Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 273 The idea of ​​releasing animals

Faced with Shinichi's cousin's arrogance, Taiyi was even more arrogant than him and just said from his nostrils: "Yeah!"

This time, cousin Xinyi was immediately different.

Bringing tea and water, and massage again, the smile on his face made Taiyi feel goosebumps rising.

"Okay, here you go. I lost to you!" Taiyi quickly took out Sirona's signature, which was a notebook.

Shinichi's cousin cheered, took the notebook, opened the cover, and saw what was written on the title page.

"To the lovely little friend Nakamori Shin, I hope you can have a smooth journey as a trainer!"

At this moment, Nakamori Shinichi immediately left Taichi behind and jumped up and down with the notebook.

Looking at it like that, if you don’t know, you might think it’s a monkey!

The guests who came to enjoy the food smiled knowingly and did not take it seriously.

Who is Sirona? Those are the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance!

This cousin probably just bought a notebook and signed it randomly by himself!

But Aunt Sakura and Uncle Sakura knew that Taiyi and Sirona did know each other.

This signature must be authentic.

"You spoil him too much!" Aunt Yingzi said angrily, but the smile on her face was not concealed at all.

"Hypocritical woman!" Taiyi smiled, he knew that Aunt Yingzi also liked her son!

As for hypocrisy, are there any women who are not hypocritical?

Uh-huh, just to be polite!

Shu Lao gave a look of disdain. Is it hypocritical for someone to be different?

Taiyi directly ignored Shu Lao, took out the dairy products, and said to Aunt Yingzi: "These are dairy products from big milk cans. I brought some for you to try, aunt! Don't refuse, these are the big milk cans at home. They are all self-produced and not worth much!”

In fact, there are no products from Moo Milk that are too cheap.

After the things were given, Taiyi was ready to leave.

After all, things about the secret realm are still very important.

Now that Slowpoke has evolved into Slowpoke King, it’s time to get there as soon as possible!

Taiyi always feels that this operation may not go too smoothly!

Just like the Silver Company in Golden City, there may be some twists and turns.

That’s why we can’t wait even more.

Without Kuailong's protection this time, Taiyi would have no chance to come out to find the secret realm again.

The secret realm represents resources and benefits, and Taiyi cannot give up.

Even if he might encounter Team Rocket, Taichi couldn't care less about it for the time being.

Not to mention the horned goldfish, the dragon-riding elf eggs also need better qualified materials and treasures!

Moreover, if there are better natural materials and earthly treasures, his other elves will be better cultivated.

This is also beneficial to his purpose of living better in this world.

Aunt Yingzi persuaded her to stay: "Let's have a meal here! Are you anxious to go back to Zhenxin Town? What's the matter?"

Naturally, Taiyi would not say that he was going to take risks, but just nodded: "I have something to do when I go back. By the way, is there a computer here? Lend it to me, I have a paper to publish!"

Aunt Yingzi asked her uncle to take him to the back to use the computer and cook a meal for Taichi!

The papers are all written, it just needs to be fleshed out with data.

This is nothing.

It took Taiyi a while to correct the paper and write Xiaochi's name in the second author column.

In this paper, Xiao Chi also provided a lot of observation reports.

Moreover, the first draft was also written by Xiaochi, so Taichi was happy to give Xiaochi a little help!

Investing in the protagonists of the future will definitely bring you rewards.


Check the paper again to make sure there are no typos or ambiguities.

Taiyi handed the paper to the thesis review department, and there was no need for Taiyi to take care of the rest.

In addition, there is a paper on elf food, which was also sent to the paper review department!

Taiyi feels that he can keep publishing this series of papers for many years.

And as your abilities and knowledge grow, the recipes for elf food will also be updated.

That’s a new paper again!

Each stage of the elves has its own unique elf food, which can be published!

Of course, this kind of elf paper is just a daily paper, which can expand Taiyi's influence!

But if you want to use this kind of paper to evaluate senior researchers or even PhDs, it is impossible!

After doing this, Taichi came out from behind, and Aunt Sakura smiled and brought the food out to him.

After eating a meal, Taiyi also discovered that Aunt Yingzi's cooking skills had also improved.

Not bad!

With a skill, at least Aunt Yingzi's family's life would be problem-free.

And you can make some money, and you can also give more support to cousin Xinyi in the future!

The path of a trainer costs a lot of alliance coins!

Poor people may not be able to take this road!

In the final analysis, the cultivation of elves cannot be done with passion.

Xiaozhi's rise is due not only to his own passion, but also to the support of his companions and the cultivation of Xiaogang and others!

And at home, Aunt Hanako’s cultivation!

Otherwise, with Xiaozhi's character, he will send it home after he has conquered it.

There's no way Ash's elves can grow up that well!

Under Aunt Yingzi's reluctant gaze, Taiyi left.

Coming out of Hualan City, Taiyi released the eagle and flew towards the seaside again.

Not long after Taiyi left, a young man found Aunt Yingzi's restaurant.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Taiyi here?"

"Ah! It's Mr. Mikri!"

Yes, this young man is Mi Keli.

Compared to Taiyi, Mikori is obviously more famous!

With a young age, a lot of money, and good strength, Mi Keli has already made a name for himself in the gorgeous competition.

Naturally, there are fans of Michaeli everywhere.

Apparently, Aunt Sakura is also obsessed with Mikoli!

After some explanation, Mi Keli realized that Taiyi had left again and returned to Zhenxin Town!

Mi Keli was also speechless: "It was already agreed upon, but I came here just for him! Why didn't you wait for me?"

Mi Keli was also speechless. Now that he had come and failed to achieve his goal, he had no intention of going back.

"Forget it, let's go to Zhenxin Town to find him!"

Before Mikri left, the three Sakura sisters also came over: "I heard that Brother Taiyi is here? We are here to find Brother Taiyi!"

But then, the three Sakura sisters were disappointed to learn that Taichi had left!

Taiyi didn't know this. At this time, Taiyi was sitting on Bi Diao and was in contact with the elves in the world of the Book of Heaven.

That Mimikyu Q is still as arrogant as ever. After eating elf food, it still doesn't want to talk to Taichi!

For ghost elves, loneliness may not be an unacceptable thing.

As long as it has food and isn't hungry, this Mimikyu looks like it's going to keep fighting!

Taiyi was born for the first time. Is this the idea of ​​releasing Mimikyu into the wild?

Anyway, the elf ball has been destroyed by Mimikyu. As long as it is released, Mimikyu will still be a wild elf!

This is temporary, Taiyi has not made up his mind yet.

It would be a pity to give up such a high-quality elf.

This is an elf with blue qualifications!

Moreover, Taiyi felt that he was definitely right about the purple he saw before.

There are still many secrets in this elf!

But Mimikyu doesn't cooperate, so even if Taiyi wants to study it, there's nothing he can do!

Soon, Taiyi came to the beach, and Taiyi gave up the idea of ​​negotiating with Mimikyu now.

Taiyi released Kuailong: "Kailong, the destination I want to go to is right here. Please take me there!"

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