There was no teleportation Pokémon, Zhou Xinduo took a while, riding a fossil pterosaur, he went to the Nibi City Museum and took over the task of Xia Bo and the museum.

Then he flew all the way from Nibi City to Dead Leaf City, Zhou Xin tried to go to the Pokémon Club, but found that there was no Anne, Antun of the Pokémon Club had a son named An Lun, and there was no daughter, Zhou Xin had to give up.

Going to Dead Leaf City to take the luxurious St. Annu, Zhou Xin and Xia Bo arrived at Three Bee Island in the Jacorolla Islands.

Just like what Zhou Xin experienced in the original world, when he first arrived, an ordinary mewtwo with some of Xiabo's genes appeared, and it felt that its brother super mewtwo had been caught, so it was angry.

It and Charber took the initiative to find trouble with the team radical rocket team Sander, and was surrounded by Xander and his subordinates, and Xander used machine-controlled Super Mewtwo to hypnotize ordinary Mewtwo, and used the machine to catch ordinary Mewtwo.

Zhou Xin used Charizard's smoke screen skill to rescue Xia Bo in the chaos, and then Xia Bo told Zhou Xin about Xander, Zhou Xin had experienced it before, he knew it, but he followed the will of the Pokémon world and did not go against it.

Xia Bo has a spiritual connection with ordinary Mewtwo and quickly locks its location.

In the east of Three Bee Island, this is a rare opportunity to brush experience, their level is the same as the Pokémon level on Zhou Xin's body, and it must be very uncomfortable to fight alone.

So Zhou Xin still chose the group fight, or the group fight after strengthening in advance.

With his six Pokémon, Zhou Xin pushed the elite of the team's Radical Rocket team all the way, and all the members were upgraded from level 80 to level 90.

Xander uses the machine to transform the power of both Mewtwo into his resurrected Lightspeed Worm, and when Zhou Xin and Xia Bo arrive, the Super Mewtwo's power is sucked out, and the Lightspeed Worm evolves into Gainosekt.

Zhou Xin promptly let Pikachu break the machine device with an iron tail and rescue ordinary Mewtwo, who fused with the sucked super mewtwo to respawn.

Gainosekt took out the resurrected Sander, who hated being enslaved by humans, and who just wanted to go home.

Zhou Xin beats the level 150 Gaenosekt with 6 level 90 Pokémon, Charizard traps it with a flame vortex, Pikachu paralyzes it with electromagnetic waves, Magic Frog Flower consumes it with parasitic seeds, Kabi Beast carries damage, Fossil Pterodactyl scares it with rock avalanches, and Mosquito Swimmer attacks it from a distance using frozen light.

Xia Bo asked Zhou Xin if he wanted to kill this Gaenosekt, Zhou Xin refused, Zhou Xin said that it is like Mewtwo, it has its own life and has its own survival value, and Gaynosekt is very happy.

Zhou Xin saw that its intimacy to himself had increased by 100 points, and Zhou Xin used the high-level ball to subdue this bloody Gaenosekt.

Ordinary Mewtwo and Super Mewtwo successfully fused, potential and level increased, it was moved by Zhou Xin, said that traveling with Zhou Xin must learn a lot, so he asked Zhou Xin if he wanted to be its trainer, Zhou Xin took out a high-level ball and subdued this Mewtwo.

Zhou Xin discovered himself in the parallel world, the charm value is so high, and the intimacy of Pokémon to himself is old.

Take Mewtwo as an example, the ordinary Mewtwo of the parallel world has not had a battle in the Hualan Cave, and it does not have such a deep combat friendship with Zhou Xin, and it can even be said that today is the first time to meet.

Zhou Xin is related to Nijima's super mewtwo, Zhou Xin prevents it from fighting with Dream, which is the same as Zhou Xin in the original world.

He was petrified by the power of Super Mewtwo and Dream, and the tears of the live Pokémon revived him.

