human base

"Grandpa, you said he would be fine, right?"A pretty girl asked, looking at the wilderness area outside the defense line.

Is this the thirtieth time she has asked this question? The old man next to her could only nod helplessly:"Don't worry! It'll be okay!"

The girl and the old man are naturally Xiaoguang and the old principal.

Seeing that Xiaoguang still didn't look nervous, the old principal couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup the brat poured into his granddaughter. It made her desperate.

When the beast wave arrived at the border of the human base, the girl immediately went to look for him, and then came here to wait for him.

She even seemed a little distracted... if not. He is already very old, so he probably has to be pushed out by her to help find someone at this time, right?

"With that kid's strength, as long as he doesn't meet those big guys, he will definitely be fine!"The old principal thought for a while and comforted.

Who knew that when he said this, the girl would become even more nervous?

"So what would he do if he met him? no! I'm going to find him!"

The old principal opened his mouth. Why did he say this when he had nothing to do?

He managed to stop the girl who wanted to go to the wilderness area to find someone by herself.

The old principal sighed deeply and could only hope that Fang Yuan could be safe. come back……


After all, there are only a few people like William and others who were blocked in the wilderness area. More people were either swallowed directly or were kept away from danger at the first time.

The main target of Warcraft's attack is still the human base.

Looking from the human base to the wilderness area, there is almost no green forest left.

Except for the billowing smoke and dust, everything as far as the eye can see is filled with black monsters.

At this moment, the human base is not only the last barrier for mankind, but also a refuge for wild Pokémon.

Around Xiaoguang and the old principal, there were many wild Pokémon who were in shock.

There are still some others who have also joined the distant defense line, fighting together with humans against the sea of monsters in front of them.

On the buildings of the defense line, machine guns, cannons and other thermal weapons were set up on them. Under the control of the garrison soldiers, they launched attacks towards the ground and high altitude in the distance.

Under the powerful outpouring of firepower, the forward speed of the Warcraft group was obviously restricted to a certain extent, which greatly reduced the pressure on the ground defense forces.

What humans cannot easily use are thermal weapons with radiation that can cause biological mutations, like mass murderers.

Conventional thermal weapons have always been an important force for mankind to fight against World of Warcraft.

After all, cooperation is based on the advantages of both parties.

If humans were really useless, no Pokémon would have taken the initiative to contact them back then, and finally established the current alliance with humans.

In the middle, the power of thermal weapons is a key factor!

However, the impact of thermal weapons on Warcraft that has reached a certain level of strength is minimal.

Like some silver-level and gold-level monsters, if you are lucky and only need to pay the price of minor injuries, you can break through the firepower network and rush towards the human base defense line.

Monsters of this level must be left to trainers and their Pokémon to resist!

With the full cooperation of the defenders, even if the sea of monsters continues to flow, the human defense line appears to be impregnable.

"Huh! That is……"The old principal suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction.

I saw a flame suddenly light up in the dark sky, which was covered by countless flying monsters.

The flames grew stronger and stronger, melting a small piece of the 'black' covering the sky.

"It's a fire-breathing dragon!"

After all, there is a fire-breathing dragon among the elves that has been with him for most of his life. The old principal is particularly familiar with fire-breathing dragons.

Even from such a long distance, he still made a brief identification and came to a conclusion.

"Which high-level trainer is this coming to support?"

The old principal was a little confused. Looking at the flames of this fire-breathing dragon, he knew that this fire-breathing dragon was not weak.

But he had not heard of any high-level trainers in the alliance who had powerful fire-breathing dragons nearby. Yes!

"Did he just happen to be passing by?"

The old principal could only explain it this way. He couldn't help but look far into the distance, trying to see clearly the appearance of the person on the back of the fire-breathing dragon.

Speaking of which, he and other trainers with powerful fire-breathing dragons in the alliance are all old acquaintances!

After repelling this beast wave, maybe they could sit down and talk about old times.

However, after the fire-breathing dragon got a little closer, the old principal couldn't help but rub his eyes.

"Why, I feel like I saw that brat?"

After confirming it a few more times, I found out that it was indeed the brat who had seduced his granddaughter. The old principal suddenly became angry.

You're such a good boy!

I gave you my treasured Charmander as I've told you. You actually subdued a fire-breathing dragon?

Where did you end up with the little fire-breathing dragon I gave you?

The old principal was very angry!

…… ps: Being able to pass through the fire network does not mean that it can resist thermal weapons.

The setting of this book: platinum is resistant to bullets, diamonds are resistant to bombs, and kings are resistant to missiles.

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