Perhaps because she knew she wouldn't be able to see each other for a long time, the girl took the initiative regardless of her physical discomfort.

In the end, both of them were exhausted and fell asleep hugging each other.... early morning

"Be sure to pay attention to safety! do you know?"Xiao Guang helped Fang Yuan adjust his collar and whispered.

Moistened by love, today's girls look extraordinarily pretty even without makeup.

Moreover, unlike in the past, Xiao Guang now has more There is a hint of feminine charm in every move, and there is a sultry charm in her eyes, which is a combination of innocence and charm.

Fang Yuan could not help but do some morning exercises if he didn't take care of the girl's body.

"Do not worry! I'll be back soon!"

"Take this!"The girl said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

In her hand was Bogaman's elf ball.

Fang Yuan thought for a while and took it.

Even if he kept emphasizing Chaomeng's strength to the girl, he probably didn't accept it directly. The girl's elf ball made the girl feel more at ease.

Anyway, he would definitely come back in two months at most, and it didn't matter if he returned it to her at that time.

There was a smile on the girl's face, and she leaned over to look at the elf. ball

"Bogaman, you have to help me take care of him!"


Bogaman in the elf ball patted his small chest and looked like it was wrapped around me.

The girl's clothes were a little loose, and when she leaned over, the charming spring scenery made Fang Yuan look at the flowers. He blinked.

Noticing Fang Yuan's gaze, Xiao Guang's face turned slightly red, but he straightened up openly and looked at him:"Does it look good?"

"nice! Fang Yuan nodded.

Xiaoguang bit his lip and whispered:"Come back early, and I will let you see!""

Hiss~ This little goblin!

Fang Yuan resisted the urge to have a nosebleed, decisively turned around and rushed out of the door.

If he doesn't leave, he probably won't be able to leave!

The girl leaned against the door, looking at Fang Yuan's leaving back, silent for a long time...

Wilderness areas generally refer to all areas outside human bases.

It can be said that tyrannical monsters may appear anywhere in the wilderness area at any time.

The circle of the wilderness area close to the human base is called the periphery of the wilderness area.

Because of the joint efforts of humans and Pokémon in recent years, in fact, it is rare to see traces of Magical Beasts outside the wilderness area.

In that forest, the main survivors are some wild Pokémon.

The true habitat of Warcraft is deep in the wilderness area.

Especially those abandoned cities left behind when humans moved during the Great Nirvana Period.

There are monsters everywhere, and for Pokémon and humans, it is no different than a magical cave.

However, for him who has the system, it is paradise!

It is also the destination of his trip!

Go out from home and keep walking in one direction.

Not long after, Fang Yuan saw a grand level.

Above the level, there are guards on alert, always ready to deal with various emergencies.

On the ground, a patrol team passed by from time to time.

These are the silver-level trainers used by the Alliance to guard the city and prevent the invasion of monsters.

In front of the checkpoint, there is a long queue waiting for review.

Poke balls can be seen on everyone's waist. Obviously these are trainers who are going to enter the wilderness area.

Fang Yuan didn't intend to get any special treatment and stood at the back of the team honestly.

Although he has a badge on his body that represents the gym leader's approval.

However, this thing has only collection value until thirty pieces are collected.

Compared with the Dragon Balls that can summon Shenlong, this thing is much inferior!

Bad review! so...Fang Yuan is still a glorious black iron level trainer...

Well, it just meets the criteria to enter the wilderness area....

"Otherwise, when you come back from this trip, take some time to collect thirty badges and summon...Ugh, get a Master Trainer rating?"

Rubbing his chin, Fang Yuan thought seriously.

Although strength does not need to be proven by rank.

However, with a black iron rating on his head, he feels a little bit ashamed just thinking about it, right ? Thinking about it, a little boy in front suddenly turned around

"Are you a trainer?"

"Well, I am!"

"So what level of trainer are you?"

" iron"

"Wow! You are a black iron level trainer! ?"

Fang Yuan:???

With your adoring eyes, is there some misunderstanding about the rank of Black Iron?

"So have you heard of the recent Black Iron King?"

The little boy danced for a while

"I heard that as a black iron level trainer, he defeated the gym leader!"

Fang Yuan was stunned. Could this be him?

In an instant, Fang Yuan felt his scalp numb. King of Black Iron? Who gave him the nickname of Second Class?

The little boy was still saying happily:"I will also be like him in the future. Like the Black Iron King, be a cool man!"

Fang Yuan put his hand on his forehead and couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Don't let him find the guy with this nickname, or he will beat the crap out of him!

PS: The sixth update today! There will be five updates later!

Well, I'd like to ask, haven't you all read Chapter 24?

I took a poll, and one day passed, and only one person voted. I'm a little embarrassed, I guess

I'm already cold, right?

, in a short period of time, you don’t have to worry about me running away. I still have some manuscripts on hand, and I am still typing every day.

Even after it is put on the shelves, I will stick to it for a while and see the results.

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