Pokemon Court

Chapter 741: Toxic Conception

"New discovery?"

Hearing this, Ting Shu showed joy, but he did not expect Researcher Nero to be so powerful.

Less than a day passed before he handed the electric ball to the opponent.

"Researcher Ting Shu, you gave me this little gadget but it's an amazing thing."

Holding the electric ball, Researcher Nero looked mysterious: "Don't look at the electricity it stores, but it has amazing effects. If I am not wrong, it is an item that can increase the strength of the elf."

"This is indeed possible." Ting Shu nodded.

"Has the specific increase mechanism been studied?"

"Haha, have you forgotten my identity? I'm a researcher who specializes in electrical elves. In my research results, there are a total of 10 different characteristics of electrical elves. The electricity in this electric ball, although It's different from any one, but by comparison I found..."

"What is it?" Ting Shu asked.

"It has a fusion nature. This is an incomplete electrical. It needs to be combined with another kind of thunder and lightning to have an effect." Researcher Nero was curious: "If my research direction is right, two After the power of thunder and lightning are combined with each other, it will form a violent thunder force that stimulates the vitality of the body. That is to say, if an elf mastering the power of thunder and lightning can fuse the electric beads, its physical fitness will be improved to one Very terrifying."

"Thunder and lightning stimulate the body's vitality?" Ting Shu showed an unexpected look.

"Yes, this can be said to be another kind of evolution, and it's also a reborn process." Researcher Nero exclaimed in admiration: "How did such a magical electric ball form? It's just a pity that there is too little electricity inside. Yes, it is estimated that the large-scale electric pixie has no chance to fuse it."

"Researcher Nero, can the elves, who are not in the electrical system but master the power of thunder and lightning, integrate the electricity inside?" Ting Shu raised his own doubts.

"There is a very big risk, but the possibility cannot be denied." Researcher Nero thought for a while.

Ting Shu thought of the floating bubble for the first time. If the floating bubble can integrate this mysterious electric ball, it should be able to greatly increase its strength.

After proposing this point of view, Researcher Nero expressed his willingness to assist in the research.

"I have helped so much, I really don't know how to thank you..." Researcher Nero put a lot of energy into the research of electric balls, making Ting Shu a little embarrassed.

"Small things, to have a research project, I am very satisfied. By the way..." Researcher Nero said: "Of course, if you don't mind, if you can study the effect of electric balls, I wonder if you can I will publish. Of course, we can be co-researchers and will not lose your credit."

"What can I do for you?" Tingshu laughed. He didn't do much except for providing electric balls. He wouldn't be brazen for this honor.

And compared to the reputation brought by the research results, Tingshu pays more attention to whether the actual value of the electric ball can bring its own benefits. After all, the reputation of Tingshu is almost full, and there is really not much of this one. Small reputation.



During the collaborative research on electric balls, Ting Shu prepared to take time to buy some materials.

The deployment of highly toxic materials.

About 400 years ago, after a ninja invented a highly toxic toxin that almost all elves could master, he became the most terrifying assassin of that era by virtue of the highly toxic special toxicity, and now, that ninja is No one can surpass the poison master.

Unfortunately, the ninja did not escape the sanctions of fate in the end. After a failed mission, the ninja died and the poisonous secrets were also obtained by outsiders. In later generations, for unknown reasons, the poisonous secrets were spread out. Many forces and Individuals have obtained the formula.

It was also at that time that due to the large-scale deployment of humans, the poison was mastered by some elves and incorporated into their genes, becoming a kind of racial talent, allowing the children born to those elves to master this toxic and terrible as they grow up. Very toxic.

However, with the development of the times, the toxicity of the highly toxic has long been cracked out. Now the antidote available everywhere on the market can alleviate the toxicity, and the highly toxic has long lost its prestige hundreds of years ago.

"Although the ninja invented the great toxin, the poison is still not thorough due to issues such as the times and time." Ting Shu secretly regretted.

That ninja is one of the few geniuses in history who bestows elf moves with manpower.

The opponent’s talents have had an indelible impact on the development of the future generations of the poison system. Such people die too early, which is almost a pity for every modern poison trainer. If the opponent is alive, there will be new poison The change.

Although this amazingly talented ninja died, the poison has been studied by later generations.

Extremely strong adaptability is the power of poison. Nearly all elves can master it, and it can almost perfectly contain all poisons. This is the most outstanding characteristic of poison. Later generations will also conduct research on this characteristic.

"If Elle Duo wants to master the poison strike, he must first possess his own toxin. It is undoubtedly the best choice to let it master the poison first and then practice the poison strike."

Ting Shu made this plan, and for this highly poisonous deployment, Ting Shu has a relatively good idea.

If you let Elle Redo master the highly toxic, naturally it will not be the most basic highly toxic toxin. The highly toxic adaptability gives this trick unlimited room for change. For Elle Redo, how can we make this trick effective Maximization is a problem that Ting Shu has to consider.

Ting Shu quickly settled down.

Paralyze toxins.

The toxin that can slow down the reaction speed of the enemy, combined with the teleportation attack of Eluledo, can maximize the combat style of Eluledo and make the enemy impossible to defend.

Speaking of paralysis, Ting Shu thought of such moves as paralysis powder, electromagnetic waves, big snake eyes, frozen volts, and so on. After thinking about it, Ting Shu once again decided to develop a highly toxic development route with freezing paralysis as the core.

It is the paralytic toxin that contains the power of frost.

In this way, it can further complement the attack surface of the poison system.

"In the existing formula, no one uses this as the cultivation direction?" Ting Shu checked the information and found that no one took this direction as the cultivation route to deploy a new species of highly poisonous, which could not help but make Ting Shu slightly worried. .

It seems that you have to start all over again and do it yourself, which undoubtedly increased Ting Shu's task.

"Forget it, let's put this task at the back, let Eluleiduo master the most common poison."

After exiting the data interface of the Rotom Illustrated Book, Ting Shu put on his clothes and planned to go out.

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