Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 330 Angry Frozen Bird

Outside the secret realm, Hades fights against Kona, and the ghost type fights against the water and ice types.

There is no restraint between them.

But the ghosts appear very strangely, and their whereabouts are difficult to find.

But when it comes to Kona's level, it's very difficult to sneak up on him.

Kona's ice elves can already freeze ghosts. Several times Hades' Gengar tried to attack, but Kona's Emperor Nabo froze him!

If it weren't for the fact that the ghost-type elf's body could turn into a ball of smoke and escape, he would have been severely injured.

Elsewhere, Poseidon fights against Mikri.

Most of Poseidon's elves are of the water or ice type, while Mikri's elves are more mixed.

There are water-type Menas, dragon-type and flying-type Tanabata Blue Birds. In addition, there are elves of other types.

Anyway, when it comes to fighting, it's very powerful.

Fortunately, this is the Caspian Sea, otherwise there would have been landslides inland.

But unfortunately, this is the sea, and their battle even caused large winds and waves.

On an island not far away, the trees in the forest were swept away by the waves.

There is a gap in strength between the two sides, but it is not too big.

Therefore, the two sides are going back and forth. If there is no external force, this battle will probably end in vain.

Because neither side can do anything against the other, they are all experienced King of Heaven trainers!

Kona is slightly stronger, Mikri is very good at moving moves, and every contestant in the gorgeous competition is good at clever moves.

But the Rockets are not without backup options, and Kona doesn't dare to push too hard!

The kind of elves that Yulongdu and Sirona encountered before were those elves that had greatly increased their power in a short period of time and were crazy and irrational. That kind of medicine called the Elf Virus was really tricky.

Before she had the means to subdue that kind of elf, she didn't want her elf to take too many risks.

Who knows how many of those elves Hades brought?

But at this moment, a loud cry sounded.

Then, a gorgeous figure flew from a distance.

What follows is endless cold air!

Kona, who is very sensitive to the ice element, noticed it immediately.

She turned her head and was immediately shocked.

Kona has a villa in the Orange Islands, and she often comes here for vacation.

She knew very well about the Three Sacred Birds near the Orange Islands.

But even if she knew about it, she had never encountered it before.

Legend has it that elves rarely come out, especially since Freeze Bird needs to sit on the Ice Island and regulate the weather near the Orange Islands.

This is the duty of the Three Holy Birds, that is to say, the priesthood of Wei.

The top leaders of the alliance actually understand this.

"Who pissed off Freeze Bird?"

The situation of the frozen bird can be seen at a glance, absolutely angry!

In just a blink of an eye, the frozen bird flew nearby!

Kona ignored the battle with Hades and retreated directly, away from the Frozen Bird.

The Frozen Bird's move, Frozen Wind, flies around the Frozen Bird, bringing up countless ice shards.

Even the sea level is frozen!

This is the horror of the legendary elves!

An ordinary move is far beyond what the Heavenly King Elf can match.

Not only Kona, but also Hades did not have the courage to face the legendary elves.

Although he usually behaves very unruly and violent, he beats people at every turn and even kills them.

But facing the legendary elf, especially an angry elf, he didn't dare to face its edge!

Afterwards, Poseidon and Mikri also stopped fighting with a tacit understanding.

Their king-level battle cannot end in a short time.

But the King can retreat, and the other Rockets will be too late!

A piece of ice sculpture appeared, and the people and elves inside were still lifelike.

Kona and Mikri stepped back, gathered together, and looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"Why did the Frozen Bird come here? Who angered Him?"

They even changed their names for the mythical beasts.

Especially this kind of mythical beast that has mastered the priesthood is very powerful in the home world.

This involves some secrets, which only the top leaders of the league know.

This is not the only frozen bird. On the contrary, there are many frozen birds.

In the vast elf world, there are several colonies of frozen birds, and the frozen birds in them are also legendary elves.

But the power of those freezing birds is definitely not comparable to this one!

This kind of mythical beast, which can change the weather of a region with just a few gestures, is the only one in the elf world.

Well, I’m talking about Frozen Bird!

"Do they still have vital signs?" Mikli asked solemnly.

Even though he was Team Rocket and an evil organization, Mikri still felt sad.

On the yacht in the distance, the trainers of the alliance were also very scared!

Fortunately, Kona did not let them come forward, but chose to take on the battle with Mikri.

If not, those ice sculptures in the distance would be their fate.

Kona shook his head: "If these ice cubes can be melted in a very short period of time and certain first aid measures are taken, it may still be possible. But here..."

Kona did not continue, because there were no first aid measures here, and there was no Miss Joy to operate it, and there were no lucky eggs.

In other words, these members of Team Rocket are almost certain to die.

Kona said: "The freezing of the Frozen Bird is beyond the comparison of ordinary elves."

Even Kona's ice elves can't compare.

This is a legendary elf!

The power of the divine beast, along with the power of the priesthood, is not so easy to dissolve.

Kona didn't dare to step forward because of her priesthood. The angry beast didn't care whether she was the king of the alliance or the Rockets.

Kona said: "These ices even have some properties of not melting. If ice elves can get them, they can get some indescribable benefits. It's a pity..."

As Kona's words fell, these ice cubes were directly annihilated!

That was the power of Frozen Bird, and he had no intention of letting others save these people.

Mi Keli said: "Is this secret place related to the frozen bird?"

If Taiyi were here, he would definitely remember that he had seen the Frozen Bird nearby.

Then contacting the secret realm and the feathers of the frozen bird, Taiyi will understand a lot of things.

Kona nodded: "Maybe!"

Mikri asked: "Are we leaving here? Angry Freeze Birds are not so easy to appease!"

Kona shook his head slightly: "No, we have to wait here. There are many alliance trainers in the secret territory, and there are also many civilian trainers. If something happens to them, do you know how much trouble it will cause? As for Freeze Bird? He made an agreement with the Alliance and will not attack us. Didn't you notice that he has been chasing Hades and Poseidon? "

There is an alliance logo on Kona's body, which Frozen Bird can sense, so some attacks avoid Kona and Mikri!

As for the ordinary alliance trainers, there is no such mark. They are all within the attack range of the Frozen Bird.


Kona quickly contacted the yacht and asked them to retreat temporarily.

The alliance trainers on the yacht were relieved and quickly started the yacht and left in the direction of the Orange Islands.

This was the first time they had seen the angry beast, and they were proud of it. But the safety of their own lives prevented them from staying.

As for Hades and Poseidon, they will have to bear the wrath of the frozen bird.

"Damn it, how great would it be if I also had such a divine beast? Also, when will the instrument for capturing the divine beast studied by the organization be successful?"

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