeared into the vine and disappeared. Qi Aiguo slowly squatted down, choked silently, and felt something arching his cheek. At a glance, it was the fox who choked the fruit and rubbed it with his face With yourself.

Qi Aiguo held the fox in his arms, and tears flowed down.

The peach was very small and sour, but she ate it. Qi Aiguo was a fisherman's family. She knew how to deal with it. She collected dry wood, ordered it by the method, cut fish fillets, and ate it.

The white fox was very happy eating the grilled fish and fished in the pond. The fox loved Qi Aiguo and was always wrapped around Qi Aiguo's side. After eating, the white fox pulled Qi Aiguo to the open-air cave. At this time, the rain After a clear day, the cool breeze at night resembles water. A moon hangs high in the night sky, and the moonlight falls. It is only in the moonlight that the white fox releases, stands upright, and poses: "叽叽"

"Do you want me to learn?" Qi Aiguo couldn't help but be funny, Shimen obviously said that there is nothing in the world that can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, only to think that the fox seems to be in the right posture, sucking into the air, see In the middle of the month, a ray of silver fell and poured directly into the mouth.

There was a sound when swallowing, and the fox trembled, making Qi Aiguo stunned and looked for a long time. He said, "Monster? I heard the master said that although there are folk legends, there are never monsters."

The fox ignored it, but it stopped for a long time. His eyes had more spirituality. After thinking about it, he threw it out, stretched his claws to dig out a few herbs, turned and entered the hole again.

"Is it healing?" Qi Aiguo took it, tears burst into tears, and the tears slipped on his cheeks. The white fox seemed to know Qi Aiguo's sorrow, and approached it slightly arched sideways.

The fox yelled a few times, and she hugged: "Fox, you are so good, mother is gone, father is gone, and even the master is gone, I only have you."

Pinghu County

Under the sun, it brought a scorching heat, and 30,000 troops came. For several miles, the banner covered the clouds, and the tail could not be seen at a glance. According to the Daxu system, each one was armed, wearing armor, and had a serious face.

Pei Ziyun arrived under the city, and saw that it was impossible to maintain a queue on the way. This was impossible for any army to complete. However, when he reached the city, he raised the banner and continued to return to the team. Then, the banner was concentrated two miles outside the city.

Under the banner of the Chinese Army, more than 30 officials were accompanying the army, with a respectful attitude, scoring Yuan'an County, holding a butcher knife, copying 300 houses in one breath, the killings were rolling, and news spread out, waiting for the army to arrive. They all descended, responding to the call of the court.

The county magistrate Liu Dian of Zanze County, the sky was a little hot, and his forehead was bright. He said, "Real people, I look at the prosperity of the army. This Pinghu County will not dare to resist the heavenly soldiers."

Pei Ziyun glanced at it, and had to admit that people are very cheap. When he started the killing ring, he naturally became docile. Now he said with a smile: "Some are the best I brought out in Beijing, which is different."

"Junxian soldiers can be used as long as they have met the thief and seen blood." Pei Ziyun said here and asked, "Pinghu County has arrived. Which adult came forward to persuade?"

At present, more than thirty officials looked at each other, and Liu Dian, the magistrate of Zanze County, touched his forehead, and suddenly stood out: "Real person, Xiaguan is willing to go."

"Oh?" Pei Ziyun froze, with some surprises. Whether it was for credit or other reasons, this attitude was in place. Now he said, "Good, no matter whether it is successful or not, I will remember your contribution."

"Xie Zhenren, but what conditions can be allowed to persuade Pinghu County?" Liu Dian actually leaned closer and knew the news of Pinghu County secretly, but at this time he would never say so, bowed and asked.

"The soldiers and horses did not fight, and they brought down the city. It can be regarded as a response. The former crimes were not investigated, and the real person never gave up." Pei Ziyun looked in his eyes, but said lightly.

"Yes, real person, I'll do it right away." Liu Dian suddenly showed joy and headed towards the city.

Chen Yong from one side stepped forward, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com whispered: "Live, is this a bit wrong?"

Listening to Chen Yong's words, Pei Ziyun smiled: "First of all, warfare is politics, and politics is snowballing, forming a general trend."

"There are five counties in Jibei. I am now falling in Qibei County and Yuan'an County. As soon as Pinghu County descends, the avalanche is formed. The other two counties have no war intentions. Yes. "

"You can see that the county order has fallen. In the future, the counties will fall one after another. The counties will fall without a fight. It is not a merits. . "

Seeing that Chen Yong was still gathering, Pei Ziyun chuckled: "The key is the Prince's order. The imperial court urgently needs us to calm Yingzhou quickly. We don't have that much time to entangle. For this, even if there is some criticism?"

"Yes, real person." Chen Yong now understood. Now watching Liu Dian sipping and drinking under the city, the man was not afraid of death. He approached the wall and shouted loudly.

After a while, the city gate only opened with a bang, and the officials would row out in a row, kneeling on the ground to greet him, and Pinghu County descended.

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