Pokemon Court

Chapter 1026: Pioneer

There is a moon above the elf world. The light reflected by the moon makes the elf energy appear in the elf world. Prolonged contact with rich elf energy and some minerals similar to meteorites will produce a kind of evolution stone called moonstone. Stones can evolve elves such as Pippi and Fat Ding.

In the Qiuye Daoguan Research Institute, everyone first passed the comparative study of the moon stone and the moon stone and discovered an interesting phenomenon.

The Moon Stone will automatically absorb the energy fluctuations released by the Moon Stone, and then slowly increase the concentration to achieve the result of improving the quality.

"You must know that like water stones and fire stones, they can only absorb energy during the formation process. After formation, even if the surrounding energy is a hundred times richer, it is absolutely impossible to change the quality of the day after tomorrow."

"The problem is not here. The key is that the energy contained in the moon stone and the moon stone are not the same kind, nor is it the fairy energy. During this process, the energy on the moon stone is obviously transformed. This transformation process is the object that should be studied. ."

"I have extracted the conversion data of these energies, and the data including the energy of the goblin is also listed, everyone, please see..."

On this day, the Akiba Institute of Gymnasium is still very lively, and Ting Shu wants to join it together, but all he can do is to manipulate the Rotom Illustrated Book, which is of little significance, but with the reminder of the Rotom Illustrated Book, Ting Shu intends Go out.

In order to conquer Moonstone.

Ting Shu traded the Cheats of the Universe Force to cultivate a batch of moonstones to help him explore the altar of stars.

In addition, the subsequent research also requires moonstones. In his original plan with the Rotom Illustrated Book, the study of fairy energies required not only moonstones and moonstones for comparative research, but also moonstones such as wizards.

"Besides, I will also accept a Sun Rock by the way." Ting Shu said.

The moon itself does not emit light, but only reflects sunlight. From this point of view, the source of the goblin energy is the sun. Moonstone is related to the moon, and solar rock is related to the sun. For the next research, Ting Shu intends to do both.

The sun and the moon are used to jointly study the energy of the fairy.

"The understanding of the goblin energy by Zhernias and Alora only rests on its composition. They believe that the essence of the goblin energy is the component that makes up the goblin energy. In fact, they can only use the goblin energy. It only stays on the separation of the fairy energy..." Ting Shuxin said: "Maybe, even these legendary elves may not be able to figure out how the fairy energy is transformed from solar energy. If you figure this out, apart from the academic field Is it possible that the breakthrough in China will improve the strength?"

Ting Shu shook his head. This is not necessarily true. Although the result is unknown, the research still has to continue. Like other attributes, most of them are the source and essence of the sages who have studied through countless explorations and experiments. The emerging attribute of fairy. This time it’s Tina Shu’s turn to be the pioneer and conduct research. Even if he doesn’t get any benefit himself, it’s good to accumulate some experience and leave it to future generations. Maybe later generations can have more talented people who can build on this foundation. It might be a step further. Thinking about it this way, Ting Shu didn't pay much attention to the harvest. He took a few elves and went directly to Yantu Mountain.



"Crack the head frog, the water condenses faster, and the reaction speed keeps up with the heart's feeling!"

"Also, learn to predict and induce the movement of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, otherwise you will never touch it!"

On the way across Yantu Mountain to Meteor Falls, Tingshu checked the growth of powerful vanilla by the way. There are hunting swallowtail butterflies, wind speed dogs, floating bubbles and dozens of grass elves to take care of here. The strong vanilla has been accumulated in years. Very fast, not comparable to growth under ordinary circumstances.

At the same time, in order to check the training results of hunting swallowtail butterflies, wind speed dogs, and floating bubbles, Tingshu commanded the croaking frog and the big mouth baby to have a simulated battle with them.

In the front, the big-mouthed baby is excited by electromagnetic force, transforming the magnetic field fluctuations to oppress the hunting bird's response, while swinging his fist and mouth entangled with it. The hunting bird's body is wrapped in a golden gleaming cyclone, which makes use of the dream and the beginning of the world. The unique golden energy gifted by the tree replaces the dominant aura, transforms the sunlight in the sky into physical strength, and constantly repairs the physical damage caused by the movement and attack of the high-pressure airflow. During this period, the hunting papilio uses the strong wind to pressure the blade. Offensive and defensive, several wounds printed by the wind blade have been left on the big mouth baby.

It’s the first time that the Big Mouth Baby competes with the hunting swallowtail butterfly. The hunting swallowtail butterfly in the wind field has exerted its "feeling", "predicting" and "reaction" to the extreme, making the big mouth baby itch with anger, but top level His combat literacy quickly began to calm down, try to avoid his own recklessness and summarize the flying rules of hunting swallowtail butterflies.

One minute later.

"Quah!!!" The red light swept across the eyes, and the big mouth baby finally came across the body of the hunting swallowtail butterfly for the first time. The fist broke the wind and shook the hunting swallowtail butterfly away. At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, quacked the frog. Finally hit the hunting swallowtail for the first time.

In this simulated battle, the big-mouthed baby and the croaking frog jointly confront the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

In the rear, the croaking frog keeps moving and changing its position. Its hands condense the wave of water and control the vibration of the wave. After trying its best to compress it to the extreme, it throws out to attack the hunting swallowtail butterfly, but unfortunately, even in the face of double Under pressure, the bird hunting was still at ease, and it took three minutes to be attacked for the first time.

"Pop!" Ting Shu stopped the battle with a clap.

"Yes, both have progressed." Ting Shu said, hunting swallowtail butterflies can now perfectly use the golden energy, and have also adapted to the aftereffects of the disappearance of the overlord's aura. Although the big mouth baby entered the top field relatively late, it brought excellent combat awareness. The adaptability of the tree is not possessed by the other elves of the garden tree. Although the croaking frog has delayed a lot of training in Pockbee Paradise, its training on the fluctuation of water has not fallen. It may be practiced by the way when it is watering the flowers and the grass.

The reason why the croaking frog trains the wave of water is because the principle of the wave of water is shaking water. If it adapts to the vibration now, it will be very easy to master the water shuriken after it evolves. Then, it will cooperate with the special Koga Ninja Frog. The slime contains high-pressure and high-vibration water shurikens, and its lethality can theoretically be maximized. This is not the conclusion that Nishiki got from other places, but the Koga Shinobu of Xiaozhi in parallel time and space four years later. Inspired by the frog, the golden water shuriken that is compressed to the extreme is very powerful, but unfortunately it is difficult to control. Now Ting Shu asks the croaking frog to do basic training, and then the water shuriken will definitely become it." Ninja identity" the best weapon.

"It's just that the head is a bit short." Ting Shu said in his heart, but who said the target of the croaking frog is the hunting bird.

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