Perhaps it is the reason why ordinary Mewtwo fused with Super Mewtwo and inherited its memories, so the intimacy to Zhou Xin was so high, and it reached 200 points just after receiving it.


the Piglet Pokémon class has begun, and today I will talk about the


Angry / herbivorous / irrelevant to the weather

... Elderly?

Poor old Weng Long has been old since birth.

Pulong's attributes are currently the only one, the biggest defense highlight provided by the ordinary department is the immunity of the ghost line, so that the old Weng Dragon has the combination resistance of fire ghosts (ghost lamp Gala), water ghosts (fat toots), grass ghosts (pumpkin tree demon rudder), electric ghosts, many of which are popular PM, and the fairly wide strike surface of the ordinary department makes the immortal system not very comfortable to block the old Weng Long, although it has obtained the weakness of the fighting department, but at least the fighting system is not strong at present, so this attribute combination to the old Weng Long is still successful.

Race-wise, the old Weng Dragon as a low-speed PM, the distribution is relatively reasonable, with high special attack and decent durability, the speed of 36 is the same as the fire dragon of the opposite version, cramming into the space is a little faster than the bunch of more than 40 speeds.

The three characteristics of the old Weng Dragon do not seem to be chicken ribs, the anger is the unique characteristic of the Old Weng Dragon, when "attacked by the opponent" to half blood, it will increase the level of special attack, at first glance it seems to be half blood to launch the special attack fruit effect, but the special attack fruit is disposable, this characteristic is not... The old Dragon has Tosu, and it is easy to adjust his HP back to more than half blood, which can be repeated.

But pay attention to the words emphasized by the quotation marks, the special attack will be enhanced when the opponent directly attacks from green blood to yellow blood, because a bunch of indirect damage such as highly toxic burns, seeds, weather, etc. cause yellow blood to not improve the special attack, but even with this limitation, this feature is quite good, making the other two decent features in singles almost no sense of existence.

The main significance of herbivores for the old Weng Dragon, which itself has grass resistance, is to immunize the seeds and those grass powders, so that the old Weng Dragon can deal with those seed owners who are pure recipients, such as Kusanagi Kaguya, anyway, he will be on fire and not afraid to stare at the dry.

Regardless of the weather, you can let the old Weng Long, who has water and fire resistance, to fight against sunny and rainy days, but the speed of the old Weng Long itself is worrying, and the speed relationship between the light and fast crowds on rainy days cannot be reversed, and for the chlorophyll beaters on sunny days, the weather is not even as effective as herbivore, so the biggest significance of the weatherless Old Weng Long in singles is to fight against Y spray, if Y spray does not have a gas bomb, then the invincible fire book can not beat the old Weng Long after losing the weather, but the current Y spray loses momentum, Regardless of the weather, this characteristic is naturally difficult to compete with, and the unique characteristic is angry.

The best use of the old dragon is really the Tosu three-attack standard battery play that makes full use of its own characteristics, and as an elder, what winds and waves have never been seen, with its rich dragon life experience (even if he is just born), the skill pool is simply unfathomable, 100,000 fire rush surfing is the most basic of course no problem, the shadow ball gas combined bomb super energy system seems to bring a lot so it will also, storm grass rope knot energy ball god power these will also, other flying earthquakes will also, I estimate that diving can also be learned with a skill machine, it can only be said that it has experienced a hundred battles, not to mention that an old man has the skill of playing, which even can't moo.

However, although there are many good skills, they only give the old Weng Long some space to play, and if you really want to be versatile, you definitely can't want to bring which one with you.

Pulong Shuangben has a common steel blind spot, so the demand for fire skills is very large, and Pulong's two attributes have a very good strike surface, but the ordinary stable output skill treble is slightly higher than the dragon stable output skill dragon wave power can also wear a stand-in, and the dragon is also affected by the fairy field, so more battery-type old Weng Dragon is choosing the treble, and gives some space to abandon the dragon wave to hit.

Surfing to fight fire steel gala and other fire systems, ice light for some popular, other skills have their own target, you can basically choose according to the needs of the team. However, Old Weng Long seems to be a holistine, so he does not poison the universal sex skills, and there is not much to do with the immortal ability shield.

