The more he got, the more he got.

It is also closer to the original Red!

With only five badges, Pikachu already has the strength of the invincible king!

If he had fought to the eighth gym like Red, he would probably not be much different from the champion!

This is Xiaozhi's talent at full firepower!

However, Xiaozhi in the real world, after seeing his growth in another world,

did not regret traveling with them at all!

What they thought was wrong, Xiaozhi himself did not think so!

Because for him, traveling with Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, and even with Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang, Xitron, Alice, Serena... and others behind,

are his most precious memories and treasures!

In this world, there are not only bonds between people and elves,

but also bonds between people!!

[Red: I didn’t say that Xiaozhi’s choice was wrong. I’m just explaining to you why Xiaozhi didn’t grow so fast in this world. ]

[Red: On the contrary, Xiaozhi’s current growth path is actually more suitable for him. My path... is not suitable for him! ]

[Red: Partners will make people dependent and weak, but... only with partners can you inspire stronger power! Xiaozhi has more bonds than me, and in time... he will be stronger than me! ]

Red’s words are deeply engraved in everyone’s mind!

Bonds... can make people weak and dependent, but at the same time, they can also make people... become incomparably powerful!

Everyone has seen the power of Red. At only ten years old, he can defeat high-level legends!

And Red said that Xiaozhi will be stronger than him in the future!

So what will Xiaozhi’s future... be like?


"Brother Chihong..."

Xiaozhi looked at what Chihong said and looked at him with emotion.

Chihong did not deny the path he was taking, and was even very sure... that he could surpass him (Chihong) in the future!

"I don't mean to exaggerate, I'm just stating the facts."

"If you grow step by step, it will probably take a long time to reach my level, but I still believe that you will definitely be stronger than me in the future! Not only because of the bond, but also because..."

You are the protagonist of this world!

Chihong did not say this.

Seeing the images on the inventory,

and the words discussed by the kings and champions, Chihong has already found an answer in his heart...

"But... slow growth is a thing of the past. Now that I'm here... then you have to be prepared to accept devilish training! Do you understand, Xiaozhi?"

"Don't worry, brother Chihong! I will definitely keep up with you!"

Xiaozhi seemed very excited.

Xiao Mao on the side was hesitant to speak...

I always feel that if this continues, he will be left far behind by Xiaozhi!

With Red's training, Xiaozhi can't grow slowly!

Damn, when will his plug-in arrive!

I'm so angry!


In the video-

After Pikachu defeated Snorlax, this outdoor free duel ended.

After that, Xiaozhi and Souji and others came to a nearby library.

There, Souji found a book "Phoenix King is my life".

It introduces the story of the Phoenix King in detail!

More than Souji knew!

"...When the rainbow feather exists in the hands of a righteous, simple and kind person, it will emit a dazzling rainbow light."

"But if it falls into the hands of an evil person, it will be contaminated with the power of darkness! The feather will completely lose its luster!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi took out his feather, which still emitted a dazzling colorful light.

"My rainbow feathers are fine!"

"That's right, after all, Xiaozhi is a simple and reckless person, he wouldn't have any evil heart, right?"

"Of course! Speaking of innocence and recklessness, I think I am not inferior to anyone!"

After saying this, Souji and Seiko burst into laughter.

Xiaozhi then realized that in what Seiko said just now... there was also a reckless person!

"Kora! What are you laughing at!"

Amidst the laughter, a dark shadow quietly left the door of the library...


[Yulongdu: The shadow just now was...]

[Daigo: It was Cross! Although it was just a fleeting look, I won't be wrong! ]

[Adek: This

It's going to be trouble. Cross knows that Zhitaro has the Rainbow Feather. I wonder if he will have any bad intentions...】

[Shirona: Trust Xiaozhi! ]


In the video——

After checking the information, Xiaozhi and others continued to follow the guidance of the Rainbow Feather to find the King of Phoenix.

In a daily free battle one day,

Xiaozhi's Pikachu performed well and defeated a Rhydon.

It seems that since Xiaozhi started traveling, he only suffered a setback when he was chased by the Spearow.

In the subsequent battles, at least on the surface... Pikachu has never lost!

Is this the real rookie with perfect talent? It's really terrifying!

Just when Xiaozhi was about to meet the next challenger, a gloomy voice came from the crowd.

"It's my turn next!"

I saw a gloomy boy in a black jacket and short sleeves slowly walking out of the crowd,

Beside him was a terrifying red werewolf!


Makoto couldn't help but speak out when he saw the person coming.

Souji was stunned.

"Is this guy the one who abandoned Charmander?"

"Yes... He was the one who abandoned Charmander in the heavy rain!"

It was the first time that Soji saw Cross. He didn't expect that this guy would find this place!

In the free arena:

Cross walked to the trainer position opposite to Xiaozhi and said with a sarcastic expression.

"I heard that you captured that useless Charmander? Tsk, a useless Pokémon and a useless trainer really go well together!"

"Don't be ridiculous! There are no weak Pokémon! There are only incompetent trainers!"

"It's decided to be you, Charmeleon!"

Xiaozhi loudly refuted Cross's words and released his evolved Charmeleon!

In this world, Charmeleon did not become disobedient.

One possibility is that Xiaozhi's trainer level is not ordinary.

Another reason is that Charmeleon's experience is not ordinary...


Charmeleon roared to the sky as soon as he came out, but when he saw that his opponent was,

the arrogant expression on his face was instantly stunned.

This time, the opponent turned out to be his...former trainer!

"Tsk, has it evolved? But weak things will still be weak after evolution!"

"That's not the case! As long as you grow with the trainer, no matter what kind of Pokémon, you can become extremely powerful!"

Cross took out a Poké Ball with an arrogant look on his face.

"Then let you see the reality clearly! This is a powerful fire Pokémon I captured after abandoning that guy!"

"Go, Blaziken!"

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