Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 277 The island, the secret realm is nearby

Taiyi was alert, stood up from Kuailong's back, and looked into the distance.

I saw that there was indeed a small island in the distance, and this island was not small.

However, there seemed to be a lot of people outside this island.

Because he was far away and Taiyi's attention was all on the frozen bird, he didn't notice it before.

But at this time, after being reminded by Shu Lao, Taiyi discovered that there were a lot of people here.

what's the situation?

Taiyi is a bit elusive. At this time, it would be nice if there were ghost elves to help cover up his whereabouts and approach quietly.

But this is not a problem for Taiyi!

There are many offices in Taiyi that achieve this effect.

First, Taiyi enters the world of the Book of Heaven, and then lets the elves carry the Book of Heaven to leave here and go to the island.

In this way, when Taiyi comes out again, it will appear where the Heavenly Book is.

This can be regarded as a disguised movement.

But Taiyi did not choose this, which would make Kuailong discover the existence of the Book of Heaven.

Although Kuailong is a little strange now!

Taiyi chose the second method: "Kuailong, hide in the water, then set off towards the island, take a detour and go up from the other direction!"

Taiyi said this, but Kuailong looked at Taiyi a little doubtfully!

"Boooo~" (How do you breathe when you get into the water?)

Taiyi: "Don't worry about me. Prince Canghai blessed me before. I have water powers. I can also breathe in water!"

Yes, this is an extension of the water power. In water, Taiyi can also breathe.

This means that Taiyi can live on land and in water!

Shu Lao teased: "Are you considered an amphibian?"


Since Taiyi can breathe underwater, Kuailong will have no problem.

This kind of quasi-god elf has no problem in other environments except the magma environment.

Kuailong dived into the water, and no one could find him in the sea.

They were still quite far away from the island, and it was almost impossible to be discovered on the sea.

As the dragon dives, it is even less likely to be discovered.

At this time, a trainer in the distance, Feiniao, rubbed his eyes and said, "Did I really see it wrong? It seemed like I just saw an elf!"

But after thinking about it, he felt that this was normal.

There are countless elves in the sea. It is not difficult to find an elf floating on the sea.

He quickly forgot about this matter, because his boss next to him yelled: "What are you doing? Don't be lazy, as mentioned above, these trainers have blocked me recently. There are good things on this island!"

Hearing the good stuff, Feiniao's eyes lit up and he approached: "Boss, what good stuff is it? Do we have a chance to share some?"

As a lower level member of an organization, it is really difficult to get something good.

But as a civilian orphan speaking out, it would have been difficult for Asuka to rise.

If he hadn't joined the organization, becoming a trainer would have been a luxury.

This world is monopolized by the rich and the top leaders of the alliance, and they have no chance to get ahead!

Feiniao, who joined the organization, knew that if he wanted to get the benefits, he had to fight for them himself.

It's not that easy to make pies fall from the sky.

How could there be such a thing as a good thing falling out of heaven?

The boss rolled his eyes: "Think of good things. Such good things belong to the big shots. We may only eat a little bit of soup, but that's the limit!"

Only people like Feiniao would believe in what the organization said and how to give civilians a chance to rise.

Will the organization give those benefits casually?

Didn't you fight for it with your life?

Asuka chuckled, but his eyes rolled. It was obvious that he didn't have any ideas, he just didn't want to say them out.

The boss also knew Asuka's character and didn't say anything.

There are many such minions in the elven world.

Anyway, all kinds of people who can't survive are taken in by the organization every day.

This is the best cannon fodder and basic personnel. The organization uses the method of raising insects to let these people constantly compete and struggle.

If it can rise in the future, it will be at the grassroots level of the organization.

If you rise again, you can be promoted to the middle level, or even to cadres.

Now, there are such people among several cadres in the organization.

Because there are successful cases, people will join in one after another.

This boss was originally like this, and he is still like this now.

He will not stop Feiniao, he will even follow Feiniao. If he can get some benefits, that is naturally the best.

Even if he can't, if Feiniao is the cannon fodder in front, he won't suffer, right?

The two people walked away with their own motives, but they did not notice that an elf took a man and left from the bottom of the water.

Taiyi saw the situation of these two people in his eyes, and there was nothing more convenient than superpower detection.

The strength of these two people is pretty good, above professional trainers, close to elite trainers.

This is already the upper limit of most trainers in the league.

As for the organization, Taiyi didn’t know what it was.

"But there's a high probability that it's Team Rocket! It's just that these two people don't seem to know the specifics of the organization, so they probably aren't official members of Team Rocket!"

An organization like the Rockets has a large number of grassroots members, and they don't know the specific situation of the Rockets.

Some of them didn't even know the name of Team Rocket. They picked up a bad elf and started their career as trainers.

If given the chance, it can still rise.

If not, they will become cannon fodder and be sacrificed in a certain activity.

This kind of thing happens almost every day.

This is the dark side of the world, and Taiyi can't do anything about it.

Soon, Taichi discovered a loophole in Team Rocket's, well, maybe Team Ocean's patrol.

Coming out of the water, Taiyi controlled the moisture on his body and was careful not to leave any footprints.

Go all the way to the island, climb up the tree, and hide yourself among the branches and leaves of the tree.

"The next step is to look for one or two on the island."

Taiyi found that he no longer needed to determine the direction.

Because according to that document, this island is where the secret realm is.

This made Taiyi a little surprised, a little surprised, and a little helpless!

“If you plant flowers intentionally, they won’t bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade!”

Taiyi has no intention of solving Team Rocket and letting outsiders in.

When I passed by the water just now, I saw many people from Team Rocket, blocking some trainers out.

The situation here has obviously been leaked, and a steady stream of trainers will be arriving soon!

At that time, the alliance will also send people over.

"If one of the Four Heavenly Kings comes, I'm afraid I won't have any chance at all!"

Taiyi's purpose is to absorb this secret realm and expand his own world of heavenly books!

The world of the Book of Heaven is actually a special secret realm, and the Book of Heaven is the core of this secret realm.

The core of the secret realms that the Book of Heaven has absorbed along the way is the same!

Taiyi's purpose obviously conflicts with the alliance's purpose, so Taiyi wants to absorb the secret realm before the alliance sends the king.

This is Taiyi’s opportunity!

As for the elves in the secret realm, if they are of high quality, Taiyi can selectively conquer some.

Elves with low qualifications can only be released.

Fortunately, although there are not many resources in the wild, they are not few either, so you will never starve to death.

Regarding the energy of the secret realm, Shu Lao's induction will be stronger.

"Shu Lao, hurry up and find out where the secret realm is!"

Although I know the approximate location, Taiyi still needs to find the specific location.

The first thing Taiyi needs to look for is the entrance to the secret realm!

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