Because the old Weng Long is a low-speed battery, it is not suitable for the prop of life jade, coupled with the limitation of the angry nature, life jade self-mutilating half blood will not improve the special attack, and leftovers back more than half of the blood is a good thing, so old Weng Long prefers to bring leftovers.

Dragon Star is not a very suitable skill for the old Weng Dragon who likes to stand on, but if the pace of the team is relatively fast, you can also pursue the characteristics of only triggering the anger once to choose the Dragon Z Dragon Star to play super high burst, but throwing the Dragon Star like the glasses brother is probably something that the old Weng Long is very bad at, after all, the speed is low, and the opportunity to play and output is not easy to find.

Old Weng Long also has many good skills in addition to attack skills.

Because its own durability is acceptable, it can limit object resistance meditation, and limit object resistance can also better block a block of gala.

Of course, I think that the old Weng Long's angry characteristics and cosmic power are a perfect match, and with sleeping, it seems that six stages of double defense and a few special attacks are enough to push the team, but it seems that there will be none, and it can only be YY.

Maybe it's because of Old Weng Long's look hmm... Red-framed glasses, the old dragon can also learn to stare at the big snake, which is extra prominent in a bunch of snake creatures, but because the paralysis effect is weakened and the old dragon's own low speed, the big snake glare does not help much for the output of the old dragon itself, and the other roaring dragon tail poison is distributed on demand, which is not a very important skill for the old dragon.

The old dragon and singles in doubles are completely different winds.

Because the pace of doubles is fast, it is not realistic to play Tosu repeatedly to trigger anger like singles, and the weather in doubles is flooded, whether it is a quick attack rain team or a space clear (flower turtle), the old man dragon with water fire grass resistance and irrelevant weather is an absolute nemesis, even if his speed is not great, he can also let the high-speed teammates clean up the originally tricky Miss chlorophyll skirt and the light crowd, and they can also use the space to play output, With a native soprano AOE that doesn't hit teammates and a whole bunch of practical attack skills, Old Dragon is a very powerful space beater.

Because the furious nature is slightly colder in doubles, the prop that the fortress loves has returned to the mainstream, and the dragon Z dragon star also has a certain space. Under various factors, Old Weng Long is even more popular in doubles than singles.


Three-attack battery (heavy HP special attack +): Tosu + treble + flame radiation + surf / frozen beam / shadow ball / dragon fluctuation / 100,000 volts

object resistance meditation (heavy HP physical defense +): Tosu / sleep + meditation + treble / dragon wave + flame radiation


anti-weather (heavy HP

special attack +): treble + dragon star group (Z) + big character explosion +Protection/100,000 volts/shadow ball/frozen beam


I have three books of

steel ability, are you afraid!

When you want to catch this PM, you catch the crown, and when you want to fish the crown, it's all rudder.

The race of the rudder looks quite gorgeous, and it is a rare grass high-object attack output, although the seventh generation has produced two big bulls, Moo and Paper Royal Sword, but the existence of this system's high-power brute force vine whip makes the brute force Vine Whip ship rudder output higher than the leaf blade paper Royal Sword (the same extreme attack).

The speed is only 40, but the total rudder race has exceeded 500, making the other several abilities quite excellent, HP70 is decent, but the double defense is still very good, in the case of personality deceleration, this special attack value can also be used to play double knife.

Characteristic steel ability has opened a very special precedent, that is, the existence of the third system, the rudder opened this head, and the effect is not bad, it is estimated that the next generation will have similar characteristics, poison ability insect ability what, anyway, it is certainly not easy to hit the good attribute to this characteristic, otherwise it may not be able to control the balance, so the rudder is a little sad, the three attributes of ghost grass steel, grass steel, ghost steel two combinations seem to be a little stronger than ghost grass.

Unlike the rest of the grass ghosts, the rudder does not have the parasitic seeds of the pumpkin dryad, nor does it have the torisu of the sniper tree, and the lack of recovery is not suitable for dry consumption, but the output is the foundation of the rudder, and the three main systems and rich blinding skills make the rudder very handy as a thug.

