Defeating the gym owner is not the same concept as defeating the gym owner's Pokémon.

For a formal battle like this, it all follows the alliance's 6Vs6 system.

Even the gym leader has no way to ensure that each of his Pokémon reaches the same strength.

Defeating the weakest Pokémon of the gym owner, I believe every diamond-level trainer can do this.

But under such a competition system, if gym leaders can be easily defeated, then they cannot be called the best among diamond-level trainers!

Some people in the audience had such thoughts, naturally because Fang Yuan brought them too many surprises.

"Could he really be able to lead this unique path to becoming a master?"Someone said softly.

At the same time as Coppin Ding Zhiyong's strength, those who knew the inside story and went to call friends immediately before naturally spread what they knew.

Everyone knew that the alliance still had such a rule rule

"The last person to take this path was the current league champion. Will he be the second?"

"He is on the verge of ascending to the top of the Heavenly Ranking!"

"Heavenly Ranking...Why is the gap between this person and others so big?"

There are only five people on the Heavenly Ranking. Perhaps people have given them different nicknames based on their rankings.

But their ranks are actually the same, and they are all the strongest kings!

Everyone has complicated emotions that are difficult to explain, but One thing is the same... that is, they all feel that they are witnessing the birth of a legend!

Even if he fails this time, at his age, one day, he will rise like the rising sun!

"come back! Nidoking!"

Putting away the Pokémon ball containing Nidoking, Ding Zhiyong calmed down.

"Cheng Taihua is right, you are indeed very strong, but……"

Ding Zhiyong did not go to get the fourth Poke Ball on his belt, but directly took off the sixth one.

"Next, I won't give you any chance again!"

When trainers place Poke Balls, they usually place them in order of the Elf's strength.

Ding Zhiyong took the sixth one, indicating that the one he will send out next is his strongest Elf!

Holding the Poke Ball in his hand, Ding Zhiyong raised his head, his eyes gradually calmed down. The sandstorm, looking at Fang Yuan opposite

"If you can beat it, then I lose! He smiled and said,"Of course, that's impossible!""

Fang Yuan was noncommittal. If it weren't for the purpose of gaining experience for a few lower-level guys, the guy opposite would have fallen down long ago.

Of course, even if he was gaining experience, he would use painful facts to teach him how to behave.

Ding Zhiyong believed that he had a chance to win, and was not impressed by Fang Yuan's performance. He threw the elf ball in his hand into the air.

"Go for it! Gyarados!"

White light flashed, and a huge, blue Pokémon that looked like a Chinese dragon appeared on the battlefield.

[Gyarados Lv.82]

[Category: Vicious Pokémon]

[Gender: male]

[Attributes: water flying]

[Characteristics: Intimidation]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Quasi-King]

[Introduction: It can continuously spit out light of destruction and burn the surrounding area. It is also called the God of Destruction in some areas]

This powerful Pokémon is from Pokémon. Evolved from the most useless Magikarp.

A profound explanation of what it means to be a carp leaping over the dragon's gate!

"Do you feel the aura fluctuations on my Gyarados? Your Pokémon is no match for it!"

Ding Zhiyong stretched out his arms and took a deep breath with an intoxicated look on his face.

"come back! Shakira! Thanks a lot."

Fang Yuan smiled, took back Shakira, and then took out a high-level ball

"I hope you don’t think I’m bullying people! Go for it! Lightning Bird!"

The high-level ball was spinning smoothly, opened in the high air, white light flashed, and a big golden bird appeared in the air.

A vague pressure instantly enveloped the entire audience, even Gyarados [Intimidation] characteristics, none of them can achieve this effect.

[Lightning Bird Lv.60]

[Category: Shock Pokémon]

[Gender: no gender]

[Attribute: Electric flight]

[Characteristics: Feeling of oppression]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Quasi-King]

Also with quasi-god combat power, the water + flying Gyarados was defeated by the Lightning Bird!

"Another Pokémon I haven’t seen before?"

The trainers in the audience were confused again after seeing the appearance of Lightning Bird.

Since the beginning, except for Yukila and Shakira, the Pokémon used by Fang Yuan were all the ones they had never seen before.

And even if They were the Yukila and Shakira they had seen, and the ones in Fang Yuan's hands were also alien species...

Not to mention, there was an unknown Pokémon taking a nap on Fang Yuan's head.

" could he have this elf?!"

Ding Zhiyong looked at the lightning bird in the sky, but his expression changed drastically.

…… ps: The author will keep records of important Pokémon like these after they have been conquered. What is impossible to forget is just to consider various factors and think about letting them come out after meeting other sacred birds. But since so many of you have asked , let it shine when it appears.

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