Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Chapter 581: Injured by Penang Sileriya

A battleship sprinted on the sea toward Troy, and Pei Ziyun stood on the deck of the battleship, watching the distance quietly.

It's been a few months since the departure of Okigea Island. In these months, sailing all the way to the sea, except for adding fresh water and food, I will choose to go ashore, everything else is spent at sea, which is nothing.

At this time it was winter, and snowflakes fell, and after a while, a thin layer of snow accumulated on the deck.

Pei Ziyun stepped on the snow with his feet, slowly paced around the boat, stretched his body again, and let snowflakes fall with his face up, only to feel tired and drowsy gradually disappeared.

"Sure enough, this boring journey on the sea, nothing new, none of the gods looked at me." Pei Ziyun understood the gods.

The sight of the gods is on new things. The more important or exciting the event is, the more you watch it, but if it is the same, you will be lethargic. This is the same as watching the live broadcast before.

But this is the right viewing state, just listening to the thought: "System!"

I saw a plum in front of me, quickly zoomed into a translucent data frame with a faint light feeling, and a status display on the data section.

"Calypso's imprisonment, 1/3"

"Fifth Layer of the Blood of Heroes (131.5%)"

"Looking like this, I have completed a third and can get 1 destiny point?"

"It's enough. I can't do anything about three."

"Digesting all the monsters, I can now upgrade to the sixth level, and I feel that the power required for each level upgrade is getting greater and greater."

For a long time, Pei Ziyun took a deep breath, but saw a sailor saying, "Prince Paris, Troy is ahead."

The voice was trembling, it was obvious that he had left for so long, and now he was going home. He was very excited. Pei Ziyun looked at it. Sure enough, there was a continental line in the distance. He nodded, and he missed Troy.

As the ship got closer and closer, Pei Ziyun stood on the deck in a spirited manner and yelled, "Quickly, we will be home soon. Let's go ahead and speed up."

Everyone went home eagerly, and under the action of the sails, they sculled the sculls again, and the ship flew towards Troy at a faster speed, just like the arrow off the string.

"A few of you have followed me for so long and suffered a lot. When I get home, I must be rewarded." Pei Ziyun said watching the others.

Before the tornado attack, there were fifty sailors on the ship. After the tornado attack, there were still more than ten people left. He is now home with him. There are only seven. These people are really suffering. Now he is not suffering. Will treat them badly.

"Thank you Prince." All seven were overjoyed.

After a while, the outline of the distant land was looming, and Pei Ziyun ordered to sail the ship to Troy's secret pier.

Troy's secret dock was in a secret harbor, and the Pei Ziyun warship leaned slowly towards it. Without prior notice, the dock warned that several warships would sail out, approaching Pei Ziyun's warship.

"Who." Someone asked Troy.

Pei Ziyun came out of the room and said, "It's me."

The centurion on the battleship did not recognize it at first, and when you looked closely, it was found that Prince Paris, who had been missing for a long time, was pleasantly surprised: "Prince Paris, you are finally back. King Priamo misses you so much! "

Pei Ziyun smiled. Of course, he knew that Priamos missed him. The battle of Troy had lost himself, and seemed to be cut off.

The battleship slowly leaned onto the dock, getting out of the boat, the wind was blowing snow, and it was getting bigger and stronger. Pei Ziyun looked up at the dim sky and asked, "How many ways can I get to Troy?"

"There is a long way, such a heavy snow, Prince Paris, take a rest and go back." The centurion said immediately.

The reason is very simple. The easy-to-find ports have long been occupied or supervised by the Greeks. The secret ports that are not easy to find are naturally far away, and although it is morning, it is indeed snowy. Pei Ziyun looked at himself and became himself. It was like a savage, and a few sailors were exhausted, smiling: "Then rest, and go back tomorrow."

The shelter at the secret port is actually very simple, but there is a pigsty surrounded by a stone, there are a few pigs in the pen, and two mastiffs are guarded. The dog finds Pei Ziyun and barks at it.

The centurion at the port snorted, and Pei Ziyun looked at him and said, "Kill two pigs, let us have a good meal, and it will cost me to come out."

"Also, prepare hot water and new clothes."

The centurion immediately rejoiced and promised loudly that although there were pigs, they could not be slaughtered casually. This was cheap. Soon, there were screams of pigs outside and reports: "Prince Paris, the water has been burned. "

Pei Ziyun nodded slightly and sailed for so long at sea, but he had not taken a hot bath. At this time, he couldn't bear it anymore, and hurried away.

Although the conditions were simple and wooden barrels, I took a bath comfortably, washed away all my fatigue for months, and removed my beard with a short sword and changed to new clothes.

When he came out, he was a handsome prince again.

In the hall, the fire was very prosperous. Pei Ziyun had a wooden pier, and everyone else had spread dry grass and branches on the ground, and only put a rough sheepskin on it, but this is the normal state of the world, and everyone thinks it Sure, staring at the fire.

