But Taiyi has no time to worry about Frozen Bird, because Taiyi knows that even if Team Rocket can control Frozen Bird for a short time, it will never last long!

Do you really think that the mythical beast is not a mythical beast, but a green caterpillar that comes out of nowhere?

Even if the green caterpillar claims to be able to super evolve into Rayquaza, he still needs to be able to super evolve.

The Frozen Bird doesn't need to be super evolved, it is already a mythical beast.

Even if Team Rocket's technology is feasible, it is definitely very energy-intensive, and it definitely has its shortcomings.

Besides, isn’t there an alliance?

Taichi looked at Taro Sasaki and said: "Associate investigator, when the Rockets attack, shouldn't you take the lead and resist the Rockets?"

He looked at Taro Sasaki's already blushing face, which became even redder at this time.

Taiyi smiled jokingly: "Or, the Sasaki family is really an ally of Team Rocket, or to put it directly, the Sasaki family is a subordinate of Team Rocket. That's why you, a member of Team Rocket who is undercover in the alliance, hide among civilians. Are you going to go against Team Rocket behind your back?"

Taro Sasaki originally had this plan, to hide behind civilians and avoid this disaster first.

With the power of the Sasaki family, he believed that nothing would happen to him.

After getting out, it's time for Taichi Amuro to pay the price!

It’s just that this person’s mouth is very poisonous. If he keeps hiding, maybe he’ll be fine afterwards!

However, not only was he unable to take up the position in the investigation department run by his family, he might not even be able to become a regular employee.


Taro Sasaki turned around and called his roots away. They were going to defend the Rockets' attack and prove with actual actions that they were not members of the Rockets!

The preparatory investigator had a bitter look on his face. If he came out as a member of the Sasaki family, he would have no disadvantages!

Who knew that this would be of no use to the youngest mid-level researcher in the history of the alliance.

Moreover, he was squeezed by the opponent, so he had to step forward and use the injured elf to continue to resist Team Rocket!

Of course, not all members of Team Rocket are good. They have also experienced battles, and the elves are also tired and injured.

Even Team Rocket has potions, and they may be better than those sold by Silver Company.

But they don’t carry too much with them.

Joy Xin asked: "How is it? You don't want to go up?"

Taiyi shook his head: "It's okay. As long as the opponent doesn't produce quasi-kings and king-level elves, I don't have to take action. We can just help treat him here!"

With that said, Taiyi summoned an auspicious egg and a Ivysaur.

"Geely Egg, help heal the civilian trainer's elves!"

"Ivysaur, use the grass field move over there!"

These treatments successfully evaded the preliminary investigators of the search department!

Some of them followed Taro Sasaki to question Taichi and wanted to recruit Taichi’s elves!

Do you really think Taiyi is an ignorant country bumpkin? Or do you think Taiyi is young and easy to bully?

Of course, most of them did not actually follow Taro Sasaki to question Taichi!

But their silence is detrimental to Taiyi!

These people probably also thought that if Taro Sasaki succeeded, then the credit this time would obviously belong to them, the preliminary investigators of the alliance's investigation department.

With this credit, it will be much easier to become a regular employee in the future.

Even the starting point is much better than before!

In the face of interests, they chose silence.

Therefore, Taiyi also chose to ignore them at this time.

This is what you sow, and you will get the result. Whichever cause you choose, you will get the result.

The alliance preliminary investigators also quickly discovered this, but besides being angry, there was no other way.

Their previous indifference was rewarded with the indifference of others.

This turned around in their minds, and they were all a little embarrassed.

When they received training from the Search Department, the Search Department emphasized that they needed to stand up in front of civilians.

But what do they do?

It's all Taro Sasaki. He encouraged us before. Although we didn't take action, we sat back and watched Taro Sasaki do it. What's the difference between doing it ourselves?

Also, we are all common people, but now we let the opinions of members of the big family and bully the common people together. How is this different from the people I despised before?

Taiyi didn't know that because of this incident, many preliminary investigators had reflected on their behavior and not only corrected their behavior in the future. And they are more united, and in the search department, they will also be at odds with the Sasaki family.

Taiyi doesn't know these things. If he knew, he might be relieved.

Joyxin's Flower Healing Ring and Latias are both proficient in healing, and the divine beasts naturally have much more physical strength than other elves.

When Hua Huan Huan was tired and could no longer perform treatment, Latias was very relaxed.

However, none of their treatments can treat large areas like Ivysaur.

The Green Grass Field move was radiated by Shu Lao's Earth Cloud body, changing the core of the move. It has shown an extremely special performance here.

It was the first time for Joy Xin to see this move, and she asked curiously: "If I read correctly, this is a grass field move? Can this move heal elves?"

The original effect of this move is to slowly restore some physical strength to some elves enveloped by this move.

This one is slow, that one is really slow, and is almost useless for high-intensity battles.

Of course, the grass field moves also have the ability to increase the power of some grass-type moves!

These and Taiyi's Ivysaur grass field moves have also been inherited.

But it adds the effect of healing the elves.

Speaking of which, this ability comes from Di Tuyun. It is the result of Shu Lao possessing countless knowledge of heaven and re-developing this ability.

Taiyi doesn't want to lie, but these things must never be told.

Taidao: "Yes. But it was one of my Bulbasaur that first showed this mutation, and then she used this trick on my tree orchard and vegetable garden. Later, some of my other grass elves, When eating the fruits and vegetables of this tree, there are also varying degrees of mutation. But the chance of mutation is not very high, and it is full of randomness. Today, only a few of my elves have such mutations!"

Joy Xin had only heard about the redevelopment of moves. As for the mutation of moves, she didn't know much about it.

Hearing this, Joy Xin was very moved: "I don't know, can I go to Zhenxin Town as a guest?"

Taiyi laughed: "You don't have to be a guest!"

Joy Xin was stunned, thinking that Taiyi refused.

Unexpectedly, Taiyi continued: "The Joey family has established an elf center in Zhenxin Town. You can go there directly. You are also a part of Zhenxin Town."

Only then did Joy Xin's face improve and she laughed: "I heard that my ancestor seems to have gone to Zhenxin Town to retire. If I have time, I will also go and visit her!"

With the healing power of the four elves, although the civilian trainers were not as powerful as Team Rocket, they surprisingly blocked the opponent.

Takeshita Takuya wanted to bring out a quasi-King-level elf, but seeing that Taiyi had a King-level elf here, he didn't dare.

Now Taiyi seems to have some conflicts with the preliminary investigators. This can be seen from the fact that his elf does not treat the preliminary investigators.

But if you send out the quasi-king elves, and the opponent directly crushes them with the elves, that would be bad.

"Forget it, let's severely injure these preliminary investigators first!"

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