The best time to go out is to go out.

When he is at full strength... you can imagine!

The last Sakaki...Tokiwa Gym is known as the strongest gym in the Kanto region!

Those who understand will understand.

The Earth's Sakaki is not just bragging!

However...recently there seems to be some clues pointing to Sakaki, saying that he is the leader of Team Rocket.

Of course, Adu is 90% unconvinced and 10% half-believing and half-doubting about this.

How could Sakaki be the leader of Team Rocket!

When he was in Tokiwa City, he often did charity!

That is...there is often no one in Tokiwa Gym recently, and I don't know where Sakaki is doing.

Is he on vacation?

I'm off topic.

Actually, there are more than eight gyms in Kanto. Strictly speaking, there are more than a dozen!

It's just that... Professor Kukui chose the four strongest gyms to challenge!

This made Adu speechless.

【Daigo: Those gyms that Kukui just mentioned...wouldn't every one of them be equivalent to the Chenghua Gym? 】

【Kona: Uh...】

【Mikoli: Damn! What kind of hell dungeon is your Kanto! It's already outrageous that we have a king as the gym leader, how can you have four???】

【Xia Bo: Not really, I don't have the strength of a king now. 】

【Qianli: No, Xia Bo is still strong! 】

Qianli popped up.

Now everyone is talking about him, he has to show his presence.

But even he didn't expect that there are so many invincible king-level gyms in the Kanto area!

This is indeed a veritable hell dungeon!

[Genji: Oh? Chisato is out! Seeing yourself about to fight with Satoshi in the future, what do you want to say? ]

[Chisato: Emmmm, I should use a lot of strength when facing Satoshi. ]

Using a lot of strength means... not using all my strength!

After all, Satoshi has only traveled for a year at most, right?

It is a bit difficult for him to fight against the King in a year.

(Actually, Satoshi can fight against the King if he travels for a year, but as I said, Satoshi is too strong, and the script can't be written anymore. There is no way, just cut a few times.)

(In addition, some of the settings about Aju and Nancy are rumors, and some are special episodes. Nancy's strength is indeed vague, but Aju's strength is set in stone, after all, the official setting is that he is the poison-type King of Johto!)


At the Orange Gym:

The young Kashin chattered.

"Dad is the strongest! He will definitely not lose to Xiaosheng!"

"Although Xiaosheng is very powerful, he is still no match for Dad!"

"But if Dad lets him win, Xiaosheng can win!"

"After all, he has been traveling with us for so long, it is only natural for Dad to let him win and give him a badge..."


Qianli interrupted Xiaosheng's words,

and said to Xiaosheng with a serious expression.

"Gym battles... or Pokémon battles, are sacred things!"

"I won't let you guys down just because you're traveling together!"

"I won't use my full strength because Xiaozhi's strength hasn't reached that level yet!"

"Gym battles are a test of the challenger's command level, character, and the power of Pokémon!"

"If I keep using my full strength, there won't be many people in the entire Hoenn who can challenge the Orange Gym!"

"The gym badge is a strong proof that the challenger's strength is recognized by our gym owner! It's not an heirloom!"

"Xiaosheng... don't think that dad won't lose, there are many people in the world who are stronger than dad! Dad is not the strongest in the world! There is no one in the world who never loses! If he doesn't lose, it's just that the time has not come yet..."

Qianli's words confused Xiaosheng, who was still a child.

However, although he was still a child, Xiaosheng actually knew more than other children!

Otherwise, in the video, Qianli would not agree to Xiaosheng and Xiaozhi going on a trip.

Xiaosheng naturally understood Qianli's words.

It was because he understood that it was even harder for him to accept it!!

In his heart... Dad is the strongest! He will never lose!

Now his father told him in person that he... is not the strongest!

He is just stronger than most trainers! (Most means 99%...)

It will probably take Xiaosheng a long time to absorb this information.

Xiaoyao is stronger than Xiaosheng.

She was much older, so she naturally understood this principle more thoroughly.

Watching herself and Xiaozhi step into the Orange Gym on the screen,

she didn't know who to support.

After all... she also had a good impression of Xiaozhi, who took her on the journey and served as her navigator.

At least they were quite friendly friends!

So... between father and friend... she felt very conflicted about who to support!


Under the attention of the crowd, the gym battle of the Orange Gym finally began!

Xiaozhi used Pikachu at the beginning!

And Qianli's side... was a sloth!

Everyone was stunned. Letting go was one thing, but you let it go too much, right?

The sloth, with its lazy characteristics, low race and slow movements,

wouldn't it be beaten by Pikachu? !

However, the result was unexpected. The sloth relied on its "swaying" magic skill,

successfully knocked Pikachu unconscious!

Using stillness to counter movement, starting late but arriving first!

Pikachu's speed, which he was proud of, could not do anything to Sloth!

