Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 70 Conquering the Steel Armored Crow

"Oh, Xia Ye, I didn't expect to see you again."

The policeman who greeted him was the middle-aged policeman from Jiqing City Police Department who told Xia Ye about the Dawn Team.

"Captain Ferguson, we have confirmed that the target of the crime is Kuroda, a Pokémon hunter from the Johto area." At this time, a young policeman reported to Ferguson.

"Oh, didn't I catch a big fish? Thank you very much, Xia Ye." Ferguson patted Xia Ye on the shoulder, "Of course, I also want to thank this young lady. By the way, you are the gym challenger Ma Li. Well, my daughter likes your battle very much."

"Really, thank you~" Ma Li replied.

"Well, I wish you good luck in your future challenges. Such a bad guy doesn't need your testimony anymore. Once the bonus from his alliance is processed and will be credited to your account, I'll take my leave."

After Ferguson finished speaking, he waved his hands and left. Then Xia Ye looked at Ma Li and asked:

"Ma Li, what are you going to do next?"

Ma Li showed a thoughtful expression, and then said: "The old builder of this forest has been injured twice. It would be a bit bullying to fight it again, so I plan to go to the Lost Light Forest later. What do you suggest Ma Li?" Li even remembers it.”

"Well, my mission has been completed. It looks like we are going to say goodbye here." Xia Ye said.


Suddenly, the steel-armored crow let out a cry, and flew between the two of them, waving its wings and revealing its back.

Xia Ye, I think you don’t understand. Now let me, the steel-armored crow, help you with assists.

"Xia Ye, it seems that the steel-armored crow wants to give us a ride." Ma Li said.

"Oh, thank you very much, Steel-Armored Crow, you're welcome to us then."

"Gah!" (Thank me though, Xia Ye!)

There was no problem for the two of them to sit on the back of the steel-armored crow. Xia Ye sat on it first, and then Ma Li sat behind Xia Ye and naturally put her hands around Xia Ye's waist.

"Sit tight, Mary."

"Hmm~ This is the first time Mali flies in the air on a Pokémon~"

"Me too, let's go then, Steel Armored Crow."


The steel-armored crow soared into the sky. After seeing it, Ferguson silently sighed: "You are so young."

After saying goodbye to Ma Li, Xia Ye looked at the steel-armored crow beside him and said:

"Steel Armored Crow, don't you say hello to the group of armored birds that came with you?"


The steel-armored crow let out a sharp cry, and the armored birds hiding behind the rocks came out shakily, lowering their heads and not daring to look directly into the steel-armored crow's sight.

"It seems they have something to say to you." Xia Ye said.

At this time, an armored bird bravely walked up to the steel-armored crow, and then shouted:


The steel-armored crow was stunned. This armored bird was actually thanking it. It seemed that it didn't recognize that it was the blue crow that they had driven away. It was really thirty years in the east of the river and thirty years in the west of the river. Don't bully the blue crow in poverty. !


Now it was the armored bird's turn to be stunned. The steel-armored crow asked it to respond carefully. They actually knew each other, but it did not recognize the steel-armored crow. Suddenly, the armored bird thought that they had occupied a group of blue jays and chickadees before. Home, could it be the blue jay!


The Steel Armored Crow said that the Armored Bird was right. He was the Blue Crow back then. How do you feel now?


The armored bird lay on the ground, expressing its shock. They wanted to follow the armored crow and voluntarily become its little brother.

This made the steel-armored crow not sure what to reply. The former target of revenge actually wanted to be his little brother. Is he repaying his kindness or being impressed by his charm?

It thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that it must be the second one, because he had become a handsome steel-armored crow like a mother, and of course he would make these armored birds follow him voluntarily.

Later, the Steel Armored Crow decided to take in these little brothers. Although it was annoying to drive them away from their home, if it weren't for them, I'm afraid I don't know how long it would take to catch up with my mother, let alone meet Xia Ye. .


The Steel Armored Crow agreed to the Armored Bird's request, but it said that it alone was not enough. If it wanted to settle in the Sunset Forest, it must first ask Xia Ye!

"I have no problem, but I have to tell them to abide by the promise of Sunset Forest." Xia Ye nodded and said.

Then the Steel Armored Crow conveyed the agreement to the armored birds. After hearing this, they nodded repeatedly, indicating that they would abide by it.

"Well, now that the problem is solved, we should go back to Sunset Forest. What's wrong, Steel Armored Crow, suddenly acting shy?"

The steel-armored crow looked at Xia Ye with an expectant expression. It wanted to become Xia Ye's little brother, no, it should be said to be conquering!

To be honest, Steel Armor Crow originally hated the Pokémon that were subdued by humans into the Poké Ball, because the psychological shadow of its mother's subjugation was too great, but if it was Xia Ye, it would be okay.

This group of armored birds made the Steel Armored Crow understand what he was thinking. He also held the same emotions as them. He wanted to repay Xia Ye's kindness. Although the process was a bit rough, he undoubtedly helped him.

Moreover, Xia Ye always allows the Pokémon he has conquered to live freely in the wild. This may be related to his profession.

Being subdued by him is more like establishing a relationship of trust. The Steel Armored Crow feels that this type of subjugation is completely acceptable. They are not like the Pokémon hunter's relationship between a normal person and a tool, but more like a close friend who helps each other.

"Well, Steel Armor Crow, I understand, so please give me more advice." Xia Ye took out the elf ball and gently touched Steel Armor Crow's head. It turned into light and entered the elf ball. With a beep, Steel Armor The crow was successfully subdued.

Then, Xia Ye released the steel-armored crow, and it immediately let out a squawking sound. Haha, you must have been impressed by my charm. You really can't resist the temptation to conquer me!

Xia Ye shook his head helplessly. Even if it evolves into a steel-armored crow, its essence is still that blue crow.

"Okay, don't laugh. It's really time to go back this time, Steel Armored Crow."

Then the steel-armored crow was stunned. How did he know that I was laughing? Could it be that he had seen through what I was thinking?

Seeing this scene, an armored bird whispered to his partner, have we made the wrong decision? I always feel that the boss is too wise and foolish.

The other one quickly shut up, it didn't matter, at least the boss's boss was reliable.

In the temporary prison of Jiqing City Police Station, Kuroda, who was arrested for crimes, was thinking about how to reduce the punishment. Suddenly someone pushed the door open and entered, a man wearing a police uniform.

"Mr. Police, I have important information!"

"Oh, tell me." The policeman said curiously.

"Actually, I am a member of the Dawn Team. You have been in trouble recently. I know one of their strongholds. Do you want to make a deal?" Kuroda clutched the railing with a fervent expression.

"Ah, yes, it is indeed very distressing." The policeman walked up to Kuroda, "Mr. Kuroda, now that you have joined the organization, you can't pursue your boring and arbitrary pursuits."

Kuroda's eyes widened, he took a few steps back in panic, pointed at the police and shouted, "That medal!"

The 'policeman' pointed to the silver cross star on his chest and said with a smile: "Ah, yes, it is the medal of the Dawn Team, a medal that will not be worn by stupid traitors~"

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