"Killed?!"Everyone looked shocked, with disbelief on their faces.

Fang Yuan smiled and glanced around.

Those who are still here are not weak, at least they cannot be regarded as a burden.

"Do you mind taking a shower with me? It is not convenient for my main elf to appear directly……"He didn't explain much, turned to look at them and said,"I'm afraid that the Beast King has run away!"

Afraid...that the Beast King has run away?

Some people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then everyone looked excited.

"Just rush! We don’t plan to go back alive anyway!"

"Haha, let's teach them a lesson they will never forget!"

"Kill the Beast King! I have never tried to do such a crazy thing in my whole life!"

No one considers the authenticity of Fang Yuan's words, not because of their trust in Fang Yuan.

But because, as they said, they have no intention of going back alive.

Now they are just changing from defending to taking the initiative!

"It has always been Warcraft attacking and we defending. I have had enough of this frustration. Today I want to let them have a taste of this!"

Cheng Taihua laughed and rushed out of the defense line with his Pokémon.

"You're right, if you keep being defensive, you've already had enough!"

"Let's compare and see who can kill more monsters!"

"Compare! I say Lao Cheng, you are a person on the list, don’t be compared to ordinary diamond level trainers like us!"

The rest followed closely with smiles and indomitable momentum.

When these high-level trainers abandoned all worries, the power they unleashed was astonishing.

Cheng Taihua's quasi-god-level Metagross, The metal arm glowed, and he used"Bullet Punch" to kill one monster after another.

The diamond-level Koga Ninja used"Flying Water Shuriken" to generate hands one after another made of water attribute energy on his back.

The blue shuriken circled out as it was thrown, knocking down one flying monster after another, and other diamond-level trainers like the Water Arrow Turtle and Kaili also used their best skills.

, frantically destroying the monsters in front of them.

Even the sea-like tide of monsters was continuously pierced by this awl-like offensive.

"Then let’s do it too! Fang Yuan's blood also boiled, and he took out the necklace,"Charizard, Mega evolution!""

The key stone in Fang Yuan's hand and the evolution stone on the neck of the fire-breathing dragon light up at the same time.


The colorful evolutionary light appeared, covering Charizard's whole body.

When the light dissipated, what appeared again was the blue-black Mega Charizard X whose momentum had increased a lot!

[Mega Charizard XLv.66]

[Category: Fire Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Attribute: Fire Dragon]

[Features: Hard Claws]

[Items carried: charcoal/dragon scales/sharp beak]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Peak of the King]

"Charizard, follow them and use"Purgatory" to open the way!"Fang Yuan waved and said

"Roar!" On Mega

Charizard Wherever the pillar of fire went, the flying monsters in the sky were wiped away one after another!

"Ding! Kill the silver-level monster! Charizard gained 657 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the gold-level monster! Charizard gained 2467 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the platinum level monster! Charizard gained 4625 experience!"


The group is still going deep into

"Banjira, use"Earthquake"』!"Fang Yuan said while running forward


The huge Bangira roared, and stepped hard on the ground with his thick feet.

The energy of the ground system surged, and energy waves appeared on the ground, spreading towards the group of monsters in front of him.

The shock wave was like A sickle ruthlessly harvests the lives of countless monsters while stirring up dust.

"Ding! Kill the platinum level monster! Banjira gained 527 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the gold-level monster! Bangira gained 261 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the diamond-level monster! Banjira gained 6427 experience!"


The group of people who pierced into the group of monsters like awls were getting closer and closer to the quasi-god-level Nether Demon Tiger.

It seems that there is something unusual. The Netherworld Demon Tiger's scarlet eyes are looking in this direction with uncertainty, while the tiger's paws are tapping uneasily on the ground.

"I can't let you run away like this! Kyuubi, use"Absolute Zero"』!"Fang Yuan said.

In front of them, there were not many monsters blocking their way! ps: For convenience, everyone assumes that the protagonist’s necklace is a universal key stone!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be handsome if his whole body was covered with keystones...

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