No matter what kind of attack, he could dodge it with tiny movements!

What a let-down! This was simply a Pokémon cultivated by Chih-ri as the main force!

Facing such a Pokémon that used stillness to counter movement, Xiaozhi wisely took Pikachu back,

and replaced it with Coal Turtle!

Everyone knew this Coal Turtle, and the record of the last game was still vivid in our minds!

It used jet flames to fight against Darkrai's evil wave, but was killed instantly by the opponent with jet flames!

To be honest, they didn't think highly of this Coal Turtle.

It was only at that level at the Lily of the Valley Conference in the Sinnoh region.

It was just captured here not long ago, so what kind of strength could it show?

The result... was beyond their expectations again!

Both sides were slow Pokémon. If you don't move, I won't move. If you attack, I will definitely take it!

Sloth used Blizzard on Coal Turtle!

However, Coal Turtle used a fire jet to push the blizzard back!

Killed Sloth in seconds!

"...Is he acting at the Lily of the Valley Tournament?"

"...I can't rule out that possibility,"


I was timid at the Tournament, but I hit hard at the Gym Battle?

Your fire jet looks stronger than the Lily of the Valley Tournament!

What happened at the Tournament? Did you have a stomachache?

After Sloth was killed instantly, Chisato switched to the next Pokémon,

Hyperactive Ape!

Facing Hyperactive Ape, Xiaozhi had no intention of exchanging Pokémon, but ended up suffering a great loss!

Changed from the static mechanism to the extreme movement!

Xiaozhi was unable to react to the change of mode,

The rash move was dodged by the opponent, and then a split move killed Sloth in seconds!

"...Okay, you really didn't act at the Lily of the Valley Conference, I believe it!"

"Is this really a turtle? Why was it killed instantly by physical attacks!"

"... About the fact that I am a turtle but I put my ability points on attack?"

The audience was confused by the performance of the Coal Turtle.

They came to see the autobiography of the Lizard King! Why is this turtle so stealing the show!

The Squirtle who was watching directly took out his bully glasses!

Then he put them on his own eyes,

He said that as a turtle, the performance of the Coal Turtle was simply... unbearable to watch!

He had no speed and no defense! Compared with this turtle, it was completely opposite!

After the Coal Turtle lost its combat ability, Xiaozhi sent Pikachu again!

Facing the flexible hyperactive ape, Xiaozhi naturally had to use the flexible Pikachu!

After a fierce battle with the hyperactive ape, both sides lost their combat ability at the same time!

"P.E.K.A.C. has done his best. He hasn't even reached the middle stage of the first turn yet, and he has taken so much damage. To die together is already a full-on attack!"

"Yeah, that Hyperactive Ape is actually very strong! Is Mr. Chisato really letting it win?"

Amid the speculative gazes of the crowd, Chisato released the last Pokémon!

Leave King!!

[Mikoli: Chisato... what are you doing? ]

[Genji: First, I used the static and dynamic tactics of Sloth and Hyperactive Ape, and then I used the extremely powerful Leave King! Chisato... are you treating Satoshi as the top trainer? ]

[Chisato: It seems that I should pay a lot of attention to Satoshi! Otherwise, I wouldn't have used this much strength! ]

[Dr. Kukui: Leave King... What a huge Pokémon! It looks quite powerful! ]

[Daigo: Chisato's Leave King is one of his main forces! It's also his favorite Pokémon! You can tell by the fact that he has a household of the King of Leaves]

(One household refers to the lazy old man, the hyperactive ape, the King of Leaves, and all the progressive and regressive ones.)

[Yulongdu: In other words... Qianli's Leave King is a top-level Pokémon? Wow! That's too much! How long has it been since Xiaozhi captured Bokeh? It just evolved into Forest Lizard a while ago! How can it fight against the Leave King? ! ]

[Karuno: You mean, Forest Lizard is bound to lose? ]

[Yulongdu: What else? ]

[Karuno: Where's the betting? Where's the betting! I want to bet on Xiaozhi to win! ! ]

[Yulongdu: ? ? ? ]

Are you cursing again?

What? No cursing? You're cursing me for being a badass! !

The conversation on the barrage made people all over the world laugh out loud.

The previously arrogant and powerful champion seems to have an approachable side too!

This barrage list really made many people see a different side of the champions!

Amidst the jokes, Xiaozhi and Qianli's final battle began!

Facing Qianli's Leave King, Xiaozhi naturally used the Forest Lizard!

After all, this is the autobiography of the Lizard King and Xiaozhi!

If it was an insignificant match, there would not be so much description!

Putting aside the strength, in terms of racial value, the Leave King is also extremely powerful, and can even be said to be a civilian war god-level Pokémon!

If it weren't for the cumbersome characteristic of laziness, its popularity would definitely be no less than that of a quasi-god! .

Laziness is an extremely disgusting characteristic!

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