Cheng Taihua also smiled:"It would be great if you go for a walk!"

Although the mysterious Pokémon did not harm anyone's life.

But wilderness areas are inherently dangerous places.

The Pokémon's act of causing people to fall into coma is still very likely to cost the lives of some trainers who are unlucky enough to encounter Warcraft.

Except for some of the high-level trainers from the Alliance who came to that area, they really went there for its powerful mystery and with the intention of conquering it.

But there is also a part that wants to eliminate this potential safety hazard.

"Is there any more information about it from the Alliance side?"Fang Yuan asked.

If there is still some key information, maybe he can directly learn the identity of this mysterious elf through his understanding of the Pokémon world!

"No more information except that it has the ability to knock people unconscious! Cheng

Taihua smiled bitterly,"Even now, none of the trainers from the alliance who have gone to that area can see its shadow."……"

Speaking of which���Cheng Taihua felt a little embarrassed.

A group of high-level trainers who usually think highly of themselves were sent out one after another, but they didn't even touch their shadows...

Especially through the elf's avoidance performance, it can be seen that its strength is not as good as some of the trainers.……

"Moreover, this tide of beasts has also caused considerable damage to the forests in the wilderness area.……"Cheng Taihua said,"It’s hard to say whether it will stay in that area.……"

"Is it like this? Fang Yuan lowered his head and murmured,"It seems that only by going to that area can we know the specific situation!""

After thinking for a moment, Fang Yuan asked Cheng Taihua for a map, then turned and left.


Wilderness area.

Riding the fire-breathing dragon, Fang Yuan flew quickly through the sky.

This time, he was still traveling alone.

After he promised Xiaoguang that he would go back and have a rest in a month, the girl no longer insisted on traveling with him.

But the resentful look when parting still made Fang Yuan a little bit unbearable

"This time, the beast tide has caused serious damage to the wilderness area!"Fang Yuan looked at the scene below and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

He saw that below them, there was almost no intact forest.

Trees of all sizes were either directly broken under the action of external force, or were damaged by Uprooted and crisscrossed on the ground,

I am afraid that even if a tornado passes through, the damage caused is nothing more than this, right? And some low bushes and grass will be trampled to pieces by the monsters.

It will take a few years to recover initially, and it will take decades to completely restore the original appearance, even if the beast tide does not happen again!

As for the terrain... the ground below is nowhere to be seen. What terrain?

"No wonder, the maps of this world are never drawn according to terrain and scenery.……"Fang Yuan secretly said.

Yes, even the map given to Fang Yuan by a leader like Cheng Taihua was drawn based on the territory division of powerful Pokémon.

But... even so, the map in Fang Yuan's hand is still in a semi-waste state.

Under the pressure of the monster tide, wild Pokémon have retreated into human bases to fight against the monsters together with humans.

Now that the monsters have receded, wild Pokémon have returned to the wilderness area.

Then, the problem comes...

In this case, the territories in the wilderness area are equivalent to reshuffling!

Fortunately, most of the powerful Pokémon still choose to return to the areas where they have always lived.

And he used his fists to defend his dignity and regain his territory.

Although the new territory division is no longer the same as the division on the map.

But as long as you add dozens of territories together and look at them one by one, as long as 70% to 80% of the lords are the same as the ones marked on the map, you can basically determine your position!


I used to look at two or three territories at most, but now I have to look at at least twenty or thirty territories.……

"It’s probably in this area!"

Fang Yuan pointed his finger at a red circle that Cheng Taihua specially marked for him, and then he stuck his head out and looked down.

"In this small area, no lord was seen! And the surrounding territories are still the ones marked on the map!"

The fire-breathing dragon reduced its speed and kept hovering over this small area.

Fang Yuan also always paid attention to whether there was any abnormality in the area.

"None of the surrounding lords have invaded this land, which means it is still here!"

After a while to no avail, Fang Yuan withdrew his gaze.

"However, it is probably a bit difficult to find it directly like this!"

There were so many trainers here before. It's impossible that no one thought of looking for it in the air, but they couldn't catch it.

Then we can only think of other ways!

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