Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 169 Time and Space Distortion Pure White Frozen Earth

Six days have passed since the forest ranger assistant released the notice, which means that the distortion of time and space will occur today.

Sunset Forest has been quite peaceful this week, with nothing major happening.

The crowds in Spike Town have faded, but you can intuitively feel the increase in excitement. More and more people choose to return to their hometown to contribute.

After Nie Zi returned to normal, Ma Li chose to continue embarking on the journey to challenge the gym. Before leaving, she came to Sunset Forest to say goodbye to Xia Ye. Ma Li's next destination was Zhanjing Town.

But before that, she has to find a new power, the Gigantamax, a mushroom that allows certain Pokémon to gain a Gigantamax form, and her Hairy Troll just has this potential.

In addition, she also set a goal to help Commander Cleaver evolve.

This Pokémon evolves in a very unique way, requiring multiple defeats of Cleaver Commander, who commands many Kotala minions, which is exactly in line with its desire for revenge, defeating Cleaver Commander who was once its leader.

When Ma Li heard that Xia Ye had obtained the egg of a powerful Pokémon, she silently made up her mind that the last member of her team would also look for a similar Pokémon.

The Pokémon egg obtained in the ranger assessment still showed no response today. After all, it was the egg of a quasi-god Pokémon, and the incubation time was much longer than that of ordinary Pokémon.

If it was an egg from a bug Pokémon or a plant Pokémon, it would probably have hatched by now.

In the past few days, the Pokémon Egg has been staying by its side, refusing to stay away for a moment. It can calm down the energetic and playful Pokémon, which is probably enough to show its expectant mood.

In the wooden house, Xia Ye is preparing to travel through time and space with the four Pokémon: King Kong, Ergui, Steel-Armored, and Menus.

He had already taken the Steel-Armored Crow and Menas back into the Poké Ball in advance, and packed the abundant supplies in a giant backpack. There was no need to panic this time when they encountered the same situation as last time.

[The distortion of time and space will begin in one minute, please be prepared. 】

"Okay, Ergui, let's put the egg down first," Xia Ye patted Ergui on the head and said, "It's not like we won't come back. In fact, it won't be long."


Eureka reluctantly placed the hatching device on the table. Between the Pokémon eggs and acting with Xia Ye, it chose the latter.

"Then let's wait outside the house. It will start in one minute."

Xia Ye walked out of the house with the two Pokémon, silently waiting for the distortion of time and space to come. As the light enveloped his body, his vision began to change rapidly.


That's right, Xia Ye, who was wearing thin clothing, instantly felt the biting chill. Fortunately, this time he didn't travel into a snowstorm again.

Opening his eyes, he found that he was on a vast snowfield, a vast white land, and the sun shone on it with dazzling white light.

Xia Ye looked into the distance. Continuous tall snow-capped mountains surrounded the snowfield. It seemed that the snowfield was actually located in a basin.

If you lower the angle of view, you can still see huge icicles standing in the center of the snowfield, which makes people wonder what kind of conditions can form such a spectacular landscape.

"Forget it, luckily I prepared thick clothes this time." Xia Ye turned her perspective back to herself and put on the winter clothes she had prepared in advance, which made her feel much warmer.

Of course, the heat preservation measures are indispensable for the Thunder King Kong Ape and Ergui Pun. Er Kui Pun also put on a stove mask. This kind of environment does not have too few heat sources.

"However, I always feel that the surrounding environment is inexplicably familiar." Xia Ye took out the elf ball and decided to confirm his guess.

The steel-armored crow was released from the elf ball by Xia Ye. It looked around curiously. This was the first time it had seen such a spectacular snowfield.

"Is it okay? Steel Armor Crow, if you feel cold, there are earmuffs and scarves here." Xia Ye asked.


The steel-armored crow closed his eyes and raised his head proudly, Xia Ye, don't forget that this uncle is a steel-type Pokémon. Are you afraid of the cold? The cold should be afraid of us!

"I understand, then please take us around this snowfield. After seeing the Pokémon living here, I may be able to confirm my guess."

Xia Ye took back the Thundering King Kong Ape and the Ergui Pulse, flew into the air on the Steel Armored Crow, and looked down at the land covered by ice and snow.

The snowfield is quiet and cruel, but it is not dead. There are still lives living strongly in this bitter cold environment. Xia Ye has already understood this in the ice and snow forest.

Thick-haired long-haired pigs were walking on the snow, leisurely looking for food, but a group of feral animals suddenly emerged from under the snow and behind the rocks, and started a brutal hunt with their poisonous claws.

The frightened snow boys fled in all directions and bumped into the innocent ice babies. They spun and slid on the snow and did not stop until they hit the rocks. However, this was just a tickle for them who were hard.

The yellow electric shock monsters are extremely conspicuous in the snowy fields. They actually like the cold environment because this environment can make the electricity in their bodies more active and make them full of energy.

The other kind of Pokémon relied on the cold environment to practice and kept working hard with the strongest goal. It was a group of wrists that kept punching. A Riolu was mixed in among them. As partners with the same goal, they would naturally not reject.

Of course, the harsh environment is more likely to spawn powerful Pokémon, such as the ivory pig that moves like a hill. It has awakened ancient powers and can make the earth tremble just by walking.

There is also the rampaging Ice Ghost Guard. After evolving from the timid Snow Boy, it has become violent. Any creature that dares to stand in front of it will be frozen into an ice sculpture and then smashed into pieces by its hard body.

Gardevoir is lying on the snow and wearing a long white dress. The extremely cold environment has strengthened its mental power. If you are confused by its appearance, it will be twisted into a ball by telepathy.

There are also ice and rock monsters. Hard rocks are like fragile paper under the impact of their steel-like jaws. The limbs of this ice and rock monster are not ice cubes, but rocks.

Yes, this is a regional form of ice and rock monster. It should be more appropriately called the Green Ice and Rock Monster.

"As I guessed, this is indeed the Xicui area, so this snowfield is pure white frozen soil. No wonder it feels familiar." Xia Ye sat on the back of the steel-armored crow and said to himself with cold air. road.

"But I can't determine the time. I remember that the Pearl Team living here was near the river in the north."

If Team Pearl exists, it means that he can meet again with Huo Xia and Gang Shi, who were once bound together. Thinking of this, Xia Ye began to look forward to it.

Then, his thoughts were interrupted by a dragon roar that shook the snowfield. An extremely ferocious-looking biting land shark was furious on the mountain road. A girl in white and purple clothes slumped on the ground, not daring to move.

"Humans? There are also biting land sharks! It seems we have to mind our own business, Steel Armored Crow!" Xia Ye shouted.


Leave it to me. I will never allow anyone more arrogant than me to appear.

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