Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 334 Taro Sasaki

The performance of the ivory pig patriarch made Taiyi dumbfounded.

This is also a quasi-celestial king elf, and it is at the peak of quasi-celestial kings!

Tusk Pig: Two-tusked Pokémon

Level: 70

Properties: Ice/Ground

Features: Snow Hidden

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Two combos, primal power, crazy, frozen teeth, impact, fine snow, boulders, white mist, hold on, frozen wind, instant amnesia, slam, earthquake, blizzard, make a scene, destroy light, ultimate impact, burrow, light wall, reflective wall, sleep, snore, hold, ghost face

The Ivory Pig Patriarch's talent is very good. He has reached a state of 90% fullness of cyan. If he works harder, he can reach the ceiling of cyan qualifications in the seven colors of the rainbow.

Taiyi was very satisfied with the leader of the ivory pig clan. This was a not-too-old elf, and for the ivory pig clan, he was still a young man.

This ivory pig patriarch still has great potential for cultivation.

Taiyi planned to use his own resources to cultivate this elf.

Taiyi originally planned to start cultivating him after he returned.

But with his current behavior, Taichi said, "Don't worry, I won't let you go find Frozen Bird."

The leader of the ivory pig clan felt a little relieved, and Taiyi said again: "But because of this, your cultivation will be postponed for the time being!"


The leader of the Ivory Pig clan knew that Taiyi had some good things in his hands, and the lucky egg who took care of them said that those good things could improve the elf's qualifications.

With higher qualifications, it will be much easier to improve your strength.

The leader of the Ivory Pig clan originally thought that he could be trained quickly and then break through to the level of a king!

In this secret territory, the heads of several elven tribes are all in peak quasi-heavenly state.

This is the same with the previous Turtle!

However, because the Tutai Turtle absorbed the energy and fluctuations released by the mythical beast elf egg, it successfully broke through to the king level outside the secret realm.

The leader of the ivory pig clan looked at it with great greed.

He also thought that he would break through soon.

Who knew that I would hear this bad news.

"No. Taiyi, wouldn't I be helping you if I were promoted to Heavenly King earlier?"

Taiyi heard this and nodded, but he didn't let go.

The ivory pig is the key link between Taiyi and Frozen Bird. How could Taiyi give up the relationship with a legendary elf?

It is definitely a very good thing to befriend a mythical beast.

At least in the Orange Islands, there are good benefits to be gained.

It would be better if we could get some resources from the Frozen Bird.

Even if it is an exchange, it is still a very good deal.

The benefits are definitely many.

Taiyi doesn't have particularly big ambitions. I'm afraid he can't exchange the original feathers of the frozen bird at all.

Taiyi didn't want to get any original feathers, just some other ordinary feathers, which would definitely be a very good thing for other ice elves.

In addition, around Frozen Bird, some ice treasures will also be bred.

These things should be difficult to find elsewhere.

But with Frozen Bird beside him, with the wave radiation of the divine beast, it would be much easier to form treasures.

Taiyi had such a plan, so naturally he didn't intend to let the Ivory Pig Clan leader sit still.

But it's not the time to think about this for the time being. It's not that easy to get in touch with Frozen Bird.

To avoid going to the Ice Island and being killed directly by the Freeze Bird.

The power of divine beasts cannot be compared to ordinary elves.

Just like Joy Xin's Latias, who is only at the gym leader level, but can survive the siege of so many gym leader level elves!

Taiyi thought so, but suddenly felt something strange.

He looked around and saw Okiai Kouki swimming around.

Taichi knew Ochiai Kouki's plan after thinking for a moment. He must have known that the secret exit was opened.

At this point, an elf with a little bit of strength, who knows a little bit about the use of space, should be able to feel the attack of the freezing bird just now.

After thinking about it this way, Ochiai Kouki must have not given up yet, and planned to come over to see if there was a chance to seize the opportunity and get the sand scale fruit in the chaos.

The look in this man's eyes showed that if he couldn't get it, he would definitely destroy the sand scale fruit.

What a crazy person!

But at this time, the Ivory Pig and Tutai Turtle clans had all been put away by Taichi, and they were no longer a deterrent to Okiai Kouki.

Taiyi thought for a while and released the patriarchs of the Ivory Pig and Tutai Turtle, and Kuailong did the same.

At this time, it would be better to intimidate Okiai Kouki.

Later, Taiyi said to Joy Xin: "I think the sand scale fruit should be put away first and kept by you. When the Alliance people come, you can hand it over directly to the Alliance for safekeeping."

He has already obtained the one from Taiyi.

Shu Lao is fine now. He is already in the Book of Heaven world, removing the seeds and preparing to plant them.

Although the sand scale fruit is a high-grade tree fruit, fruit trees are not easy to reproduce.

But who is Shu Lao? This is the spirit of the heavenly book.

What's more, there is also the body of a Fertile Pokémon, Earth Cloud.

In addition, there is Guishui Essence, which not only helps the elves' qualifications, but also has a good promoting effect on plants.

Only a small amount of Guishui Essence, mixed with clean water for irrigation, has great benefits for the growth and rooting of plants.

In the past, it was because there were too few of these good things and his own elves didn't have enough, so Taiyi was a little reluctant to part with them.

Nowadays, there are more and more good things, and the more senior elves have all used this kind of treasure.

Those elves no longer have much demand for the first-grade Guishui Essence.

This is why Taiyi plans to use Guishui Essence to water the plants!

Instead, Joey Xin said: "No, you will still keep these sand scale fruits after picking them. You will hand them over when the time comes."

This is credit. Whoever hands it over will naturally get the lion’s share of the credit.

The contribution of the remaining people is to assist, naturally not as much as the leaders.

"No, I don't agree. These sand scale fruits should be kept by our investigators. We are trainers directly under the alliance, so they should be kept by us!" The reserve investigator from before came over and said, accompanied by many reserve investigator.

Some of them lowered their eyes, feeling embarrassed.

Some are unruly and unruly, obviously not having a good impression of Taiyi.

This kind of person probably comes from a big family.

"Get ready!" Taiyi added.

"What?" Taro Sasaki repeated without reacting.

A reserve investigator next to him whispered, "Sasaki Taro's face was livid, and he looked at Taichi with a bad look in his eyes."

Joy Xin drank: "What? Taro Sasaki, do you want to take credit for others' achievements?"

"Sasaki Taro? What's the relationship with that Sasaki Shinichi?" Taichi thought of the Rockets members Ogata Otoha and Sasaki Shinichi he met in the game arcade in Golden City after taking the exam. That Sasaki Shinichi still owed him a favor, well, maybe the other party wouldn't appreciate it and wouldn't keep it in mind.

Moreover, Shinichi Sasaki later tricked him, saying that Lazy Otter also got the elf egg there.

Isn't this Taro Sasaki a descendant of Shinichi Sasaki?

That's really fate!

What Taichi didn't know was that Taro Sasaki was the original intended owner of the lazy otter, but he was cut off by Taichi, so he missed out.

Taichi didn’t know this, but Taro Sasaki knew it, so he showed hostility towards Taichi!

Otherwise, Taro Sasaki would not be so unwise.

"Then go pick it yourself!"

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