Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 201 Fruit Tree Adapted to Toxins

Taiyi's eyes widened, wondering where Ivysaur came from with its confidence.

Or does Taiyi himself have such a tall image and power in Ivysaur's heart?

That was a king-level elf. Even if he wanted to pursue it, could he beat him?

Of course, he too subconsciously ignored the trouble of finding the owner of this king-level elf.

With Dr. Oki, Taiyi only has respect and nothing else.

Shu Lao came out and glanced at Taichi sideways: "Are you sure you respect Hanako and Dr. Ohki in your heart?"

Taiyi waved his hand casually: "I just expressed the doubts of the majority of readers in their past lives. I am not curious myself. Well, not curious at all!"

Shu Lao could only give Taiyi a look that said, "If the tree doesn't need the bark, it will definitely die."

This man is shameless and invincible in the world.

Taiyi was too lazy to talk to Shu Lao, but this old man who didn't cultivate was actually connoting him.

Obviously Shu Lao himself is also very curious... ahem, obviously only Shu Lao himself is curious.

How could I, Taiyi, a good young man from the elf world, be curious about Dr. Omu's private life?


Taiyi smiled at Ivysaur and said: "Since that Raichu helped us, I naturally won't care about that thing. We must also repay the favor. From now on, when that Raichu comes again, you will directly Let her pick the fruit from the tree herself."

Anyway, he couldn't stop the king-level elf.

Besides, after this experience, Taiyi realized the benefits of powerful elves even more.

Dr. Ohki's dragon protected him.

If not, Taiyi would have been killed by that crazy Chenglong in the underground building of Cerulean City.

As for Kuailong, he may have noticed that Di Tuyun appeared, what does that have to do with Taiyi?

No matter how the Alliance investigates, they will never suspect that he is a young man and a promising researcher!

It's just right, I usually give you some benefits.

At the critical moment, that Raichu can't just sit idly by, right?

This time, Dr. Omu’s face was involved!

But Taiyi felt that there was also a reason why Leiqiu usually stole and ate his own tree fruits.

Ivysaur was obviously relieved when Taiyi said he didn't care.

Ivysaur has also communicated with Raichu before, and they are already good friends.

If the next time a good friend comes over and Taiyi doesn't agree, it will be very difficult for Ivysaur to do it.

It's okay now. You can invite Raichu as a guest next time. As for the fruit, you can eat whatever you want.

Anyway, Taiyi has already agreed.

I wonder if Taiyi will regret it if he knows that Ivysaur thinks this way now?

Coming here occasionally to pick some fruits, and being invited to come and take whatever you want, are two different concepts!

But thinking about it, Taiyi wouldn't care if he knew about it.

Anyway, the output outside is also used to cover up the world of the Book of Heaven.

Ivysaur thought in her heart that she had to work harder.

The moves need to be more skillful and the ripening needs to be more diligent.

She wanted to entertain good friends, but she couldn't let Taiyi lose too much, right?

After Taiyi and Ivysaur finished speaking, they said nothing more.

Instead, Taiyi came to the tree orchard and began to investigate the fruits.

The toxins used by the men in black before were obviously specially concentrated.

These fruit trees, aromatic mushrooms, etc. have all been corroded to varying degrees.

It's okay to say that the fruit tree is a tree after all. It has stronger vitality and greater resistance.

The grass and aromatic mushrooms underneath suffered huge losses.

Taiyi guessed that it would not be so easy to recover.

There is also soil, although it also has purification capabilities.

However, the soil's self-purification ability obviously cannot easily purify toxins.

"By the way. In the past few days, has the Joey family picked fruit from trees here?"

Taiyi suddenly asked, if the Joey family took tree fruits and vegetables from here, does that mean that those tree fruits and vegetables would also contain toxins?

A lucky egg quickly shook its head: "lucky!" (No, because I feel that these things contain toxins, so I have suspended this transaction in the past few days!)

After saying that, Geely Dan was still a little worried.

This transaction can make a lot of money every day.

Here in Taiyi, this is the only one that makes money.

She didn't know that Taiyi received dividends from Silver Company and Dewen Company.

Taiyi praised: "That's great, Geely Egg. You made the right decision. These tree fruits may have toxins. We need to do a test before we can trade with the Joey family!"

The Geely Egg's eyes were bent into a heart shape, and he shouted happily: "lucky!"

Nothing makes Gilly Egg happier than a trainer who understands them and respects them.

After some inspection, Taiyi found that the fruit trees were corroded to a certain extent.

Most of the fruit trees are in a sluggish state, and even with a few days of treatment with Ivysaur, they are not getting better.

But there are also a few fruit trees that seem to have undergone some mutations and survived the poison, but seem to be thriving.

Taiyi was a little curious about these trees, but after thinking about it, he figured it out.

"Any life has its own adaptability. These trees seem to have adapted to toxins."

Taiyi marked several trees and said: "The fruits of these trees need to be tested to see how they are doing. If they can adapt to some harsh environments and the fruits still have the original effect, then it will be good. the value of."

The elven world also has many harsh environments that are unsuitable for human habitation.

If these fruit trees could use that kind of environment, there would be a lot more choices.

Whether it is to make more space to plant fruit trees, or to use these fruit trees to improve those harsh environments.

All are very good choices!

Shu Lao nodded: "This is very feasible. But don't hold out too much hope. The adaptability of all things is not that strong. Just because they can survive in the previous toxic environment does not mean that they can. Adapt to other harsh environments!”

Tai nodded, this kind of thing can only be a blessing or a loss for me.

You can't force it, but it's not difficult to do a test.

Looking back, I saw Sirona's poisonous rose again!

Ivysaur mentioned that this poisonous rose is very powerful.

Among those men in black that day, this Poison Rose was also a main force.

If it weren't for Poison Rose, they might not have been able to persevere.

Poison Rose: Thorns Pokémon (evolutionary gene solidification)

Level: 47

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: spontaneous combustion recovery

Qualification: Green

Gender: Female

Skills: Missile Needle, Sunlight, Sleep, Snoring, Hold, Ultimate Absorption, Rain, Sunny Day, Sword Dance, Stand, Sludge Bomb, Hard Hold, High Speed ​​Star, Noisy, Hold On, Grass Knot, Photosynthesis, Cotton Spore, Sleeping Powder, Flying Leaf Knife, Grass Slide

This elf is worthy of being Sirona's "original" elf.

Although his qualifications are not very high, he has mastered many moves and mastered them very skillfully.

After this period of cultivation, the number of green qualifications has reached 50%.

In addition, the level has been improved very quickly. It is now level 47, which is also very powerful in the elite level.

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