And the rudder is the first ghost high spin so far, with strong output capabilities and basic durability guarantee, a high spin hanging on the rudder is still quite handy, plus the strength of the ghost output of the system deterrent (although the ghost attack is still ... Shadow Claw), so that the rudder is not very worried about the ghost line anti-high spin.

Because it has to spin high, the rudder does not like bricks that purely pursue strength, but is more suitable for assault vests with excellent offensive ability and leftovers for endurance. The powerful output of the brute force vine whip in the three main systems is naturally necessary, the steel book has an exclusive anchor, and another grass ghost sniper tree whip of this generation has the same grabbing effect, although there is no grass owner's enhanced relay, curse and break the shield, but even if you do nothing, you can quite well reduce your first reading pressure, and there is a chance to find a breakthrough in the opposing team, such as following a sure Miss Ongod behind the rudder, if you want to pursue higher power, you can choose the limit low-speed spiral ball.

The power of the ghost shadow claw is too urgent, if it is not for its own high rotation needs ghost oppression, it is estimated that the ghost book can be discarded in many cases, and even if it needs to use high rotation, the ghost is not too successful, in addition to the shadow claw, the rudder can also be attacked with the latent spirit, but the side effects are still very daunting.

The rudder has earthquakes that can be used with herbs to deal with steel and fire, and rockfalls can fly against some fires, but at present, the Y fire-breathing falcon cannot be reused, so it is not very common. In addition, the special attack of 86 allows the rudder to consider bringing an awakening fire or ice target, although this is not the mainstream.

The effect of throwing anchors has to make people want to catch people and make trouble, and this use and the hidden spirit surprise attack is also very complementary, originally the side effects of the hidden spirit surprise attack because the opponent can not change people, but can consume rounds to instantly become a divine skill, and at the same time sleep recovery also has some confidence, or can be used to absorb hundreds of millions of blood a little.

Because the rudder has a sword dance, you can also consider catching people to strengthen, but only the strength is not fast and the preemption is still quite hurt, because the rudder weakness is not less, and the durability has not reached the level of too against the sky, at most it is considered to catch a dead soft persimmon to forcibly break the shield, and it is still a little difficult to push the team.

The rudder can learn to drop bags on its own, so if you don't use high spin, you can also choose to play bag swapping with your hobby. Focusing on the headscarf is naturally the first consideration, and the choice of three attacks can also be more natural to abandon the ghost essence earthquake, anyway, there is no need for high spin.

Specializing in glasses is actually a desirable choice, the special attack of rudder 86 is not counted, the herbs on the three systems do not have leaf explosions like the brute force vine whip at the object attack, but the ghost has a shadow ball, the steel has a steel cannon, are quite practical skills, and there is also surfing to make up for the blind fire system.

The breaking wheel in the doubles can be a space beater with the help of the strength of space, and the speed of 40 is not too fast or too slow, at least faster than those of Gala Di Spider Bully.

Steel is still good in doubles, while Hidden Spirit Surprise has the strange effect of dodging a round of attacks and ignoring protection, the effect in earthquake doubles is average, and Rockfall has some use. The assault vest on the prop is still the main prop for attack, and the high explosive output of the grass Z brute force vine whip or the ghost Z hidden spirit surprise attack has also received a lot of favor.


Violent High Spin (Heavy HP Object Attack +): High-speed rotation + Brute force vine whip + anchor throwing / spiral ball + shadow claw / earthquake catching people and making trouble (heavy HP object attack / heavy HP one defense +): Anchor throwing + highly toxic + billions of absorption / sleeping

/ brute force vine whip + hidden spirit attack turban (heavy HP object attack

+): bag drop + spiral ball / anchor throwing + brute force vine whip + earthquake

Glasses (Heavy HP Special Attack +): Drop Pack + Shadow Ball + Cannon Light Cannon + Surf / Energy Ball / Awakening Power Fire

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