Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 35 Ma Li’s Interests and Troubles

Jiqing City is located in the center of the two largest mines in Galar. Relying on its rich mineral resources, Jiqing City has rapidly developed into a huge industrial city and has been nicknamed the City of Steam.

Xia Ye came to this city with the Screaming Team, preparing to cheer for Ma Li when she challenges the Jiqing Arena and give her a surprise.

The Jutan Mountain Hotel was a hotel chosen by the Screaming Team to avoid the shy hotel that mainly served challengers. In short, they could not let Ma Li discover their existence in advance.

Xia Ye, Aye and Tim were assigned to a room, and Nayu naturally lived with the female team members.

"But I didn't expect Mr. Gaede to stop going temporarily." Ah Ye crossed his arms and looked puzzled, "He shouldn't miss this precious opportunity."

"Well, Xia Ye, do you know something?" Tim asked. He was the last person Gad met.

"Probably to deal with a family dispute."

The two of them thought about it after hearing Xia Ye's words. Indeed, Mr. Gaede had a son, but he hadn't returned to Spike Town for a long time.

"Is it convenient to disclose it?" Tim asked in a low voice, and Ah Ye directly slapped his palm on the top of his head and warned:

"Curiosity will kill Meow Meow. It's better to ask less about Mr. Gad."

"Ahem, are we just waiting here for Ma Li to start the challenge?" Xia Ye dropped the topic.

"You want to go out for a walk? There should be no problem. With how hard Mali-chan works, she should be training in the arena now."

Tim nodded along with Aye's words and said in a positive tone: "Yes, the Jiqing Arena is the first difficulty in the gym challenge. Many gym challengers give up here, and Ma Li will also be under pressure. of."

"Then I'll go out and see how the fruit is selling in Jiqing City." Xia Ye stood up and put on his backpack.

"Oh, come on, Tim and I also need to prepare props for cheering."

"Bon voyage." Tim waved goodbye.

Xia Ye nodded, opened the door and left the room. He took out the elf ball and released the monkey.

"Let's go, Pa Dong Monkey, let's go see the scenery of Jiqing City, and take a look at the Fruit Store."


"Well, it seems that the ones sold at the Shuguo Store in Jiqing City are also very good." Xia Ye walked out of the Shuguo Store with a satisfied expression. He had plenty of time and planned to shop around for a while.

Stepping on the stone bricks with a sense of time, Xia Ye looked around. All kinds of people and Pokémon were walking on the streets, including a girl dressed as Mali. No, isn't this Mali?

The girl stood outside the window of the fashion store with Morubeko in her arms, looking at the fashions behind the transparent window in ecstasy.

Oops, why is Ma Li here? Aye's guess is not accurate at all.

In fact, Ma Li is indeed under a lot of pressure now, but she knows that pressing herself too much will be counterproductive, so she came to the commercial street of Jiqing City to relax and relieve the pressure in her heart.

Xia Ye felt something was wrong and immediately turned around and ran away with Pa Dong Monkey, and this unusual behavior just attracted Ma Li's attention.

"Well, he is Xia Ye?" Ma Li thought of her actions just now. Could it be that Xia Ye saw it?

What's going on with this irritating feeling, ugh, I can't just let him leave like this.

"Xia Ye, why are you running away?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind, causing Xia Ye to stop. Oh no, he was discovered.

"Hey, did you just see it?"

"Ah huh." Xia Ye replied vaguely.

"You won't refuse to stay with Ma Li for a while, right, Xia Ye?"

At this moment, Ma Li exuded the unique aura of an evil trainer, and Molubeke in her arms smiled, feeling like he was gloating about his misfortune.

Unable to refuse, at Ma Li's 'request', Xia Ye had no choice but to follow her to the bench on the upper floor of Jiqing City.

The two sat side by side, looking at the flowing Manche River. Ma Li's attitude softened a lot. There was an apology in her blue eyes. She bent down and said:

"Sorry, it doesn't feel good to forcefully drag you here."

Then Ma Li raised her head, curled her hair with her fingers, and asked in a low voice:

"You looked surprised just now. Are you curious about why I was standing in front of the fashion store?"

"Yes." Xia Ye replied in the affirmative, thus having nothing to do with the shouting team.

"Sure enough, I am actually very interested in fashion stores in the city." Ma Li put down her arms and hugged Molubeke tightly, "But this interest makes me feel like a betrayal."

"Everyone has high expectations for me. Should I have such interest? I should focus on fighting, right?"

"Furthermore, Spike Town is gradually declining. There have long been no stores like boutiques. I love this kind of fashionable existence that can only be found in bustling cities. Am I a traitor?"

"When I thought about not living up to everyone's expectations, I was extremely panicked, so I never really walked into a fashion store, I just stayed outside the door."

Ma Li usually has an expressionless face, but now it seems that her inner emotions are surprisingly delicate. No, maybe it is because she suppresses her emotions that she is expressionless.

She needs to correct her thinking. There is nothing wrong with liking good-looking clothes. Ma Li is probably overly sensitive due to too many expectations.

"Mali, your idea is totally wrong. Blind training is not good for people and Pokémon. You actually know it very well, Mali, so you came to the commercial street to relax before the challenge." Xia Ye patted the monkey on the head.

"My Pa Dong monkey spends more time playing drums than training, but I am very confident in its ability."

"Hey, don't look at the way it looks now. It was very shy before, but it gradually opened up through playing."

Pa Dong Monkey nodded, but Xia Yeshao said the most important reason was himself. With his care, Pa Dong Monkey could abandon the past and embrace a new future.

Have you ever been shy? Ma Li thought of herself who used to love crying. Thanks to Morubeke, she became optimistic. In order to make it shine on the battlefield, Ma Li studied the battle. In the process, she became deeply aware of the battle. Deeply in love with it.

"Well, I recognize the strength of Pa Dong Monkey, but can these two interests really be compared?"

"As long as you don't hurt yourself, others or Pokémon, there is no distinction between good and bad interests. Why not keep things that make you happy?" Xia Ye paused and continued:

"Ma Li's dress is not only in the style of Spiketown, but also very cute. Maybe you have an excellent talent in fashion matching."

"Cute. I thought you would say handsome. But, thank you for the compliment." Ma Li's cheeks were stained with light red.

Then Xia Ye took advantage of the victory and pointed out Ma Li's wrong understanding:

"Spike Town is depressed? No, it will be revived. If other cities can have fashion stores, Spike Town will also have them! We are no worse than them!"

"Everyone can gradually know Spike Town, and Ma Li's efforts are indispensable."

"It's too late for everyone to thank you, so where's the betrayal?"

Ma Li looked at Xia Ye's serious eyes, and there was no lie in his words.

"Well, Xia Ye, you are really amazing. You said such exciting words casually." Ma Li raised the corners of her mouth, showing a faint smile.

"Ma Li. Are you smiling?" Ma Li's natural smile was so contagious that Xia Ye was stunned for a moment before she could react.

"Oh, it's true, but I can't find the feeling I had just now."

She was pleasantly surprised at first. After trying to smile again and failing, Ma Li's expression returned to normal. She looked at Xia Ye and softened her tone:

"Well, thank you very much, Xia Ye. I feel much better. I will definitely be able to pass the next challenge easily!"

"Well, I will retain this interest, so... Well, next, do you want to go to the fashion store with me?"

"You said it, maybe you have an outstanding talent in fashion matching," Ma Li imitated Xia Ye's tone, "Hey, how can you do it without a judge? You won't refuse Ma Li's invitation, right?"

Unable to refuse, Xia Ye had the same idea again. Well, Ma Li finally found her condition, so let's follow her today.

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