The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

[Kikuko: To put it another way...Sakaki in our world may also have such strength! Adu, be careful when chasing Team Rocket! ]

[Yulongdu: Don't worry, Grandma Kikuko, my Dragon Army is invincible! ]

[Shirona: Now that Lapras, who restrained Sakaki, has been defeated, I wonder what Red's next Pokémon will be. ]

Shirona just typed this line of text,

Red in the image has already taken back Lapras and released his next Pokémon!

The white withered bones are on his head, and a white bone stick is held in his strong arms.

Bone-loving Pokémon - Gara Gara!

"Garagara, this time the opponent is the leader of Team Rocket, we must not lose!"


Hearing that the opponent is Team Rocket, the expressionless Garagara instantly became full of fighting spirit!

There seemed to be endless resentment and anger in his eyes!

[Daye: Could this Garagara be? ]

[Shirona: It must be the Korakora in the Spirit Tower! I didn't expect that Red would subdue it! ]

[Dante: So this is Garagara's revenge battle? ]

[Adek: Korakora, who was so weak that he was bullied by two soldiers of Team Rocket, how much will he grow up to now? I'm really looking forward to it! ]

[Cattleya: Go Garagara! ]

That year, he was born not long ago and stood like an ant in front of the minions of Team Rocket.

Today - he has become Garagara and stands in front of the leader of Team Rocket, like a giant!

He can lose in any battle, but not this one!

He wants to defeat the leader of Team Rocket,

to comfort his mother in heaven!

In the video——

Sakaki was stunned for a moment when he saw the angry Garagara,

Does this Garagara... have a grudge against Team Rocket?

"This Garagara... was hunted by your Team Rocket when it was still Korakora."

"You wanted to sell Korakora's skull, but his mother saved it!"

"For this, Korakora's mother paid the price of her life! Now... it's up to Korakora to defeat you, the leader of Team Rocket, and avenge his mother!"

Hearing this, Sakaki laughed sarcastically.

"Did you choose Gara Gara just for such a boring reason? I thought you would think of attribute restraint."

"In that case, let me crush your boring idea!"

"Horn Drill"

As soon as the voice fell, the Drill Horned Rhino suddenly stepped out, and the sharp drill on its forehead spun wildly!

"This reason is not boring! Gara Gara, hit with the bone stick!"


Gara Gara's bone stick was covered with a layer of azure luster,

The entire bone stick doubled in length under the coverage of energy!

The next moment, the bone stick had collided with the horn attack like an electric drill!

The teeth-grinding sound resounded throughout the gym!

Two powerful attacks collided,

The terrifying aftermath broke out, blowing the clothes of the two people rustling!

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

After the collision, the two sides did not stop.

Garagara began to wave the drumsticks in his hand wildly,

and hit the diamond-horned rhinoceros wildly at irregular angles!

However, the diamond-horned rhinoceros was not an easy target!

He perfectly predicted the attack angle of Garagara,

and the huge head also twisted rapidly,

and all the attacks were blocked by the horn drill!

"After all, it is only this extent, diamond-horned rhinoceros, surf!"

Sakaki seemed a little disappointed, and then shouted an order.

While the diamond-horned rhinoceros defended against the attack of the bone stick with the horn drill,

the other hand began to condense the turbulent water energy!

"Garagara, withdraw, defend with the bone stick!"


Even in anger and hatred,

Garagara obeyed Chihong's command without reservation!

Because this person... is the trainer who made him stronger and gave him the opportunity to take revenge, and he is very kind to him!

The bone stick collided with the horn drill again,

But this time, the horn drill directly retreated several meters,

At this moment, the horn drill tossed the water ball in his hand!

The water ball instantly turned into a huge wave! Covering the horn!


In the huge wave, a figure shuttled out!

I saw the horn like a blender

He turned the bone stick in his hand,

directly separated a gap in the huge wave!

However, when Garagara charged out, he found that the diamond-horned rhinoceros had disappeared!

"Oh no! Garagara, behind!"

Garagara quickly turned around and found that the diamond-horned rhinoceros was riding on the wave!

And it had burst out and was approaching him quickly!

Sakaki actually used the tactics that Red Red had just used!

This was something Red Red had not expected.

"Kid, this is called tooth for tooth! It's over! Frozen Fist!"

The cold fist with an ice-blue glow swung fiercely at Garagara!

[Yulongdu: It's ridiculous, calling others a kid while plagiarizing their tactics! ]

[Shiba: Did you pay the copyright fee? Red Red's tactics are used whenever he wants! If I were Sakaki, I would feel ashamed! ]

[Karuno: Hehe, you actually said that you are using the enemy's tactics so confidently, you are really worthy of being the villain leader! ]

Faced with the ridicule of the champions, Sakaki could only bear it!

After all, what they said... seems to be true.

On the one hand, he insisted that others were too young, while on the other hand, he used other people's tactics, this...


In the video——

Looking at Garagara who could no longer dodge the frozen fist,

Red Silver Teeth gritted his teeth and then shouted.

"Garagara, hold on, use revenge!"


The cold frost fist hit Garagara's skull!

Garagara was pushed several meters away by the Diamond Horned Rhino!

However, after the ground was rubbed with deep marks,

Garagara finally stopped!

Then, he raised his head with difficulty,

with deep hatred in his eyes!

Even a strong Rhino couldn't help but feel a little scared after seeing this look!


Gara's cry was filled with endless hatred!

The drumstick in his hand was covered with ghostly purple energy,

and then he swung it hard!

Revenge is a skill that doubles the power when used after his partner loses the ability to fight in the previous game,

but...Gara now always remembers the revenge of his mother's murder!

So his revenge,

when facing Team Rocket... is always double the power!



Rhino flew out like a cannonball and hit the wall of the gym hard!

The iron wall of the gym was actually dented by it!

"Give him the last bone boomerang!"


Gara threw the bone in his hand!

Its speed exploded in the air with a sound of breaking through the air!

"Sharp stone attack!"

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