Some people have killed the two pigs, cut the meat into pieces, put them on an iron fork and roast them on the fire. The centurion poured the sweet wine from the jar into a bowl and put it in front of the prince, saying, "Prince , Enjoy yourself! "

But Pei Ziyun first went outside the door, raised a glass of wine, poured a drink on the ground, and baptized the gods, and then went back to gobble it, and used it halfway, when the centurion poured himself a glass of wine, he said, Tell us more about Troy! "

"Yes, prince." The oil-filled centurion replied, "It has been almost a year since you left. Half of the dozen or so city-states around were destroyed and half joined us."

"Missiere, Lunassus, Thebes, Amazon, we Troy are getting stronger and stronger."

At this time, the dark clouds covered the sky, the wind was screaming in the air, and the snow was getting heavier. The centurion quickly added matches. Pei Ziyun sat down against the fire and listened carefully to the centurion's report of this period It was found that everything was normal. This year, heroes rarely died, but soldiers died a lot.

"Prince Paris, Amazon's Queen Pontiac Silia came to Troy. In addition to her, the kings and princes of Lunassus and Thebes arrived."

"Well, now our people are not far behind the abominable Greeks. The time for counterattack is coming, and the Greeks who can beat them will definitely fall."

Pei Ziyun groaned a little, the king and prince came and didn't care too much, but Amazon's Peng Seleia ...

"How long has Queen Peng Le Silea arrived?" Pei Ziyun asked.

"Prince Paris, she has been here for half a year. She is indeed the daughter of Ares. She has repeatedly smashed on the battlefield and has frustrated the Greeks."

"Is Princess Hippolytus of the Amazon also here?" Pei Ziyun asked.

The centurion froze, not knowing why Prince Paris noticed this, but went on to say, "It is said that he stayed in the country."

"Oh, didn't die?" Pei Ziyun thought secretly. In history, Peng Xieleya came to Troy to fight, but because he had killed his younger sister Hippolytus, he rushed to make atonement.

"Is it because of my own reason that changed the result?" Pei Ziyun thought, feeling relaxed for a while, and continued to ask, "Is there anything else important?"

"Prince Paris, not long ago, I heard that a prince called Achilles rushed over with fifty warships. First, he broke through Mississippi, plundered a lot of wealth, and robbed Apollo's priest Creut Seth's beautiful daughter, Krusesais, proved to the Greeks his bravery. "

"This is a big setback, and Queen Punta Seleia said she would kill him with her own hands."

"What?" Pei Ziyun was shocked, not wanting to save Misie last time, but this time broke Achilles according to his destiny, and Queen Peng Le Silia went to kill Achilles, which was meat buns and dogs. Have you gone back and asked: "When is this happening?"

"Not long ago, I was transferred to the dock for two days," said the centurion.

Pei Ziyun stood up immediately, almost at the same time, Chai burst in the fire, and the centurion's mouth was full of oil, and he was surprised and looked at: "Prince, what's wrong with you?"

"Quickly, get your car ready, and rush to Troy immediately." Seeing the centurion standing still, Pei Ziyun said coldly: "Centurist, you obey orders."

The centurion then came to his senses, looked at the snow outside, and swallowed back what he wanted to say, but just jumped out and shouted, "Hurry up, get a car."

Pei Ziyun quickly wore a white tunic, a bronze belt, a sword hanging around her waist, and hurried out.

At the door, the chariot was ready. Pei Ziyun took the chariot and instructed: "Hurry, go directly to the battlefield outside the city."

The centurion did not dare to neglect, nodded his head, flung the whip, "slap, pop," two consecutive crisp whip blasts, and the chariot drove towards Troy City.

The chariot line was fast, but it was almost noon before arriving outside the city, but the gates were closed, and some people were fighting on the battlefield in the distance.

Pei Ziyun was anxious internally ~ ~ Delayed for an extra minute, Queen Peng Sielaia was a little more dangerous, and quickly ordered: "Run to the battlefield."

The centurion was a soldier. At this time, without hesitation, the chariot was racing towards the battlefield, and the speed did not slow down.

The Greeks on the battlefield were taken aback. They did not expect that a chariot would rush on the side and attack themselves.

After the initial panic of the Greeks, someone blocked the chariot and said, "I'm Morion, who are you?"

Pei Ziyun was anxious, how could he talk nonsense with him, holding a spear in his hand, without saying a word, stabbing towards Morion fiercely.

A spear flashed lightning, and the fast Morion could not react at all, and he was stabbed in the chest as a heart.

Pei Ziyun drew his spear, and the blood fountain spouted out of the hole in the wounded Morion wound. The man fell down heavily, spitting blood continuously in his mouth, and it seemed that he could not survive.

The Greek soldiers around were shocked. Unexpectedly, someone could kill Morion. Pei Ziyun held a spear and ordered a chariot: "Continue to rush inside."

The chariots rolled over, and whenever they resisted, they killed immediately, killing dozens of people in a row, and immediately broke through the front, exposing the middle battle.

I saw a young man shouting, "Women, how dare you play against the most powerful hero in the world? You haven't seen Hector shaking in front of me? Your end is here."

After that, the spear in his hand was thrown vigorously towards Queen Peng Silera.

"Alas." Spear Wan was a shooting star, cut through the sky, and threw it at Queen Peng Silea.

In the face of this meteor-like spear, Peng Leila was unable to avoid it. He could only hold a shield and listened to the sound of ",". The spear passed through the shield and remained intact and penetrated her body.

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