The moment Fang Yuan confirmed the exchange, an evolution stone appeared in his palm.

Due to the distance from Chaomeng, Fang Yuan was unable to activate the evolution stone it carried.

However, Banjira is right beside him!

After a successful Mega evolution, unless the Pokémon itself takes the initiative to leave the Mega state, it will not exit the Mega state due to distance!

"Bangela, go on!"

Fang Yuan took out another strap from the mountaineering bag, and after installing the [Mega Evolution Stone], he threw it to Bangila.

When Bangila fixed the strap, Fang Yuan's hand also held it He got his necklace inlaid with [Universal Keystone]

"Bangira, Mega Evolution!"

The promotion that little Yukila got from Fang Yuan has long since made the grudge in Bangila's heart disappear.

When Fang Yuan's words fell, a vague bond gradually became clear between Fang Yuan and Bangila.

With At the same time, the necklace in Fang Yuan's hand and the evolution stone on Bangira's body began to emit a bright light, and

Bangira's body began to be completely covered by the colorful light. La's body is getting taller and stronger, and his aura is also rising!

When Bangila's aura reaches its peak, the figure in the light gradually takes shape.


With a low roar, the colorful light was torn apart by Bangira and turned into light spots.

And the full picture of Bangira, or Mega Bangira, was also displayed in front of Fang Yuan.

Only its whole body could be seen The armor was brand new. The long spines on its back were only slightly protruding, like a pair of wings, and the short spines at the end of its tail also grew longer, like two blooming flower bones on its chest. There are two more spots of scarlet in the black hole, which looks like a ghost face.

The most conspicuous change is naturally the blue scales on its abdomen, which now turn red. Before evolution, he was much more powerful and domineering

[Mega Bangira Lv.75]

[Category: Armored Pokémon]

[Gender: Female]

[Height: 3.7m]

[Weight: 497.2kg]

[Attribute: rock evil]

[Features: Spreading Sand]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Quasi-God]

Bangira also relied on the energy of the [Mega Evolution Stone] to achieve quasi-god combat power in one fell swoop!

"Go for it! Bangila, let them see your current power!"Fang Yuan laughed.


Mega Bangira shook his hands, feeling the powerful power in his body, and his fighting spirit rose.

Nodding to Fang Yuan, Mega Bangira turned around and ran towards the three-headed beast king in the distance.

Its mountain-like shape Its size and weight make it feel like an earthquake every time its feet hit the ground, covering a radius of more than ten meters.

"By what means did you give them such power?"

Mega Bangira's figure gradually moved away. Cheng Taihua on the side couldn't help but ask, with a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.

After all, no matter how you look at this method that can greatly improve your strength, you should It's a secret.

It's not appropriate for him to ask so hastily.

However, this method of becoming stronger is too tempting for the previous Charizard Mega! After evolving, jumping from the master level to the king level was enough to make him jealous.

Now, Bangila directly stepped from the king level to the quasi-god level, which made this temptation infinitely greater when he asked this question! , the diamond-level trainers around also looked at this with burning eyes.

They were also trainers, and they could not resist the temptation of becoming stronger.

Fang Yuan was slightly stunned, and then he realized this in the original work. , the concept of Mega only began to be discovered and studied in the sixth generation, let alone the alliance that has only been developed for several decades on this continent.

No wonder Cheng Taihua and the others have expressed their feelings towards Mega evolution. He was so surprised, but there was nothing to hide, Fang Yuan explained with a smile.

"This is called Mega Evolution, and it is a way for Pokémon to reach a higher evolution and become stronger in a short period of time!"

Said, Fang Yuan pointed to his necklace

"Mega evolution generally requires this kind of key stone to cooperate with the Mega Evolution Stone placed on the Pokémon!"

As for the unusual situation, Master Zhi + Ninja Koga, do you want to know about it?

"In fact, these are all natural ores. Maybe Brother Cheng, you can let the alliance pay attention to this information! Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Pokmon have appeared, and Fang Yuan felt that it is impossible for such a big continent under his feet to be without the existence of Mega Evolution Stone!

Cheng Taihua lowered his head and thought, perhaps thinking about the feasibility of Fang Yuan's proposal. Sex.

If these things can be found on the mainland, the strength of the alliance will definitely rise to the next level!

Seeing that he was lost in thought, Fang Yuan smiled and looked into the distance.

PS: There will be no snatch button. For plots like the stone and the evolutionary stone, everyone can rest assured that the character that has been constructed with so much ink will not collapse instantly.

As for directly stating this, the protagonist has such strength, there should be no need to hide it. Bar?

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