At the end of the passage is a bird Pokémon.

It is covered in yellow feathers, has black rings around its eyes, and has a long pointed orange beak.

Its wings and tail are covered with a large number of spike-like feathers. There are black feathers on the back of the wings and the inner length of the tail feathers. The crown is entirely composed of a large cluster of sharp feathers.

Its legs are khaki in color, its thighs are devoid of any feathers, its feet have toes, and its tail is very short.

[Lightning Bird Lv.60]

[Category: Shock Pokémon]

[Gender: No gender]

[Height: 1.6m]

[Weight: 52.6kg]

[Attribute: Electric flight]

[Characteristics: Feeling of oppression]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Quasi-King]

"Is it really just the legendary level?"Seeing the rank column on the panel, Fang Yuan was not surprised.

In his previous life, anyone who was familiar with the structure of the Pokémon world knew that

Lightning Bird is really one of the weakest echelon of mythical beasts!

Whether in the anime Here, in the special chapter, the Lightning Bird, together with the other two known as the Three Holy Birds, the Frozen Bird and the Flame Bird, did not perform very well.

If we really want to take it seriously, the life level of the Three Holy Birds is probably. The life level of Kuailong Fatty and Liebiting Land Shark is half a level higher than that of quasi-god Pokémon.

Compared with the Three Sacred Birds, they are probably only weak against the power of nature. Scheduling ability.

However, it is still a divine beast, right?

No matter what the considerations are, Fang Yuan took out the elf ball and threw it out,"The decision is yours."! Charizard!"

To deal with this kind of flying Pokémon, Nine-Tails is naturally at a disadvantage.

It just so happens that Charizard is now at Level 63 and is on the verge of breaking through to the master level. It is just right to fight against Zapdos in its Mega evolved form!

Holding the necklace in hand, it is easy to Source:"Charizard, Mega evolution!"


Charizard looked up to the sky and roared, the Mega Evolution Stone on his neck lit up, and colorful light covered his body.

The light dissipated, and Charizard has evolved into the blue-black Mega Charizard X!

[Mega Charizard XLv.63]

[Category: Fire Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Attribute: fire]

[Features: Hard Claws]

[Items carried: charcoal/dragon scales/sharp beak]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Quasi-King]

"Charizard, use"Flash Charge" to directly meet him!"Fang Yuan said.


Charizard Power increased by 30%

"Roar! Mega


, the lightning bird flashed with electric arcs, and soon, its whole body was enveloped in yellow lightning.

The next second, a thick electric light almost filled the entire passage, with a destructive aura, heading towards Lan. Mega Charizard wrapped in white flames attacks

『One hundred thousand volts!

The yellow electric light collided fiercely with the blue-white fire ball, and they fell into a stalemate.

The equipment on both sides of the aisle exploded one after another with the location where the two collided as the center.

From Fang Yuan's perspective, the entire area seemed to have turned into a sea of fire!

"Charizard, increase the output frequency and rush over!"Fang Yuan shouted


Mega Charizard let out a low roar, and the flames on his body burned fiercely. The entire blue-white fire ball suddenly expanded! The yellow lightning retreated in an instant, and was constantly torn apart by the burning of the blue-white flames.

Lightning. The bird also tried to increase the output of"One Hundred Thousand Volts", but at this time,

Mega Charizard Screaming, it flew out.

Knocking down countless devices along the way, the Lightning Bird fell to the end of the passage before it finally stopped.

Mega Charizard X also suffered from the reaction of"Flash Charge". A slight injury.

However, compared with the injuries suffered by the Lightning Bird, this little damage seemed insignificant.

The entire power plant was filled with billowing black smoke caused by the equipment explosion.

At the end of the passage, the Lightning Bird struggled to stand up. The wings were stretched out on the ground.

After taking a deep look at Mega Charizard X, the Lightning Bird screamed, flapped its wings, and flew upward until it crashed through the top of the building and reached the air outside the abandoned electric field.

"Want a change of fighting venue? as you wish! Fang Yuan smiled and said,"Charizard, follow me!"" ps: Legendary low-grade: Quasi-god;

Legendary grade: Three Holy Birds and others;

Legendary high-grade: Three Holy Beasts: Entei, Suicune, Raikou and others. Now that I have said this, everyone should know what grade their favorite Pokémon are at. Already?

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